[BLOG] GUHADA and the Fashion Trend



Continuously changing fashion trend, led by the millennials

The millennials are becoming the main consumers of fashionable items, as their spending reached about 6 Billion USD in the fashion industry. The millennials are referred to as the generation who are born between the years of the 1980s and 2000s, and this generation is becoming the main consumers of the world’s fashion market. Recently, the millennials in Europe has started to focus on the fashion goods that are possible for continuance in the vastly changing fashion trend.

At Amsterdam in the Netherlands, there is even a store that rents and sells used clothing known as “clothes-share” stores. In such stores, anyone can borrow or purchase clothes that have been worn by someone else previously, starting from 10 Euro. Such stores as mentioned are receiving heightened attention from the young ladies of the millennial generation. In Berlin, the young Europeans travel to Rosenthaler Platz road in Berlin where many consignment stores are located, so they can purchase clothes that could upkeep with the continuous change of the fashion trend.

Another place that is following the trend is in London. The consignment stores in Shoreditch, London are filled with teens and young adults in their early 20s, shopping for clothes that do not die out with the change in trend. According to google analytics, in the past 3 years, the statistics of google search for brands that are good for continuous changing fashion trend has increased by 450%. Also, the millennials who prefer environmentally friendly products and smart spending have increased and accordingly, the fashion industry has presented the development of a policy for eco-friendly processes as well.

Global fashion brands joining the continuously preservable trend.

As “the continuously fashionable items” becomes popular, the global fashion brands are joining the trend. Accordingly, the companies are putting emphasis on appealing to the millennials who prefer smart spending and continuously fashionable trend.

LVMH who operates Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, and more luxury brands, have made statements that they will reduce 25% of their energy expenses. In the past, the luxury brand GUCCI has made an announcement regarding their continuous innovations for the next 10 years. In addition, the Kering Group’s Stella McCartney is currently known as a company that promotes “animal-free” fashion as well.

Market Platform for secondary luxury goods and continuously fashionable items, GUHADA.

Within such flow in fashion, GUHADA will become the blockchain-based e-commerce platform for the sales and resales of the secondary luxury goods that can support continuous fashion trend. GUHADA promotes smart spending through the sale and resales of the secondary luxury goods. GUHADA is targeting the millennials who favor the trend of smart spending.

Currently, the TEMCO team is developing user-friendly and UX/UI focused GUHADA application that is focused on the usage by the young adults who have a high rate of mobile application usage. In addition, TEMCO team is developing a convenient product search function, easy record inquiry system, integrated payment system, and total statement calculating module and more diverse functions, promoting user-friendly functions.

In following, the world is increasingly becoming interested in smart spending on products that are continuously usable, and the fashion industry is also keeping up with the trend. In the middle of such change, GUHADA is being developed to accelerate the sale and resales of secondary luxury goods, supporting the fashion industry. TEMCO team is developing various functions of GUHADA application in a way so that it can target the millennials who prefer smart spending on items that are continuously usable and preservable. There are many hypes and attentions for the upcoming blockchain-based e-commerce platform, GUHADA, which is planned to be launched in September of 2019.

TEMCO: Innovative Supply Chain Data Management and E-Commerce platform through Blockchain and Smart Contract Technology.

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Blockchain-based Supply Chain Data Management and E-commerce Open Market Platform, GUHADA.