[ANN] Check your TEMCO tokens!!

How to check TEMCO tokens in your Mycrypto RRC-20 Wallet

Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2019


Good day, everyone!

It is the moment that many of you have been waiting for!
At this time, we want to explain how to check for your TEMCO tokens!!

1. First, connect to your Mycrypto and check if it’s connected to RSK network.

2. Please click Mnemonic Phrase.

3. Enter your Mnemonic Phrase and password, then click “Choose Address”
(Please note that If you enter the wrong password, the new address will appear.)

4. Select the address you received your TEMCO Tokens and click ‘Unlock’.

5. After entering your wallet, there is ‘Token Balances’ section in the lower right corner. Click on ‘Scan For Tokens’.

6. Click ‘Add Custom Token’ in the lower right corner.

7. Enter the TEMCO Transaction address in the address box.
It will automatically create Decimals, Token Symbol, and Balance.
TEMCO transaction address: 0x32345597c3398981bdb77419280dab89becd90be

8. Click ‘Save”.

9. Now you can check TEMCO Tokens.

There you have it!!

Thank you for supporting TEMCO!!

TEMCO: Innovative Supply Chain Data and E-Commerce Solution through Blockchain and Smart Contract Technology.

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▶TEMCO Official Website: https://temco.io



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Blockchain-based Supply Chain Data Management and E-commerce Open Market Platform, GUHADA.