Telos Network — Weekly Report — September 13, 2018

Racing to the Starting Line

Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog
7 min readSep 14, 2018


(Update: the Hashtag Rewards program mentioned in this report is now closed.)

WOW! We are 15 days away from our first launch decision for the Telos Network. There is a flurry of activity within the working groups as the realization dawns on all of us that we could have a live network in as little as two weeks. The online Launch Checklist, newly added to the Telos website, makes it very easy to see our current progress … and how far we still have to go. There are key elements that we have barely addressed yet, like Lost/Compromised Token Recovery (check in early next week for major progress!). But there are also some very big wins where we have undertaken difficult challenges, like ratification and BP rotation, and we have already created entirely new processes that WORK!

It feels like we are in a race. We perceive all the things we have accomplished and the many steps we still have to take as leading to a finish line, but in reality it is instead a race to the starting line. Once we launch the network, we can share what we have worked on with everyone in the EOSIO community. That’s when we really begin. And while that thought is a little scary (all this work just to get started?), it is also invigorating because we will have begun. The Telos Network will be live!

Launching based on a checklist of promises delivered is very different than basing your decision on a countdown date. That method encourages you to launch “on time” no matter what may be missing. As we’ve seen with the EOS launch, there are costs to this approach that may linger long after the initial problems are solved. By using a checklist approach instead, the focus is on delivering every necessary piece so that the chain runs as it needs to in order to succeed.

— Douglas Horn

Here’s what we’ve accomplished this week:

  1. Launch Checklist and Arbitration Program pages added
  2. Telospy released
  3. New code developed: Ratify/Amend, WPS, Missed Blocks
  4. Telos Live! Hangout #2
  5. Telos Network Arbitration Process
  6. Hashtag campaign to earn free TLOS extended
  7. Telos Network Arbitration Process
  8. Sqrl Wallet update

Checklist Updates at a Glance

In-Progress → Functional/In Testing

  • Regproducer
  • Worker Proposal System
  • Refactor Unit Tests

Functional/In Testing → Complete & Tested

  • Rotate BPs

1. Launch Checklist and Arbitration Program Pages Added

Two new pages have been added to the Telos webpage. shows the Launch Checklist page, where anyone can track the progress on items needed to launch the Telos chain. Each promised item is given a status of In Process, Functional/Testing, or Completed & Tested.

When all projects reach Completed & Tested, then the Telos chain will launch. (And not before!) The page also lists the time for the upcoming “go/no-go” decision, currently Sept. 28th at 16:00 UTC. On a “yes” vote, the network will launch eight hours later at midnight.

The Arbitrator Program is found at It serves as a hub for anyone who wants to serve as an arbitrator on the Telos Network. The page contains information about the process, a sign-up link (once the chain launches, this will be automated on chain as the regarbitrator action) and a place for candidacy pages for anyone who indicates they intend to nominate themselves at chain launch. We are looking for legal professionals or others with arbitration experience from around the world.

Telos is the world’s first governed blockchain with arbitrators elected by its members. Join us and be part of history and a model for all future blockchain governance to come.

2. Telospy Released

The Telos developers have released Telospy, the first complete version of the Python RPC API interface for EOSIO blockchains. Development is being led by Peter Bue of GoodBlock. While previous attempts at a version of Python for EOSIO have been started, they were early efforts only, missing key functions such as error handling necessary to make them useful. Telospy is fully featured and chain agnostic so it can be used on Telos, EOS, and any other EOSIO chains to come. (We really wanted to call this EOSIOPython, but every version of that had already been claimed by an incomplete solution so we landed on Telospy.) Development is ongoing and contributions are encouraged. Available on Github at:

3. New Code Developed: Ratifyamend, WPS, Missed Blocks

This has been a huge week for development as three major new pieces of code advance significantly. Ratifyamend is the contract that can be called by any Telos member to propose a ratification or amendment to the core governance documents of Telos as described: Ratifyamend development is being led by Craig Brascom of GoodBlock.

The Worker Proposal System is also making good progress. Led by Andrei Gusa of Amplified Telos, this new contract will manage the submission, voting, and management of payout of worker proposals on the Telos system. It shares the same voting system developed for ratifyamend and intended to also be used for electing arbitrators and any other voting functions on the network other than selecting block producers.

Missed Blocks tracking is a the function that allows underperforming block producers to be replaced with standby BPs to keep the network functioning. There are many ways to approach this and it is likely that the most effective method will vary a bit from the idea presented in the Telos white paper of simply removing a struggling BP after 30 minutes without producing blocks. It will remain true to the intention and, of course, be modifiable by community decision. Once missed blocks tracking is complete, it will be added to the rotatebps action to add removing underperforming BPs automatically. Ed Silva of GoodBlock is leading this development.

4. Telos Talks! Hangout #2

We’re back with our second episode of the ‘Telos Talks!’ webcast series! This week’s hangout was hosted by Telos white paper author Douglas Horn and featured a conversation with Jim Hewitt of EOS UK about the Community Rewards Program, Launch Checklist, and the benefits of Telos over EOS for DApp developers. You can join us every Wednesday at 11:00 UTC on our Discord channel:

Watch the second episode here:

5. Telos Network Arbitration Process

Arbitration is a core function of governed blockchain. This week, we (finally) released the first public draft of the Telos Network Arbitration Process, which outlines how arbitration of disputes or necessary intervention to change values of an account or contract will occur on the Telos Network. We are releasing it in a still early form specifically to elicit community feedback and support as early as possible. People familiar with arbitration on EOS will find the Telos approach very different, starting with member-elected arbitrators and adding an almost entirely on-chain arbitration process. Read the full document here:

6. Hashtag Campaign to earn free Telos extended

When the Telos network launches, approximately 44% of potential tokens could be held on exchanges. Community members who kept their ERC-20 EOS tokens on an exchange during the Genesis Snapshot will receive their free TLOS tokens only if their exchange agrees to list TLOS. Be rewarded for using your influence to get TLOS tokens listed in the top cryptocurrency exchanges. Anyone, including those who opted to keep their ERC-20 EOS tokens on an exchange, can participate in our hashtag campaign to spread the word and earn TLOS tokens. You can participate by tweeting to your exchanges’ official accounts using hashtags such as #IWantMyTLOS, #HelloTelos and #TLOS. The program begins August 31 and the submission deadline has been extended to September 21. Details on this rewards program are available at:

7. Sqrl Wallet Update

Sqrl, the Telos native wallet has been updated with new features including multi-chain access (EOS, Telos, and any other EOSIO chains), free account creation tool, and more. Marlon Williams of EOS Miami is leading development. Sqrl is a fork of the open source Greymass eos-voter wallet (at the encouragement of the fantastic folks at Greymass). The intention of the Telos development team is to offer all the new improvements added to Sqrl back to eos-voter so that they can be integrated into the Greymass codebase so that all users can benefit from the new features and so that the Greymass userbase can easily interact with Telos without leaving their favorite wallet.

Download Sqrl at:

Watch this tutorial to learn how to open a Sqrl Wallet:

Join the conversation and get more info!










Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog

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