This is how to access my database of 176 (and growing) literary publications for creative nonfiction.

I’m no longer keeping this to myself…

Chris Sowers
Tell Your Story


Photo by Charisse Kenion on Unsplash

About a year ago, I started a weekly newsletter that listed calls for submissions for creative nonfiction. There are so many great writers on Medium, and so many great publications out there. I wanted to connect the two. I still do.

And it worked! I’ve heard from several Medium writers who have been published in off-Medium publications — literary journals, daily news magazines, etc. Some of them have even been paid for the words we’ve written (even more than the partner program… gasp!).

But publishing that newsletter became a cumbersome chore — and many of the opportunities were repeats from prior weeks / months. So I started putting them all in a Google sheet instead, thinking someday I would figure out how to make that spreadsheet available to others, just like my newsletter was.

Well, that someday is here. :)

There are currently 176 publications in my database (fancy word for Google sheet), and the list grows every week. 111 of these publications are currently open for submissions, and 28 of those currently open pay their contributors.

