[TECH] GUHADA’s User Registration/Login

3 min readMay 20, 2019


Hello, everyone!

Another update of GUHADA tech development is here!

As you enter GUHADA, the first thing you may want to do is register as a member for the website, similar to what you do for most other common websites. So this time we would like to explain the development process of the membership registration. As you can see below, the member registration, login, ID Search, and non-member order inquiry.

Currently, it is 70 to 80 percent complete for the user functions.
The entire user setting is shown below.

Login through SNS

GUHADA’s simple payment registration supports Facebook, Google, Naver, and Kakao.

As below, there is a controller for each of the SNS.

The next one is the design for GUHADA’s simple SNS login feature.

GUHADA’s Simple Login SNS design

Member sign-up / Login

For the verification of the login, the existing members proceed with the automatic login process and the new or non-members go through the validation process that signals the controller, as you can see below:

Validation Controller

At this point, it will not be possible to register with a repeated phone number or email. Below image shows controller for such cases.

ID Search / Password Search

The coding below shows the API functions for ID Search and Find Password

Verification Controller

When the “ID Search” is performed the verification process has to be completed. The verification can be processed through the mobile phone number, self-verification, and email verification functions.

Cancel Membership

The coding below shows GUHADA membership cancellation function.

Thank you for reading and please stay tuned for the next GUHADA development update.

Thank you.

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Blockchain-based Supply Chain Data Management and E-commerce Open Market Platform, GUHADA.