The Telos Network Successfully Activates ALL EOSIO 1.8 Features

Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog
2 min readOct 25, 2019
The Telos Network has activated version 1.8 of the EOSIO software.

On October 24th, 2019 the Telos Block Producers finished deploying all the features of the EOSIO software update commonly referred to as 1.8. These updates will allow the Telos Network to support enterprise level applications with hundreds of thousands of users. Below is a quick breakdown of some of the unique features that 1.8 provides.


While the update provides many benefits such as increased transaction speeds and improved block producer performance, the most relevant updates are the following:

BILL FIRST USER: This allows applications to pay for a user’s network resources, by having the system “bill” the application anytime a new user signs up. It also allows for flexibility in how applications build their resource environments.

DETERMINE SENDER: Applications will be able to determine which accounts send an action (this helps with monitoring spoofing). Since actions can be monitored, applications can provide users with increased security.


The Telos Foundation would like to take a moment to recognize the excellent block producers that support our network. Telos is a public, decentralized chain that relies on the individual efforts of each block producer to make significant updates and changes to the chain when new EOSIO software is released. The Telos block producers came together and proactively created a plan for testing and implementing 1.8, first on the Basho Testnet, and then on the Telos Mainnet. Their efforts have resulted in an organized and problem free launch of 1.8 and have increased the abilities of the Telos Blockchain Network. Telos is now ready for applications with a high volume of users such as Instagram, Twitter… and VOICE :).

If you are a TLOS holder, please consider thanking the block producers for their hard work by voting for your favorite block producers, or proxying your vote to one of the many capable proxies that support the Telos Network.

The Telos Foundation.



Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog

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