More than 400,000 trips have been taken on Tembici during its first 6 months of operation in Bogota.

Published in
7 min readMar 31, 2023

The Shared Bicycle System of Bogotá, which launched in late September 2022 to strengthen sustainable and active transport in the city, has the largest fleet of electric bicycles in Latin America, accounting for over 60% of the trips made during the beginning of the year.

Photo: Tembici (2022)

A highly successful project in the city, the Shared Bicycle System of Bogotá (SBC) was designed primarily to meet the need for short trips for first and last mile, as well as to offer a complementary alternative for sustainable and active transport for thousands of citizens who travel daily throughout the capital.

In a short period, the system has shown effective performance, which has translated into great acceptance and trust from the residents and visitors of the capital, who use it more and more to travel to their jobs, studies, and recreational activities, including the cycle path. Originally, 180,000 trips and 30,000 active users were projected for the first six months of operation. However, these figures have been exceeded by 130%, with a total of 420,000 trips and 55,000 active users currently using the system.

Graph 1 — Total projected and actual trips and users in the first 6 months of operation of the SBC in Bogotá

This encouraging panorama is primarily supported by the strong bicycle culture in the capital city of Bogotá, which has generated significant receptiveness among its residents. Moreover, with over 600 kilometers of permanent cycle paths, Bogotá is an ideal location for the implementation of shared bicycle systems.

As a result, the first six months of operation have positioned Bogotá’s Shared Bicycle System as one of Tembici’s best launches in the last ten years of its operation across thirteen cities in the region. Furthermore, this has placed Bogotá among the top 3 cities with the highest number of trips during the first quarter of 2023, surpassing even cities such as Sao Paulo, Brasilia, and Santiago de Chile.

The system’s success can be attributed to fundamental factors that explain the rise in bicycles and their usage, including:


Although historically the city has been known for its strong bicycle culture, as demonstrated by the 880,000 daily trips registered in the capital according to the last Mobility Survey, users have found a new alternative in Tembici to help solve the city’s mobility problems. This is why more than 55,000 residents and visitors have opted for the Shared Bicycle System, driven by their trust in the system and its ease of use, which explain its growing popularity.

Furthermore, the system has attracted both commuters who use bicycles as their daily means of transportation, accounting for 80% of trips during the week with an average journey time of 18 minutes, as well as those who use bicycles for recreational or wellness purposes, representing 20% of the total system with an average travel time of 24 minutes on weekends.

Graph 2 — Reasons for using the SBC and average travel time for trips made

Regional trajectory and local team

The regional expansion of Tembici has been a key factor in the success of the Shared Bicycle System in the Colombian capital over the last 6 months. Prior to its arrival in Bogotá, the company had already successfully implemented its system in 13 other Latin American cities. Moreover, the commitment and dedication of the local team, consisting of over 60 employees, including the operations team responsible for maintaining and distributing bicycles to stations during peak demand hours, has been crucial in providing the best user experience.

Indeed, while the company has successfully implemented the system in Bogotá, it has also consolidated strong international financing, recognition of standards as a B Corporation, and important strategic alliances with other mobility platforms in the region.

Infrastructure and Long-term Contract Commitment with the District

Bogotá is a city with one of the most extensive networks of cycle paths in Latin America, covering more than 600 kilometers throughout the city. It is important to highlight that this amount is comparable to the number of cycle paths in São Paulo, a city that has almost twice as many inhabitants. This fact makes the Colombian capital a power in terms of bicycle users and makes it an ideal place to implement a shared bicycle system of Tembici’s magnitude.

In line with the administration’s commitment to promoting the use of bicycles, the existence of a contract for the management, operation, and maintenance of public space to develop the system has demonstrated a long-term commitment to the city and its users. This contract ensures the provision of an excellent quality service and compliance with all the requirements established by the Mobility Secretariat, which is responsible for supervising the contract.


In relation to reducing the carbon footprint, and in line with the company’s sustainability goals, it is estimated that during the 6 months of system operation, 115 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have been avoided. This takes into account that Tembici in the region has managed to mitigate the emission of 34,000 tons of CO2 through the use of these systems.

In addition, with over 420,000 trips made, it is estimated that more than 1.4 million kilometers have been traveled. This is a significant indicator of the success of the initiative, promoting sustainable mobility and on par with major cities around the world during the launch of similar shared bicycle models.

Image 1 — total and average distance of trips on bicycles, electric and mechanical


In fact, the implementation of the SBC in Bogotá is a clear example of the city’s commitment to becoming a smart city, a term that refers to those cities that integrate and promote information and communication technologies (ICT) in their daily lives. In fact, most cities currently considered models of quality of life have one or more shared bicycle systems.

In this context, it is important to emphasize that the success of the SBC in Bogotá is largely due to the incorporation of advanced technology in the stations and bicycles to provide high-quality service to citizens. For example, Tembici’s fleet of 1,500 electric bicycles in Bogotá, which has become the largest in Latin America, has been fundamental to the system’s success, concentrating more than 60% of trips made during this first semester of the year. Likewise, the system has more than 235 functional stations with solar energy and about 270 digital advertising panels, among other technologies that make the operation of the system possible.

Image 2 — Models of the bicycles in the Shared Bicycle System of Bogotá

The operation polygon

The shared bicycle system in Bogotá operates in a geographical area that is concentrated in six districts, which house a large number of workers and students in the city. These districts are Usaquén, Chapinero, Barrios Unidos, Santa Fe, Teusaquillo, and La Candelaria. Tembici has deployed 296 stations and 3,300 bicycles, including mechanical, electric, and special bicycles, to meet the mobility needs of these areas. The company has also conducted user surveys to gain a better understanding of their perception of the system and the areas where they would like to see new stations. The aim is to expand the system in the city in the medium term.

Image 3 — Example of the operation polygon. Click here to see the location of all stations.


Although there are still challenges in terms of mobility in Bogotá, sustainability-oriented alternatives have encouraged the adoption of new modes of transportation, especially bicycles, which are gaining momentum every day. According to the survey conducted by Tembici with its users, 29% of respondents have switched from their usual means of transportation (such as cars) to bicycles, while 61% use them for commuting to and from work, 38% for running errands and tasks, and 30% for recreational purposes.

Tembici as the system’s operator

Before Tembici arrived in the city, there had been multiple attempts by different entities over the course of more than 10 years to establish a similar bicycle system. What sets Tembici apart is its collaborative and synergistic partnership with the City Council and the District Mobility Secretariat, which has enabled the system to become a reality today.

As the operator responsible not only for implementation but also for the ongoing operation and maintenance of the service, Tembici is an essential pillar of the system’s success. This success is reflected in the trust that citizens have placed in the system since its launch.

Ultimately, the support of Bogotá’s inhabitants for Tembici can be attributed to the company’s strong commitment to innovation, without neglecting the simplicity and intuitiveness of the service. The Tembici application, which facilitates the geolocation and use of the service, is a key factor in generating a sense of comfort, modernity, differentiation, and exclusivity for users when using the system.




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