I’m burned out but still worried about my waistline.

Is it just my world that is ending?

Margaret Sitawa
Tell Your Story
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2022


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I woke up today very tired. It has been a trend for the past week. I sleep well one night, and the next, I don’t. As soon as I checked my email, the first news that hit me was this new China Covid-19 outbreak that is now said to be the worst in two years. Honestly, I don’t want another 2020. We just had our mask mandate removed last week, and I am just beginning to enjoy this maskless bliss.

Gasoline prices just skyrocketed yesterday, and we might have to start paying toll fees on public roads, new or not if the bill passes to law. And with this Russia-Ukraine war going on, I feel like the world is starting its end.

I haven’t been able to write for the past month and a half. I’m empty and burned out. I couldn’t make rent this month, and today is my last grace period day. I don’t know what I am going to do. Schools are closed, so the kids are at home, and I need more food in the house for them. I used to say I lived day by day, but that is now a reality.

WW1, WW2, and all those 20th-century global pandemics came to an end. These will too. Right? That’s what keeps reassuring me from time to time. How are people still getting pregnant, doing weddings, and celebrating things I find not worth the hurrahs. But I realize my…



Margaret Sitawa
Tell Your Story

You'll find poems and stories with a personal touch here. Whatever you'll find, is my truth.