Hate-Sharing Is Fun

Getting the most out of social media

Melinda Byerley
Telling It Like It Is.


I have a confession to make. I love hate-sharing. People who piss me off really get me fired up about how much better I am than them. Whether it’s the stupidity of Justine’s joke about AIDS that got her fired, the latest anything Bryan Goldberg said, or the antics of some garden variety racists on Twitter, it’s very cathartic to indulge in some Schadenfreude and pass along the news. Isn’t it great that *I* didn’t say that? Aren’t I a much smarter and better person than they are?

We all love a good cat fight.

And yet.

Afterwards I feel the way I do when I watch Cops. Or when I eat one too many See’s Bordeaux candies. Kind of sick. Kind of disgusted with myself.

As a startup founder, every minute I spend consuming is one less spent creating. I have to be careful with my time and attention.

I can do better. So in 2014 I’m going to resolve to share more of the inspirational, the positive, and the uplifting. I’m going to try and amplify the awesome from some people who aren’t always in the mix. I want to focus on those people whose lives make me a better person.

I know it will be hard. I know I will fail. There’s a lot of injustice in the world and social media is one of the best ways to raise the consciousness of those who don’t endure that injustice on a regular basis. But please don’t hesitate to hold me to it when you see it happening in a way that feels like watching your friend have that last shot of tequila before the bar closes.

But I reserve the right to hate share Bryan Goldberg. Because that dude just pisses me off.

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Melinda Byerley
Telling It Like It Is.

Founder, Fiddlehead. Growth Hacker/Poetry Writer. Serious Politics/Silly Jokes. Cornell MBA.