Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog
6 min readJul 19, 2018


Telos Network — Weekly Report — July 19, 2018

Just one week ago we first announced the Telos network to the world. There are always trepidations about stepping out and publicly declaring your intentions to build something new. Will people understand your intentions? Will they grasp the critical need for what you will create? Will people join you or turn their backs?

We have been very fortunate on the Telos Launch Group to have found a largely receptive audience for our mission to advance the EOSIO software while decentralizing the token ownership. In the current landscape, any new blockchain project will naturally be approached with skepticism. This is healthy and we recognize that it is our job to overcome this with transparency, engagement, and progress. It is our accomplishments that will distinguish the Telos network.

– Douglas Horn

Here is what we’ve accomplished this week:

1. Telos Launch Group Video Call

2. Telos Testnet Stage 1 Activation

3. Updated Roadmap on Future Telos Testnet Stages

4. Revised Telos Contributor Rewards Model

5. Establishment of TLG Working Groups

1. Telos Launch Group video call

The TLG met on Tues, July 16 15:00 UTC to discuss agenda items related to the launch. Jim Hewitt, EOS UK served as chair, Philip Wiszowaty, EOS Detroit scribed. The video and minutes of the meeting are available at:

2. Telos Testnet Stage 1 Activation

Stage 1 of the Telos testnet started prior to the July 12, 2018 announcement with 8 nodes operated by 6 Telos Launch Group announcement partners.

By July 15 the testnet reached 21 active block producers and activated the network. At the time of this announcement, the Telos testnets consists of 34 nodes from 24 organizations in 12 countries around the world (plus space!).

The goals for the Stage 1 testnet are to:

1. Revise code for minactivestate to reflect Telos tokenomics and test,

2. Revise code for InflationRate and test,

3. Revise code for claimrewards and test,

4. Perform unit tests.

So far goals 1, 2, and 4 are complete and on goal 3 we have created all new code and it’s testing on the network. Stage 1 will continue for several more days, when Telos Testnet Stage 2 commences.

Every node on the testnet served as a block producer at various times in the testing. Participating nodes were from: bitcoinerS,, CalEOS, CSX Community, eosBarcelona, EOS Detroit, EOSGreen, EOS IN SPACE, EOSMetal, EOS Miami, EOS Romania, EOS the World, EOS UK, EOS Van, EOS Virginia, (EOSAmericas), Infinitybloc, (DutchEOS), Sweden Core Net AB, TelosAustria, TelosAustralia, Telos Madrid, TelosRussia, Telos Seattle

3. Updated Roadmap on Future Telos Testnet Stages

Goals for upcoming testnet stages include:

Telos Testnet Stage 2

1. Merge code with updated EOSIO release and test,

2. Modify code for voting contract to support inverse weighted voting and test,

3. Create new code for rotatebps function and test,

4. Change keosd name to resolve conflict and test,

5. Modify code for replay protection and test,

6. Perform updated unit tests.

Telos Testnet Stage 3

1. Create new code for arbitration contract and test,

2. Validate Telos snapshot and test,

3. Perform updated unit tests.

4. Revised Telos Contributor Rewards Model

The Telos Launch Group has revised the Telos white paper to reflect changes in its previous approach to rewarding those contributors who are working to create the Telos network. The original approach elicited some concerns from the community that paying 1M TLOS tokens to each of 6 ABPs may overly centralize the rewards. On reflection, the community’s point is well taken. TLG members agreed that the original approach is too rigid and centralized in its rewards. Instead, the TLG will establish a Telos Founders Reward Pool of 6M TLOS that will be distributed amongst a much broader group of participants based on their contributions. This approach better distributes the rewards and also encourages new partners to join the group throughout the launch process, rather than just in the beginning. The members of the TLG have joined working groups to organize their efforts. Each member’s contributions will be tracked week-to-week in order to determine their share of the TFRP. The exact method of distributing these funds is to be discussed and hopefully decided this coming week.

Additionally, there will be a Telos Community Rewards Pool created to track contributions by members of the Telos community at large in areas of social media, video creation, community contributions, and other methods of aiding the Telos network launch. The TCRP is intended to reward community engagement for those Telos fans who help build the community but may not wish to make the time commitment of joining the Telos Launch Group. Details about the size of the Telos Community Reward Pool and how to claim rewards will be announced next week.

The Telos Launch Group is an open group anyone with interest in contributing to the launch of the Telos network is welcome to join and contribute their time and talents, and to qualify for rewards from the TFRP. To discuss membership, please reach out directly via email:

5. Establishment TLG of Working Groups.

Members of the TLG have organized themselves into the following working groups:

Exchange Outreach- Works with cryptocurrency exchanges, particularly those that listed EOS at the snapshot, in order to onboard TLOS for listing and distribution to EOS owners. This also includes online wallets, investment groups or any similar group holding the EOS tokens of multiple individual owners combined in a small number of addresses.

Members: Josep Rosich — eosBarcelona, Beth Farnham — Goodblock, Roger Davies, Jim Hewitt — EOS UK, Chen Li, Mark Cohen — EOS Van , Sukesh Tedla — EOS Green

​DApps Outreach-Works with DApp developers to bring them onto the Telos network.

Members: Justin Giudici — InfinityBloc, Jesse — CalEOS, Jan Smit —, Douglas Horn — Goodblock, Josep Rosich — eosBarcelona, Sukesh Tedla — EOS Green

Code Generation-Writes new code or revises existing EOSIO code to create new functionality in Telos.

​Members: Craig Branscom, Peter Bue, Ed Silva — Goodblock, Jesse — CalEOS, EOS in Space

Code Testing- Tests new code generated by the Code Generation WG, BlockOne, or others for inclusion into the Telos system.

Members: Jesse — CalEOS

Network Maintenance- Develops and maintains the Telos Testnet. Adds tools for network onboarding, monitoring, and similar.

Members: JT Buice — EOS the World, Peter Bue — Goodblock, Arjen —, Jesse — CalEOS, Jerry Huff —, EOS Miami

​Security- Identifies, monitors, and tests possible security exploits on the Telos Network.

Members: JT Buice — EOS the World, Mark Cohen — EOS Van, EOS Miami, EOS in Space

​Governance- Generates and reviews proposed governance documents and structures including the Telos Arbitration Organization (TAO), including the recruitment of staff where necessary (such as TAO arbitrators or TF economists).

Members: Douglas Horn — GoodBlock, Daniel — EOSMetal, Jim Hewitt, Roger Davies — EOS UK, Brandon Lovejoy — EOS

​Promotion- Promotion of the Telos network in social media and other channels, community engagement and expansion, and monitoring channels for public perception concerns.

Members: Ava Masucci, Beth Farnham — GoodBlock, Roger Davies — EOS UK

​Translations- Translating key documents into additional languages.

Members: Josep Rosich — eosBarcelona, Justin Giudici — infinitybloc, Chen Li — EOS Van

Rewards Pools- Evaluate, track, and publish reports on ongoing Telos Reward Pools shares.

Members: James Davis — GoodBlock, Roger Davies — EOS UK, EOS in Space

Special Projects- Important tasks not clearly falling under any other WG.

Members: Roger Davies — EOS UK

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The Telos Network Blog

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