Telos Core Development Updates

Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog
3 min readMar 1, 2022

Telos Core Development is back with another update on all our recent developments (pun intended) to the Telos ecosystem! We’ve been hard at work with updating and upgrading Telos. Native updates, Telos hiring, EVM updates, news about our upcoming PODCAST? We’ve got a few things to go over with this TDC update, so let’s get to it without further adieu!

For Telos Native, we’re still working on integrating “Greymass-Fuel” that we talked about in our last update to allow payment of transactions by other accounts (for example, EVM address creation). However, Anchor Wallet is already supporting the service. In addition, Telos is participating in the foundation of the EOSIO+ working group, which will secure our codebase in the future and is, therefore, a top priority for us. More updates on EOSIO+ will soon be published. We’ve also been able to initiate some System Contract updates. These updates will allow us to link our Payment Automation to an Oracle finally; the long reduction of the voting period for worker proposals will also be included in these updates.

EVM has received a few updates. Our EVM Docker setup is finalized to allow exchanges to support direct deposit and withdrawal functions, is already live, and we are optimizing the process and infrastructure. WebSocket support for the EVM RPC is also live, with an improvement of scalability in the works and the addition of further RPC servers and node operators. Finally, we’ve been working on smaller updates on the contract to be deployed soon approved by Sentnl, and we are currently raising a proposal for EVM/RPC 2.0 cooperation with EOSIO+.

As stated in the last update, we now have Revoke support for TelosEVM active, allowing revoking allowances for ERC20 smart contracts.

Next up, we’ve got the details on many recent improvements being done on some other tools. For Teloscan, we’ve added ERC721 transaction details, which helps our thriving NFT community to identify transactions! In addition, we moved our contract verification to the Sourcify standard and added support for the improved search of Native account names and linked EVM addresses.

Telos ID is still being revamped to clearly outline the great use cases we will deliver with our identity solution.

The Web Wallet is seeing some important work being done as well. For example, we recently added management of RAM, CPU, and NET — this is a big step to a one-stop-shop Web Wallet that will simplify the user experience. In addition, some of the Open Block Explorer wallet designs are currently being adopted, and the added ability to view and manage an account’s REX holdings (excluding savings).

Speaking of the Open Block Explorer, we’ve been making some giant steps forward to reach our end goal of what we want the OBE to be. It currently exists as an open-source project with ongoing development, one in which we wholeheartedly welcome community involvement and participation! The first iteration of the OBE focused on providing the tools needed for developers and dApps to ensure they had the required operational functionality with account and transaction features implemented. The second iteration is already in the works. We’re confident that we’ll soon be pushing out a completed, full-featured OBE that our community will love!

That’s not all, though, folks. We’re excited to share that we’re hiring! We’re currently in the process of looking for a few positions to be filled, including the following:

Technical dApp Onboarding and Development:

Full Stack Developer:

We love being on this exciting journey with you all to build the future on Telos!

TCD is signing off here; we’ve got a lot of work to do.



Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog

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