Mission NFT Criteria, Deliverables, and Requirements

Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog
5 min readJul 15, 2022

Welcome, all aspiring and current NFT creators, to our inaugural Mission NFT contest. Please take time to carefully read this article to learn tips, guidelines, and requirements to ensure your project can be correctly submitted.


wanting to make the process of creating NFT art as accessible and streamlined as possible. Telos believes that the future of NFTs will play a pivotal role in the crypto environment and our lives more broadly. Mission NFT is a challenge that opens the doors to artists and brings daring new artistic work to the market.

We want to see that an artist can bring us correctly formatted files of their art and specs for how your layers are written. A verification process will ensure your art complies with our specs to move forward.

Artists are encouraged to bring proofs or mock-ups of their NFT projects where possible; if you face any issues fulfilling the criteria for submission, we will have some mentors on staff working "office hours" throughout the contest process to help newcomers. Non-generative artists are also welcome to participate; our team is ready to accommodate you.

Your Successful Project Will Consist Of:

· Properly formatted files (.PNG)

· A scheme that lays out the layers (i.e. Background, body, face, head, etc.) preferably in a .doc

· If 3D artists are entering the contest, please provide a video of your work in .mp4 format

· Artist statement video that speaks to what your project is about and why you wanted to enter the contest and build on Telos

· 5–10 rough ideas of what your NFT will look like as a finished product

· What they will do with the winning prize money

·A disclaimer allowing us to use your video statements in promotional advertising

Process Of Uploading Art For NFT Generation

Have your files in a zipped folder labeled by project name and should contain the following

· Your Artwork in folders sorted by layer and formatted properly (.PNG)

· A folder with mock-ups of your NFT for public viewing

· A document containing an artist statement, a brief description of what you'll do with the 25k Telos, why you decided to build on Telos, and, if possible, a video artist submission.

· You MUST label the folder containing your Digital Art Files with <FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, EMAIL CONTACT>

· You MUST email the folder containing your Digital Art Files to: thebiggooey@telosfoundation.io

· Get creative!

Our colleagues at Byt.io have produced helpful videos to explain the process.

HOW TO ENTER A PROJECT: https://youtu.be/L_IVJw0v2v0

BYT's HOW TO LAYERING: https://youtu.be/zVhLVKcNL1Q

INTRO VIDEO ON LANDING PAGE: https://youtu.be/kpt1tisQMbo

Project Verification

Once these requirements have been fulfilled and accepted, we will confirm that your project is verified for entry. Then, your entry is NOT accepted until you receive a VERIFICATION EMAIL from us.

Please note that Telos reserves the right to disqualify any entry based on bad taste or inappropriate or plagiarized content. Sorry, our decisions are final, and we will not enter a debate.

If your entry is not verified, thebiggooey@telosfoundation.iodon 't hesitate to get in touch with thebiggooey@telosfoundation.iofor support on your submission.

Example Of Layering And Naming Scheme

Bottom Layer (Background
Facial Hair
Top Layer (Hair)
Finished Product

Here is a brief example of all the assets that make up this NFT; they will be arranged in layer order as such:

Background, Male, Facial Hair, Eyes, Head. This will tell the generative program that the top layer is hair, and the bottom layer is the Background. Again, it's vital to mark the layer sequence based on how you've built the NFT.

Our team will go off the scheme you provide, so please ensure this is correct on your end before submitting.

Why Build On Telos?

If you're reading this article, you're probably one of the countless DeFi users or developers searching for a more affordable, faster, and eco-friendly network. Telos is proudly leading the charge in this effort, and our Mission NFT contest is another way we intend to demonstrate the superiority of our EVM. Our NFT ecosystem is expanding and is quickly gaining ground as current market options have plagued users with lagging transaction speeds, front running, and expensive gas fees. Additionally, we offer our NFT community additional support thanks to our in-house NFT curator, The Big Gooey.

We're ready to build a better future for the NFT market and all of Defi, and we're honored that you have chosen to join us.

About Telos

The Telos EVM is the most powerful and scalable Ethereum Smart Contract platform built to power Web 3.0. Telos features a robust, third-generation, ESG-compliant evolutionary blockchain governance system, including smart contracts, advanced voting features, and flexible and user-friendly fee models. In addition, Telos supports the blockchain ecosystem by serving as an incubator and accelerator for decentralized applications through development grants. Build with us.‍

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Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog

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