Calls for Submissions — Where to Get Published (week of May 17, 2021)

Your weekly listing of opportunities in creative nonfiction.

Chris Sowers
Tell Your Story


Photo by The New York Public Library on Unsplash

Greetings, fellow writers!

For a mid-month listing, this one is actually pretty long — with some great “targets” for you.

We’re closing in on vacation season here in the US. And for me, there’s only one thing better than sitting on the beach with a good book in one hand and a Corona in the other — and that’s sitting on the beach house deck with my laptop open in front of me, working on a (hopefully) great bit of creative nonfiction. With a Corona, of course.

Don’t forget — if you’ve got a bit of creative nonfiction you’d like to publish on Medium instead of in one of these great pubs, send it my way. I’d love to consider it for TYS!

New & Recently Opened Paying Markets:

Mason Jar Press Journal

From their Submissions page:
“Lit journals are in our DNA, but Mason Jar has yet to do one. And you know what? Now’s the time! And what do we want? Your hard-to-place work. Your experimental writing, your weird fanfic, your awkward, personal, extremely specific writing. We want you to love it and believe in it so strongly that you just know it’s…

