‘TEMCO’ Partners with ‘Art Together’: Co-Development of Blockchain-Based Management Platform for Art

Bitcoin Smart Contract Meets Artwork

Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2018


‘TEMCO’, the world’s first Bitcoin-based supply chain data platform, recently partnered with ‘Art Together’, another world first platform that provides shared-ownership for artwork. The partnership between TEMCO and Art Together aims to develop and establish a transparent system that highlights the overall funding, distribution, and investment of high-end artwork utilizing TEMCO’s public blockchain powered supply chain data platform.

‘Artwork’ is a high-end luxury product. Therefore, Artwork requires a credible and transparent distribution process to ensure the validity of the product. For example, verifying how the artwork arrived at certain exhibitions from an originating point is very important. TEMCO can enhance the adoption of high-end artwork to the mainstream, which has been considered as the exclusive property of the rich, by establishing a transparent trading and distribution structure of it.

In a recent press release, the co-founder and CEO of TEMCO, Scott Yoon said,

“I am excited that the partnership with Art Together will showcase the real-world applications of TEMCO’s technology. TEMCO will be able to play a major role in establishing a transparent ecosystem in art industry, showing authenticity, transparent funding, and distribution of artworks.”

Regarding the partnership, Art Together’s CEO, Sang Jun Lee said,

“It is a pleasure to work with TEMCO while Art Together has been seeking for a solution on how to share an artwork’s information and distribution process in a transparent manner so that the investors can trust in the firm.”

[About Art Together]
Art Together is the first crowdfunding platform that specializes in shared-art. Art Together raises funds in the form of crowdfunding and transfers all the ownership of the artwork to the crowdfunding participants. Then, the profit made from exhibiting artworks are distributed to the investors.

[About TEMCO]
TEMCO is the decentralized supply chain platform that connects isolated supply chain data and offers business/consumer side services. On the business side, TEMCO provides companies with the Business Intelligence tool (BI-tool), an analytics tool that helps companies efficiently access and gain insights from data on the blockchain. On the consumer-side, TEMCO is developing applications that provide transparency to consumers about the distribution process and contains a market platform that uses staking model.

TEMCO: Supply Chain Management Powered by Blockchain
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Blockchain-based Supply Chain Data Management and E-commerce Open Market Platform, GUHADA.