PRESS RELEASE: Telos Foundation Board Elections Completed

Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog
2 min readDec 24, 2018



Contact: Telos Foundation


First Board of Directors Elected

[December 24th, 2018 –] At 01:05:27 GMT-0800 the Telos Foundation Voting Token (TFVT) holders, consisting of over 100 original members from the Telos Launch Group that contributed to network development, and supporting members of the Telos and EOS communities, elected the first round of nominees to the Telos Foundation Board of Directors.

The Telos Foundation is an apolitical organization with a mission to aid in the promotion and improvement of the Telos Network. It seeks to do this in three distinct ways:

● Promoting the network through grants and administration to advertise, market, engage in social media, live events, and teaching opportunities that raise the profile and inform and expand the user-base.

● Evaluating and underwriting expenses that increase the functionality of the Telos Blockchain Network outside the Worker Proposal System.

● Maintaining a published guidance price for Telos Network RAM and both trading based on this price and offering sales at this price to qualified developers. when the market price for RAM is more than 10% above the published guidance price. Advise BPs of adhoc and/or gradual RAM increases.

The Telos Foundation would like to congratulate the following 12 people for their election to the first Board of Directors — Rob James, Joost Voordouw, Justin Giudici, Josep Rosich, Azad Halim, J.T. Buice, Jim Hewitt, Richard Bryan, Jesse Schulman, Marlon Williams, Mark Cohen, and Beth Farnham.

Prior to launch and activation this past week, limited work of the Telos Foundation was managed by a series of TLG volunteers. As the initial Board of Directors is now official, board and staff roles will be placed, and the organization will work diligently to become a solid resource for the Telos community.

For more information about the foundation, RAM and TFVT distribution process:

The Telos Foundation is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization established as a promotional and funding body to advance the Telos Blockchain Network and provide support to network functions that are not funded in other ways.


If you would like more information about this topic, please contact The Telos Foundation by email at



Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog

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