This Happened and That Occured

Nidhi Writes
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc
3 min readJan 8, 2017

This is what happend to me last year. Something that happens very rarely to people. I got a research position at Brigham & Women’s Hospital. I was thrilled and was making all sorts of preparations to be ready to join the elite work force. The first day was the orientation day, and it was fun knowing people and making little conversations. My husband had joined me saying he wanted to see the Boston Marathon (We live in Worcester, MA).

1. My Broken Leg 2. With my Physiotherapists 3. With my hubby having some fun

Once the day was over, we met at a common meeting place, went to the nearest railway station and hopped in to the MTBA train only to know that we had taken a wrong train which would stop mid-way. Not minding, we thought of taking a connecting train from where we would get off. Just as I was making promises to my husband for a hot cup of tea as soon as we reached home, I least knew what was going to happen next. The moment I tried to get down the train, my left leg hit some where, I tried to stand, but I could’nt. Soon I found myself on the platfom laying on my back and yelling and crying at the top of my lungs. I was in terrible pain. Soon ambulance came in and I was rushed to the nearest hospital.

There I got the information that I had broken both tibia and fibula and needed an operation the very next day. Such was the unfortunate event, and even more unfortunate was the timing. To how many of us does it happen very often that you get a job at one of the top most institutes in the world, and on the very first day of joining you meet with an accident?

I was devastated, I was under the effect of painkillers and hence asked my husband to call up my boss and let him know the unfortunate turn of events. He was supportive, but wanted me to join within three months. My doctors said I needed atleast six months rest and sufficient amount of physiotherapy to walk with out support. In the whole process of healing, I lost my job. I had to leave it so that the work that I was assigned to do does not hamper the project schedule and speed.

I am healed now, and have been looking for a job since the last two months. Believe me, job boards do not work. I realised it a couple of days ago and now I am trying personal mails and LinkedIn to find one. Wish me luck guys! Will get back to you with more positive stuffs and scientific discussions. It will be a mix of science, art and life hacks.

Send in your support!



Nidhi Writes
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc

I am here to reinvent myself. Sometimes, all you need is a rerun into your life, so that you can figure out where you are! A scientist and admirer of nature.