Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2018

Founding Fathers of TEMCO: Brian Lee

Hello guys, this is Lily from TEMCO!

Remember what I’ve told you from the introduction of TEMCO team members?

Well, I’m going to introduce you TEMCO members one by one, as I mentioned before, and the first person I interviewed is our CTO, one of the co-founders, Brian Lee.

First of all, Brian Lee, CTO of our company is an analytics platform developer and an IT specialist. He has graduated with Bachelor of Science in computer science from Stony Brook, part of CUNY (City University of New York). He was a lead engineer for governance control and report at RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) and global market risk platform engineer at NOMURA. He was also a full stack engineer at Bloomberg. During his recent working years, he became interested in blockchain technology and soon after he decided to pursue his career as co-founder of TEMCO.

As one of the co-founders and CTO, Brian shared some insightful words. He told me about what TEMCO’s future developers need to know and how TEMCO’s technology has developed recently.

So check out what he had to say!

Q) What does TEMCO’s future developers need to know?

A) If you want to work as TEMCO’s developer, great programming skills is a must, and have a lot of courage. You shouldn't be afraid of failure. Also, be very interested in blockchain technology. Nowadays everything is changing so quickly, especially blockchain technology. Therefore, if you are interested in blockchain, you have to be aware of the new trend and be able to deal with various situations with agility.

Q) Please explain how TEMCO’s technology has developed and some of the things that IT team is currently working on.

A) TEMCO’s blockchain is based on RSK, so we test the main network every time when a new version comes out. The prototype is already developed and we are working on the business and technical aspects of the real use case. Once everything is complete, we will be releasing the final product.

Today, I was lucky to interview TEMCO’s CTO, Brian Lee. The sequel will be about TEMCO’s CEO, Scott Jaesob Yoon. Can’t wait to hear what he has to say!! :)

Oh, by the way, Brian wanted me to tell you that our new and improved website is available now. The domain is the same as before and the subscription part is added on to it.

So please subscribe and get our latest news!

Thank you and have a great day!

[Quick View on the Upcoming Contents]

Preface. Introducing the Members of TEMCO!

1. Founding Fathers of TEMCO ①, Brian Lee

2. Founding Fathers of TEMCO ②, Scott Yoon

3. Founding Fathers of TEMCO ③, Hongsub Lim

4. TEMCO’s Self-sufficient Marketing Manager, Saerom Hong

5. TEMCO’s Developer Who Loves to Write on Blogs, Kyungchul Kim

6. TEMCO’s Top Tier Designer, Sunasuna

7. TEMCO’s Marketing Manager from US, Jon Kim

8. TEMCO’s №1 Business Manager, Joey Cho

9. TEMCO’s Developer who is Omnipresent, Chris Hong

Epilogue. Defining TEMCO in a Different Way

[About TEMCO]

TEMCO is developing a supply chain platform based on RSK blockchain. Using blockchain technology, we connect isolated supply chain systems and offer data services. Companies can obtain business intelligence tool for business insights. Consumers may track supply chain data in real time and there will be an online market platform of TEMCO for cryptocurrency.

[About RSK]

RSK Labs is the first smart contract platform that is pegged with bitcoin. It is a blockchain powered by bitcoin with the advantage in fast transaction speed and low transaction cost.

“TEMCO, Supply Chain Management Powered by Blockchain”

▶ Telegram: https://t.me/temcolabs

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Blockchain-based Supply Chain Data Management and E-commerce Open Market Platform, GUHADA.