TelosGreen Updates and New Announcements

Sukesh Tedla
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2019

TelosGreen spreading its values from Telos into new EOSIO networks

TelosGreen stands by the statement Telos First. Credits: Telescope team for the image

Today, I would like to share new updates and announcements with the lovely and welcoming Telos Community.

— By Sukesh Kumar Tedla, CEO & Founder of TelosGreen

So Far…

Since the inception of Telos Mainnet, we got great support and trust from the Telos Community and we have proven ourselves to justify your decision again & again. We will continue to do so in the future as well.

Some key highlights:

TelosGreen Block Production Stats

  • We produced blocks at 99.67% reliability to-date.

“lifetime_produced_blocks”: 1629712

“lifetime_missed_blocks”: 5359

  • We presented Telos and its benefits over other blockchain networks in various events. Some pictures below:
Presenting Telos Blockchain in VolvoTrucks
Talking about Telos with 100 Law And Finance Professionals
  • Actively voting on new contract updates.
  • Actively working with 3rd parties and enterprises to create value for telos eco-system.

Updates Lately:

  • TelosGreen infrastructure is completely running on Green Energy today.
  • Actively working on maintaining and upgrading the infrastructure.
  • Though we were one of the best performing nodes, we upgraded our infrastructure from intel i8 processors to i9 to provide a bit better performance.
  • One of the best performing nodes in terms of transaction execution speeds:
Best Performance — Intel i9 Processor upgrade
  • TelosGreen is participating in chain block production as well.
  • TelosGreen is bringing its own applications Unbiased to Telos Blockchain.

Before talking about the new announcements, I would like to reiterate that Telos Community gave us the opportunity to grow & prove ourselves and “Telos will be always First for us”.

Latest Announcements

We have been overwhelmed by the open discussions, improvements & support in Telos Community. We have personally learned a lot when it comes to values.


TelosGreen is expanding its brand to GreenEOSIO

The TelosGreen brand will still remain as-is but we are expanding our brand to GreenEOSIO to highlight the core goals of ours — “Sustainability & Enterprise adoption of EOSIO blockchains”


TelosGreen is expanding and bringing its values from Telos Community to other EOSIO chains.

We are taking our experiences, values to provide our services in new and old EOSIO chains under the new brand GreenEOSIO.

  • GreenEOSIO will be applying for a guild (a.k.a Block Producer) candidacy in WAX Blockchain Network which is migrating from Ethereum to EOSIO. Here is the link to the announcement.
  • GreenEOSIO already launched its infrastructure in EOS Mainnet last week and will be campaigning for community support in the coming weeks.

You can already vote for GreenEOSIO on EOS Mainnet, please choose the below name while voting. Here is a link to web voting portal as well.

vote for greeneosiobp

More announcements will be following regarding the above. Follow us on Twitter to keep updated.

New Applications To Telos

  • We managed to influence the founders of a cool application Zeptagram-Revolutionizing the Music Industry, to join Telos Blockchain, this application is set to launch in the coming months and will bring users outside the blockchain ecosystem. More about Zeptagram on their website.
  • In the last couple of weeks, we also did a Telos Podcast in cooperation with Brandon. More application updates are also discussed, here is the link to it:

New Partnership

TelosGreen/GreenEOSIO partners with Quillhash. More about the partnership here.


Your gateway to EOSIO encyclopedia. Whether you are a developer or just an enthusiast, it will help you. [Coming Soon]

Our team is working hard on building this bot. It will answer any question of yours in the most user-friendly way….[High Expectations — Pressure on us to deliver]

Some features include:

  • Basic Q n A about different EOSIO Chains.
  • Specific Q n A about Telos & EOS governance docs.
  • Price Updates
  • Developer Questions
  • Sentiments around different topics
  • Trending community topics
  • New announcements too….

Organization Structure Update

If you haven’t known already, TelosGreen/GreenEOSIO will be a sub-set of Unbiased AB(Officially registered Swedish Private Limited Company).

All the official legal activities will be performed under Unbiased AB.

Under Unbiased AB today, we have multiple applications and revenue positive services. For more information, contact me on Sukesh Tedla

Looking for Investors

Unbiased AB is currently looking for Angel Investors & Venture Capital Firms who are interested to invest in Next-Generation technology. The investment will be accounted for the whole Unbiased AB portfolio.

If you are an investor or know of any investor,

please contact us at or Sukesh Tedla

That’s all for today. Thanks for your time and don’t forget to share your thoughts.

Follow Us: Telegram Twitter Website

Photo by kevin Xue on Unsplash



Sukesh Tedla

CEO and Founder of Unbiased, Regional Head — Swedish Blockchain Association, Blockchain Advisor — Zeptagram