Success-Chasing my Journey of Satisfaction!

Tamyara Brown
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc
3 min readJun 24, 2015


My Success Dance

I am chasing success running after it like Forrest Gump running towards Jenny. Every few steps there is a hurdle I must leap over and part of me wants to quit. Yet, I have a hunger that needs to be satisfied. Yes, I’ve written my first novel, over a hundred blogs, won a couple of contests and I am still unsatisfied. I want to reach the number one spot on New York’s Times Best Sellers list. I want my novel to be turned to movies. Success is the yearning that keeps me up late at night typing away and reading.

Quote from Pinterest

Each time I write I close my eyes and see the goal of being successful. The obstacles sometimes knocks me on my big ass. The days I keep checking my stats praying to God someone has read what I wrote. The thousands of tears shed hoping I inspire one person, ignite a fire to start their journey to success and that within a second they can become successful.

The challenges I’ve face could make a reality T.V.Show. I need to prove to me and yes the world I will not pretend that I want to show other people that I can make it. I want the world to see my name in the New York’s Times, On the shelves in Walmart. It would remind me to know,

“Tamyara didn’t quit when the going got tough.”

“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win,
by fearing to attempt.”- William Shakespeare

Often doubt has stepped in and whispered, “What the hell are you doing?

You have a son on dialysis, majority of the time is spent at doctor’s appointments, crazy teenagers, noisy grand babies consume your time,and you must be fooling yourself creeps into my thoughts every time I write. What I know for sure is that I refuse to give up. I refuse to stop because it is hard. I could easily throw in the towel and say, “fuck it, this is too hard.” I have to teach my daughters and sons that it is important to be resilient and press on no matter the challenges. I can’t let them believe that taking the easy route of quitting is the answer. So I type on because the more I write the more I drown out doubt.

It is My Time! Go Get It!

I am protecting my dream, working my ass off and hustling hard because I refuse to go home without obtaining what I desire most. Many don’t believe in me, some have talked about me and think I am stir crazy to think I am going to make it. I’ve come to this valuable conclusion that the only opinion that manners is mine. I am closer than I think and I made a commitment to not give up now. Just watch and see! So if you ever feel like you want to give-DON’T. You will walk around life feeling completely unsatisfied and pissed to just didn’t keep going.

In the mean time I am hustling and writing with no intentions of quitting. I know my time to shine is coming. I believe it with my heart and soul.

Success Journey Dance of Victory!



Tamyara Brown
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc

Tamyara is an author of eight novels, blogger, graphic and website designer. She is also the host of B.L.A.H Diaries.