Telos Foundation Shares November Recap

Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog
6 min readDec 2, 2022

A Message From the CEO

We can all agree that 2022 has been a never-ending roller coaster ride for everyone in the crypto space, first with external global factors impacting markets, followed by the CEX insolvency crisis, which led to the recent FTX fallout. But despite all of these events, Telos has not been deterred from its principal objective: Building an industry-leading DeFi ecosystem.

The crash of top crypto exchanges and hedge funds underscores the importance of the self-autonomy of digital assets. The carelessness and greed of these entities have essentially made the case for what Telos has built and continues to build as we near the end of Q4. We’re motivated and working hard, and the results thus far are nothing short of monumental. The numbers speak for themselves: Through our Telos Fuel initiative thus far, Telos has locked in record TVL across our Liquid Staking ($3.4m) and ApeSwap Farming ($5.2m) protocols, with lending and borrowing on deck.

We know much work is still to be done, and we’re excited about what lies ahead. Never before have we been more confident that Telos is on the right path to serve our users better and bring DeFi back to its core principles.

  • Justin Guidici, Telos Foundation CEO

Liquidity and Exchanges Team

The Liquidity and Exchanges team has been super busy throughout November, mitigating the fallout and market volatility caused by the FTX crash. We have taken proactive measures and monitored cautiously to ensure Telos funds were not exposed. In addition, the team has actively coordinated with all exchange partners and requested their Proof of Reserves analysis to ensure Telos markets also have no exposure.

We have been working on multiple deals in the Telos Fuel pipeline and launched new markets on ApeSwap.

Key Highlights for November:

  1. Launch of new Pairs and Farming Pools on ApeSwap, hitting ATH in TVL
  2. Proactively monitored the markets and took the necessary precautions to ensure Telos Funds had no exposure.
  3. Actively working on new projects deal flow for Telos Fuel.

Telos Fuel has also started deploying capital through liquidity allocations and farming incentives, and we already see positive results from these activities. We will publish a Bi-Monthly or Quarterly report of the fund’s status and a detailed report on how it’s allocated. The first report can be expected before the EOY 2022.

  • Sukesh Tedla, Exchanges and Liquidity Team Lead

Marketing Department

Hard to believe 2022 is almost over! Time flies when you’re busy BUIDLing, and for that reason, we’re happy to share our November progress with you. Here’s what we’ve been up to this month:

The website revamp is well underway. The newly designed site will be created from the ground up, emphasizing a fluid user experience and increased communication of Telos’ technology and brand as a whole. This enormous makeover will take months, but we’ve begun the groundwork and are making significant progress. Keep an eye out!

Our YouTube influencers campaign is ramping up, and we’ve begun initial conversations with our second roster of collaborators. We are pleased with the work that went into the first round of videos, and despite market conditions, we’ve seen a massive spike in our YouTube views, engagement and positive sentiment over the last few weeks.

The Telos Fuel campaign is rolling, and we’re set to announce our collaboration with Omnidex in early December. We’ve been working hard getting content, messaging, and creative assets ready for our re-launch with Omnidex.

Lastly, we have an exciting December planned (hint, lots of giveaways!), and we’re eager to end the year strong. We know this has been an unprecedented year across the crypto world, but as always, we’re focused on the future. So, chin up, and let’s continue to BUIDL the future with Telos.

  • Telos Marketing Team

Telos Core Developers

Telos Core Developers (TCD) continue to develop the prioritized roadmap items and have made significant progress in re-organization.

We are progressing well in supporting the Telos Native upgrade to Leap 3.1. The mainnet launch, unfortunately, had to be postponed to fix a bug that appeared in one of the latest Hyperion history nodes. These issues required full re-indexing of the chain and further testing, which is in progress.

We took additional time to stress-test the latest version of EVM 1.5 and applied further optimizations. The expected go-live is moved to early December since we have to ensure seamless operation of the RPC nodes. EVM 1.5 has an entirely reworked block header structure. Our Teloscan Indexer — is available at launch and will deliver advanced analytics and chain statistics.

EVM 2.0 continues to evolve and remains one of our highest resource assignments. We will soon move on to the following items on the SuperNode roadmap.

The TCD made significant progress with our Telos Station concepts and will start to apply the first changes to during our sprints beginning in late December. In addition, to simplify our dAPP landscape, we will soon migrate the current functionality of to the wallet. As a second step, is under review to transform it into an advanced user and developer tool, while the web wallet will turn into a one-stop shop for Telos native users.

Last but not least, the first version of our native indexer is close to the initial release and will enable advanced holder and token insights.

  • Kersten Wirth, Program Manager on behalf of Telos Core Development

Business Development Team

Throughout November, the BD team has been laser-focused on BUIDLing. Here’s what we have to show for it:

  • VirtualStax — a unique and innovative platform that allows talented people to create blockchain certificates called StaX. These StaX can be collected and traded by fans and creators alike, providing users with new ways to engage and interact with their friends & supporters, all via the power of the Telos Blockchain!
  • Unbound Now — This nonprofit organization dedicated to combatting human trafficking has just released their premiere NFT collection on Telos! The proceeds will go towards funding the work that Unbound does and helping educate the masses about one of the fastest-rising criminal organizations in the world.
  • Surrender/Flow/Trust — Andrea is an artist who has been working very closely with Telos to bring her high-quality art pieces to the Telos blockchain. Her recently-released 3-part 1/1 Collection on Telos is a resounding success! Andrea exemplifies what it truly means to be a creator and how combining high-quality artwork with a well-oiled machine like Telos can only be a recipe for success!
  • New ApeSwap Pools — Telos has been performing EXCEPTIONALLY well with our Telos Fuel ApeSwap partnership and integration, with over 5 million TVL achieved in just a short time. With so much excitement and engagement, we’re proud to announce two new pools live on ApeSwap — sTLOS/USDC and USDC-USDT. Be sure to check those out, and remember, good things come to those who ape!
  • Naim Tyler, on behalf of Telos Business Development

Telos NFT

While we might be residing in the trough of despair thanks to our boy SBF, NFTs have never looked brighter over at the Telos NFT department. November was a month about artist outreach, connection, and creation. Our key initiative was the Artist accelerator with our partners Joyn and Minted Vodka.

The campaign saw over 20 new collections minted on Telos, and fresh talent in the ecosystem made inroads for Telos as an alternative blockchain to a broader community. November also welcomed the success of several projects like Telos Pirates, Minos NFT, Telos Acolytes, and Andrea Reade’s Telos Ignite auctions. The real feather in our hat is our very own Telos NFT founder Israel, who won Community member of the month, on top of designing and creating a token gating tool for discord that expands our NFT utility even further.

  • The Big Gooey, Telos NFT Lead/Curator

About Telos

The Telos EVM is the most powerful and scalable Ethereum Smart Contract platform built to power Web 3.0. Telos features a robust, third-generation, ESG-compliant evolutionary blockchain governance system, including smart contracts, advanced voting features, and flexible and user-friendly fee models. In addition, Telos supports the blockchain ecosystem by serving as an incubator and accelerator for decentralized applications through development grants. Come build with us.‍

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Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog

Innovation meets gaming at Telos. Your home for secure, scalable & supercharged gaming experiences. Empowering devs, exhilarating gamers.