Announcing Tell Your Story’s Fall 2021 Contest Winners

Chris Sowers
Tell Your Story
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2021


Photo by Florian Schmetz on Unsplash

Well, I was blown away by the outstanding writing that was submitted to this season’s contest.

I received about 10x the number of submissions I received for the Spring 2021 contest. Which made for a lot of reading, re-reading, and difficult decisions.

Please enjoy all of the wonderful creative nonfiction below, and leave the writers a comment letting them know what you appreciate about their work. This is such a supportive community, and I’m thrilled to be part of it.

Winners and finalists will all be featured in a print edition that will be released through Amazon, hopefully before year end. I’ve never done this before though, so, well, you know… I’ll link to it here when it’s available, and probably send out another announcement via a Medium post. All proceeds will be split evenly 14 ways, between me and the 13 writers (just so you know where your hard earned money is going if you choose to buy).

Thank you all, and happy reading.

First Prize, $250 award

Dan Canon, “One by the little bitty baby”

