Wheat is all around us — even if you don’t realize it.

Isabella Sanchez
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2018

A typical morning…

You pour yourself a bowl of cereal, take your vitamins, maybe put on some makeup, make a sandwich for lunch, and head out the door. Did you know that every one of those actions involved wheat?

We’re all aware that cereal and bread are wheat-based, but fewer people know that makeup, vitamins, and medications often use wheat-derived gluten to bind materials together. Wheat is incorporated in a whole host of food products, and the U.S. has consistently been a major player in the wheat market; in 2016–2017, the U.S exported 27 million metric tons of wheat. However, the major exporters of wheat have expanded to include Russia, Canada, Kazakhstan, Australia and Argentina. As the global game-board shifts, so do we. Our software now monitors each of these countries as part of our mission to build a living map of the world’s food supply.

The wheat demand has increased globally.

Demand for wheat has increased due to rising populations and economic growth in developing countries. From 2007 to 2016, wheat production increased by more than 40 percent, or almost 50 million tons, primarily due to the increased demand from developing countries. Wheat demand and production are going in the same direction…up!

Coming very soon: new Kernel wheat models.

Wheat is everywhere, and that’s why we keep a close eye on it… from space! At TellusLabs, we combine satellite images from space with cutting-edge machine learning technology to anticipate crop patterns ahead of the government and market.

We’ll be releasing our first predictions of the Northern Hemisphere wheat season in a matter of days!

Our product, Kernel, provides daily insights help a wide range of companies and markets; from corporations who utilize our trend estimates to plan their future to commodities traders who need to know the day-to-day change of a certain crop, knowing the crop predictions ahead of time can be a huge advantage over your competitors.

Next time you take a sip of your five o’clock beer, take a moment to think about the value of the product you’re consuming. Wheat isn’t something you want to lose sight of, but don’t worry — though TellusLabs’ software Kernel, we’ll always keep you updated.

Sign up for free trial today.



Isabella Sanchez

Marketing Associate at TellusLabs. Writer, reader, and start-up follower.