Telluride, A Community Invested in Your Success

Ashley Nager
Telluride Venture Accelerator
2 min readSep 14, 2016

The Telluride Venture Accelerator mentors are no doubt one of the great advantages of the program. The mentor group consists of successful people across a range of industries and businesses. But another great advantage of TVA is the Telluride community at-large.

Telluride is not your average mountain town.

The Telluride community is special. Sure, the mountains are beautiful; the skiing is world-class; and there is an abundance of other activities to keep you active and healthy.

But it is the people that make this community a truly special place.

One of the things I hear most often from tourists is how nice the people are here in Telluride and how welcoming the community is to them.

Well, that is true. It was certainly my experience when I moved here five years ago.

It is a small town and did not take long for me to get to know people. I quickly learned it is more than just open arms and a friendly smile that make this community unique.

The talent in this community runs deep. From world-class athletes to accomplished entrepreneurs and business leaders, the Telluride community is full of people who are highly educated, well connected and full of amazing experiences.

It is a community that gets behind TVA and the companies that participate.

So, when you become part of the TVA program, you become part of the community.

You’ll have access to many people beyond the mentors who are eager to help you succeed. It is an entire community invested in your success.

You may also want to read: “Becoming Local: The Telluride Difference

To Apply to the 2016 TVA Program, Click Here.

Originally published October 8th, 2015 at

