Be Fearless: Give yourself permission to be you

Humainat Raji
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2020

For as long as I can remember, I have always been an introvert, the shy and introverted one. Many people think these qualities(introverted and shy) are mutually inclusive. However, after two decades on this awesome space called Earth, I have come to realise that you can be an introvert and be bold.

Growing up, I remember how my voice quivers whenever I had to ask a question in a class filled with people of my age group. I think through each sentence before uttering a word. I still do this till date. So next time you see me take a few minutes to walk up to you to say hello, I am probably cut up in that phase of overthinking.

This is why I don’t agree with the dictionary meaning of the word fearless. You see, as human beings, we are hard-wired to resist pain. We prefer the path of least resistance.

But really, who won’t? Except if you are Nigerian. Nigerians generally have a strong desire for pain and suffering. I will rather define being fearless as the ability to do something that frightens you.

Oprah Winfrey and a big fan of hers.

When I come across outstanding people, people who fight against all odds to excel at their crafts, I am naturally drawn to them.

Jane Egerton-Idehen is one of the women I admire. I admire her strength and her ability to speak up, to use her voice. She has an extraordinary story, spanning a different world and changing times. When she informed us, the ladies in her mentorship group (Women & Career) about her new book — Be Fearless: Give yourself permission to be you, I couldn’t wait to lay me hands on it.

Be Fearless by Jane Egerton-Idehen

Due to her passion for the growth of the younger generation, she will be gifting the e-book version out to undergraduates at a discounted price of #700 on March 17th. Afterwards, the book will be sold for #5000 on Amazon.

I am counting down to March 17th to read and absorb her inspiring story. What about you? Are you ready to be fearless in the pursuit of your dreams?

