What’s Life After College?

Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc
2 min readAug 7, 2015

No one tells you about the hardships after college.

I’d heard from alumnus and people older than me that job hunting is going to be tough. But no one warned me about the difficulties of transitioning into a real adult.

When I graduated from business school in New York, I decided to pack up my bags and move back to my home state, California. But rather than heading back to the city I was familiar with in SoCal, I decided to test my luck in the Bay Area.

It seemed like a good idea at the time — start fresh and live on my own. Besides, I’ve got a business degree in both finance and marketing. How hard can it really be, right? No one told me how difficult it would actually be.

I pretty much had zero luck in the few months that I was job hunting. Until one day, a company offered me a position. As an intern. I took the position because I thought, what the hey? A job’s a job, even if it’s just for a few months. Was that mistake #1? I’m still trying to figure that part out.

Living alone definitely has its perks. No roommates to be wary of and not having to take turns using the bathroom or shower. I wake up when I want and I come home when I feel like it.

But on the flip side, it’s lonely. Between all the friends I’ve made in college and me is a 3,000 mile gap and a 3 hour time difference. While exploring the new area on my own is fun, a girl still gets lonely at times. On top of everything, nothing out here opens as late as they do in New York — where do I go for my 3am $1 pizza run?

Additionally, I now have to worry about paying all my bills and rent on time. One slip of the mind and it’s late fees and penalties.

In the midst of the confusion and adjustments, my internship is about to end. Not only am I struggling to secure a new job, I’m also trying to figure out my new life.

But in the end, what’s keeping me strong is my sense of optimism and strong belief that things will all work out. I’m nowhere near settled but somehow I feel like everything is going to be okay.

