Where Is Happiness?

Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc
2 min readJul 31, 2015

Last Sunday, me and my friend climbed up the Malminkartano hill- the highest point in Helsinki- located in Malminkartano area. If you happen to live near by the area, I highly recommend you to go there.

It was a 20-minute walk around the foothills till the top. The surrounding landscape was magnificent. We stopped several times just to quietly observed the scenes and was speechless in front of the beautiful nature. Fortunately, we intentionally didn’t bring our cellphone to take any picture. Everything is more beautiful with your naked eyes.

When we were at the top, we could span our eyesight to the whole Helsinki. We could see the place where we came from, the highway connected Helsinki and Espoo region, and the ocean from the far sights.

The weather was also fantastic. It was raining heavily all day but at the moment we decided to walk out, the rain stopped and sunlight penetrated through the nimbus clouds. Sometimes, there were some subtle raindrops on the leaves but it only made the whole scene even more majestic.

We stayed at the top for nearly 2 hours. My friend decided to meditate whereas I found myself a solid rock and mindfully sat down, paid attention to my breathing and appreciated all living beings around me. All were alive and fresh. And I had that feeling, you know the feeling when you totally submerged in the beauty of nature. A strong feeling of sheer happiness arose and I smiled.

Then, I noticed that there were several runners who ran from the foothill to the top as parts of their training. Some people took their time while other people, mostly young ones, ran their hearts out until they reached the top, nearly collapsed when they grasped for air. However, no matter by whatever method they did, I could see the happiness in their eyes. As a trainer myself, I understand clearly their proud feeling of achievement and self-esteem boosts. No matter how you were tired or how much effort you have spent, the feeling of finally achieving your goal was massive that it brought you the sheer happiness. And why wouldn’t you? The view was awesome up here.

As I sat here, and I could feel the same happiness as the runners over there. And I thought ” Were the sitting or the running the cause for happiness? “. “No”.

We are alive, and we are happy.

We thought that happiness can be found in external contexts, but it cannot. Conventional conditions cannot bring you the sheer happiness no matter how much money you own, or how many things you buy.

In fact, happiness only comes from within. You can feel happy whenever you want.

You don’t want happiness.


Credit to: Zen Pencil

