Telos Network — Weekly Report — October 4, 2018

It’s the little things.

Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog
6 min readOct 5, 2018


This week was amazing. First of all, we got that vote out of the way. It was remarkable, of course, to be in a situation where we could reasonably ask if we should vote to launch the Telos network. Of course we were not ready yet and we all tried to make that extremely clear to everyone — without actually coming out and saying, “We aren’t gonna launch it!” Instead we all kept telling people, “Look at the launch checklist. Are they all green?”

I was curious about how the process would be received. We’d been pretty clear about our process, but any time a chain votes on launching — and the vote is no — there is typically a lot of sturm und drang about progress on the project. So I was ready for some blowback. I saw no blowback on our vote, frankly. Apparently, we had been pretty clear about our process and everyone expected it to go this way. It’s a little thing, but it was really nice.

All of our communications channels are growing. They’re crossing milestones that feel good. We know that we’ve been reaching out to people organically, buying no followers (we don’t have a budget for that!). Still the numbers go up, people are engaged. They are responding to the message. Another little thing.

My moment of the week is also a little thing. Probably nothing, but still fun to mention. I had an idea for a cool DApp to build on Telos once all this launch business is behind us, so I tried to buy a URL for it. The awesome (but little) thing is that I couldn’t. Someone had already registered it. I tried another Telos-based URL. Nope. No .com, no .io. People had already grabbed them. I looked at the “Telos” — and “TLOS” version of the names of some popular EOS Dapps. They had all been registered already. Clearly, some folks out there think Telos is going to be a platform worth building on. We’re all working hard to make them right about that.

— Douglas Horn

Here’s what we’ve accomplished this week:

  1. Telos Blockchain Network Launch Group votes ‘no-go’
  2. Launch contributors voted on four proposals — accepted
  3. Merged and built v1.3.1, testing on the stagenet
  4. Telos Blockchain Network Operating Agreement (TBNOA) published
  5. Telos Governance Explained — the Operating Agreement published
  6. Governance website page launched
  7. Telos “regproducer” Human-Language Contract published
  8. Block Producer Autokick feature
  9. Unit Tests

1. Telos Blockchain Network Launch Group votes ‘no-go’

On September 28th, the Launch Group unanimously voted ‘no-go’ on activating the Telos Blockchain Network. The decision was made because the Telos Blockchain Network Launch Checklist has not been completed. We still have key governance and contract milestones to reach first. As important is the fact that there has not been enough time to allow token holders whose EOS keys were lost or compromised to submit new keys for their Telos genesis accounts. The TCG felt strongly that we must give these people more time. The next ‘go/no-go’ vote will be October 17th at 16:00 UTC. You can track our progress with the Launch Checklist:

The Telos key recovery process is at:

Watch the September 28th ‘go/no-go’ vote here:

2. Launch contributors voted on four proposals

At this week’s Telos Launch Contributor’s meeting, group members voted on four proposals to approve key governance documents. The following documents were voted Yes, No, or Abstain by each of the call participants and required ⅔+1 Yes votes to pass:

The Telos Foundation Governance and Voting Token document

Establishes the organizational rules for the Telos Foundation and described how Telos Foundation Voting Tokens will be distributed, both in the future, and initially to members of the Telos Contributors Group and high achieving contributors of the Telos Community Rewards Program.

Passed. Yes= 30 No= 1 Abstain = 1

TIP-9, the Telos “Original” Snapshot

Determines that a snapshot of Telos accounts and balances that have interacted with the network in any way (staking, unstaking, voting, transactions) will be taken and maintained for the use of future airdrops. This is intended to allow new users to become the official early adopters of the Telos blockchain. The Telos Original Snapshot will be taken at block 6,000,000 — about 29 days after network activation.

Passed. Yes= 22 No= 4 Abstain = 3

TIP-10, the Telos Activation Process

Resolves that the Telos network will not employ the 15% activation voting that was used on EOS to find the most legitimate of various competing chains that may have tried to claim the EOS name. This was unnecessary on EOS and will be of no value for Telos where only one chain will be launched. Instead, the Telos chain will activate (allow transactions) at block 1,000,000.

Passed. Yes= 29 No= Abstain =

TIP-11, the TLOS Token Exchange Reserve Fund

Resolved to create a reserve fund containing all of the expected tokens for exchanges that will claim tokens for their EOS holders at the genesis time as opposed to creating them ad hoc as exchanges come on board. This is beneficial because it will not create lurching changes in the Telos tokensupply which is generally poorly received by investors.

Passed. Yes= 27 No= Abstain = 3

Watch the voting process on this week’s contributors call:

3. Merged and built v1.3.1, testing on the stagenet

The development team has built and merged the latest release of eosio v1.3.1. This was a major undertaking because v 1.3 revised how many functions are handled “under the hood.” But it will be well worth it because additions like WABT “wabbit” will almost double the speed of calculations. It is being tested on the Telos “stagenet” which is a staging testnet spun up each time new code is to be deployed, allowing for at least 24 hours of testing prior to using new code on the network.

4. Telos Blockchain Network Operating Agreement (TBNOA) published

The Telos Blockchain Network Operating Agreement (TBNOA) is the primary governance document for Telos. It has been in the works for many weeks. It was originally drafted by Douglas Horn and has been undergoing deep revisions by the Governance Working Group (Mark Cohen, Beth Farnham, Azad Halim, Jim Hewitt, Douglas Horn, Ian Panchevre, Syed Mushabbar Sadiq, Jan Smit, Sukesh Kumar Tedla, Adam Zientarski) The TBNOA sets common agreements among all users in order to establish a secure, stable, and governable blockchain network. We are eliciting community feedback before the TBNOA is voted into effect on October 5th, 2018.

Read the full agreement here:

5. Telos Governance Explained — the Operating Agreement published

This substantial article gives detailed explanations for each clause of the Telos Blockchain Network Operating Agreement to achieve a high level of transparency and accessibility.

Read the full document here:

Read the Telos Governance Overview for short summaries and status updates of important Governance papers pertaining to block producers, arbitrators, and general members of the Telos Blockchain Network:

6. ‘Governance’ website page launched

The ‘Governance’ page on the Telos Foundation website provides PDF copies and summaries of key governance documents for the Telos Blockchain Network. You can review the Operating Agreement (TBNOA), Arbitration Rules & Procedures (TBNARP), the ‘regproducer’ Contract Human Language Terms (‘regproducer’), the Producer Minimum Requirements (BP Minimum Requirements), ‘regarb’ Contract Human Language Terms (‘regarb’), and the Arbitrator Minimum Requirements (Arbitrator Minimum Requirements).

Visit the ‘Governance’ page here:

7. Telos “regproducer” Human-Language Contract published

The “regproducer” contract contains the largest part of the rules, penalties, and enforcement procedures for Telos block producers. It offers a vast improvement in accountability over the similar contract on EOS. The “regproducer” contract will solve many of the problems around alleged bad actions by block producers that currently faces EOS. This Contract has been approved by members of the Governance Working Group. Community feedback will be taken into consideration prior to being voted into effect by the Telos Launch Group, scheduled for October 5th, 2018.

Read the full contract here:

8. Block Producer Autokick feature

A functioning Telos network depends on block producers maintaining reliable and consistent nodes. The Kick BP feature is an automated means of removing a block producer from service and tracking why it was kicked and the number of times kicked. If a block producer exceeds a predefined number of missed blocks violations, the Kick BP feature will automatically initiate an ‘enforcebpmin’ action.

9. Unit Tests

All but a few of the unit tests are working. The missed blocks calculation feature was breaking eosio.system unit tests, but the Amplified Telos team has tracked down the cause of the problem. We will attempt to merge these changes soon.

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Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog

Innovation meets gaming at Telos. Your home for secure, scalable & supercharged gaming experiences. Empowering devs, exhilarating gamers.