Telos Core Developers Share Development Updates

Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog
5 min readSep 13, 2022

Telos Core Development (TCD) continues to iterate on various topics. We have progressed significantly on our prioritized items and have started further projects centered mainly on usability.

We are happy to announce that we have secured an additional full-stack frontend/backend developer well-known within the ecosystem and a technical project manager for the TCD. The acquisition of these individuals will enable us to increase our capacity to deliver our exciting roadmap.

Our primary focus remains sTLOS, EVM 1.5, and the Leap 3.1 Upgrade to our native network. Our progress throughout this period remained consistent; however, a slowdown was necessary due to the official release of the AntelopeIO coalition. As we moved forward with EVM 2.0 Super Node development, we also had to consider dependencies on EVM 1.5 and, thus, re-assess some items.

We are delighted to confirm that our sTLOS user acceptance test (UAT) officially started on September 9, preparing for our upcoming launch — which is not far off!

As a simple step toward harmonizing our staking offers, we are renaming REX, now called Staking (as a side note, it now aligns with sTLOS). We have also consolidated CPU/NET/RAM into a tab called Resources. These changes apply to OBE, to be followed by the web wallet soon. We also informed the most popular Block Explorer and Staking teams to adjust their interfaces.

Here is a recent update on our key initiatives:

  • Open Block Explorer — This sprint focused on the MSIG (Multi-Signature) features, including a CSV file import for multiple recipients for transfers. We will also integrate RAM purchase and sale to complete the resource management features in the resources tab. As an additional expert feature, the integration of CLEOS is now available.
  • Teloscan — The completion of the next release is pending upon the indexer and EVM 1.5 to go live as we continue on the token and owner list. The user interface for sTLOS is feature complete and in UAT.
  • User Experience and usability Project “Telos Station” — Our ecosystem is, in fact, an IBC environment. With tEVM, we introduced more complexity and various additional applications that sometimes make navigating hard. In light of this, we have started a project designed to streamline the Telos apps and unify/simplify your experience. The developments will take a while as we evaluate the entire user journey and intend to componentize our entire codebase further.
  • EVM 1.5 — We are expecting to deploy on the mainnet during September. A full re-index of the chain is required as we are emitting new EVM transactions for native deposits/withdraws and have adjusted the block headers for EVM. Further updates and release notes will be published soon.
  • Teloscan Indexer — The indexer delivers a publicly available API for individuals to use for building apps and querying tEVM data. Upon release, we will offer state-of-the-art reporting and chain insights to users and dAPPs. A simple user interface is next on our list as we iterate further.
  • Native to EVM Trustless Bridge — Our latest developments on indexer and EVM are a milestone for trustless communication of Telos Native and tEVM. This innovation offers unseen opportunities, including a trustless native bridge to the EVM. It is worth mentioning that contrary to most solutions, trustless bridges provide significantly higher security as they can generally not be hacked.
  • RNG/Delphi Oracle — Further trustless integrations will be implemented for tEVM. The access to price feeds, random number generation, and gas price estimation offers significant improvements and opportunities. Randomized NFT mints and improved DeFi integrations are only two examples — of many to come — that will soon be a reality.
  • EVM 2.0 Super-Node — Our team continues to make progress with the components and concepts, resolving all specialties and requirements of a leading EVM. We are spending significant time ensuring compatibility with the latest Ethereum developments and dependencies of the upcoming move to V2. We will keep you updated.
  • sTLOS EVM Single Asset Staking — All smart contracts and user interfaces are deployed on the testnet and await the results of our UAT. Telos Foundation marketing is working hard with us to prepare an exciting market launch with all the necessary tools and documents. We are finalizing all steps for the go-live of sTLOS on the mainnet and are anxious to see the first staking positions on tEVM.
  • Benchmark Testing — Our performance benchmarks for native and tEVM continue to show stunning results. We recognize that simple token transfers are not the ultimate metric to consider, therefore, we are also working on a token-swap benchmark based on a PancakeSwap clone. We are currently identifying an external partner to confirm and challenge our results. Stay tuned for some fascinating numbers!
  • Governance and Arbitration — Further fixes and improvements are being applied to The arbitration workgroup made progress in implementing the design proposals, which align with our latest developments. All arbitration smart contracts are under review and will be tested in the coming weeks.
  • Telos Native Upgraded to Leap 3.1 — All Telos system contracts are updated and tested. The Telos BPs have started deployments on the testnet, and planning of the migration to the mainnet is ongoing.
  • AntelopeIO Coalition — The work on “Faster Finality” and “IBC” is in progress. We invited Guillaume from UX to be a guest at the upcoming Telos Tech Talks on September 13th. All four Works Proposals to support funding of this initiative passed with 100% positive votes, demonstrating the strength of our governance system.

-Kersten Wirth, Program Manager on behalf of Telos Core Development

About Telos

The Telos EVM is the most powerful and scalable Ethereum Smart Contract platform built to power Web 3.0. Telos features a robust, third-generation, ESG-compliant evolutionary blockchain governance system, including smart contracts, advanced voting features, and flexible and user-friendly fee models. In addition, Telos supports the blockchain ecosystem by serving as an incubator and accelerator for decentralized applications through development grants. Build with us.‍

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