7 Best Practices to Differentiate Your Call Tracking Application

Christie Wragg
Published in
5 min readMar 18, 2020

Call tracking applications have a unique opportunity to help businesses by doing more than simply tracking calls and reporting data.

They can offer additional capabilities that help businesses streamline and improve their customer service and sales functions. And, adding more utility to your application requires fairly minimal development, since many additional features use the call data your application already receives from your carrier. There are several low-effort ways to provide more services to businesses that use your application and differentiate your software from the rest of the market.

If you follow these best practices, your application will not only deliver outstanding call tracking and analytics, it will stand apart from the competition.

Offer real-time measurement, call data and reporting to help users generate actionable insights

If your application only tracks calls and reports call data, you’re missing an opportunity to be the go-to call tracking provider. Implement these additional features, so your customers never need to use anyone else:

Call recording:

Your call tracking application is in the same spot in the call flow as a call recording application would be. And your application has access to the audio stream from the carrier. So, your application already has almost everything it needs to record calls.

If you implement call recording, your application empowers businesses to use calls for QA, training and coaching agents, lead scoring, conversion analysis, and compliance and dispute resolution.

Also, call transcription goes hand-in-hand with call recording. If you’re recording calls, you may as well offer transcription. This opens up even more possibilities for businesses, like collecting voice surveys and adding the responses to a CRM system.

Sentiment analysis:

With a bit of machine learning, your application can help businesses evaluate customer feelings and make better decisions about handling calls on the fly.

Sentiment analysis also enables businesses to score leads and predict conversions more accurately. In turn, they can improve their marketing, which makes your call tracking application look good.

Omnichannel attribution reporting:

Your application already tracks where calls come from. But, you can go one step further with your data reporting: automatically generate reports that combine online and offline data to give your users a complete view of their incoming call data, rather than leaving them to patch together their own omnichannel reports.

All of these features are related to the native function of your call tracking app. So, they’re not a huge undertaking to implement. But, they offer your application users a lot of usable insights and ways to improve their marketing, which is exactly what businesses want from a call tracking app.

Use inbound data to help users improve their customer experience

Customers that call a business typically have very high purchase intent. So, improving their experience even a little bit can virtually guarantee a sale. Your call tracking software can provide a better customer experience that creates measurable conversion and revenue lift for your users. And that increase in revenue is easily attributable to your app.

These features can help deliver an outstanding customer experience:

Call whispering:

Use the inbound call data from your carrier to provide information about which marking campaign brought in the call. That way, agents know why a customer is calling before they even pick up the phone. This increases conversion rates, while reducing call durations. So, your users get more sales, more efficiently, by using your app.

Customizable IVRs:

Customers are never excited about Interactive Voice Response (IVR) menus. Give your users the power to quickly and easily make changes to their IVR menus based on customer insights.

This enables businesses to use caller data to create custom IVRs based on which marketing campaign the customer is responding to, where the customer is calling from, and what time of day they’re calling. This creates a better customer experience by simplifying IVR menus and helping customers get what they want faster.

If your call tracking application can improve the customer experience, your application improves the sales process from end to end, which makes it unlikely that users will need to use additional software or use competing software side-by-side with your application just for some specific functionality.

Leverage intelligent call routing and AI to reduce agent workloads

No matter what, routing calls needs to be done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Compared to intelligent call routing and conversational AI, having a customer service agent route calls is the least efficient method. So, if your call tracking software can remove the need to manually route calls, it makes life much easier for your users.

There are two capabilities that can almost completely remove the need for a human to direct calls:

Intelligent call routing:

It’s easy to create and iterate call routing logic that determines who each call is routed to. And, your call routing can be very specific, since you have data about which number the customer is calling, the number they’re calling from, and many other relevant business conditions.

With intelligent call routing, most customers will reach a customer service agent without navigating any menus. That’s an amazing customer experience.

Conversational AI:

Conversational AI might be the most challenging to implement. But, adding conversational AI to your call tracking application can be a game changer for both you and your users.

Properly implemented conversational AI can handle entire customer service calls without any help from a human agent. The workload reduction can be huge.

But, conversational AI can also take the place of touch tone and IVR menus. A conversational AI menu not only routes the call, but it collects information that can help sales and customer service agents complete the sale or solve the problem much faster once they get on the phone.

Additionally, conversational AI conversations usually take longer than a tough tone or IVR menu. So, customers spend less time on hold.

Again, these are functionalities that make your call tracking application harder to replace and reduce the need for additional software. So, these features help you retain more customers, which is the most efficient way to generate revenue.

You can learn more about call tracking best practices by reading this free eBook: Modernize Your Call Tracking Application for Today’s Marketing.

