[BLOG] 1st Quarter Summary



Dear TEMCO community,

So the cold winter has passed in Korea and some parts of the world so far and the 1st quarter of 2019 have passed very quickly.

For the past 3 months, there were many changes in the blockchain space, and TEMCO has been working diligently to improve its business model and the development process.

In the meantime, TEMCO team did not miss the opportunity to educate ourselves and others throughout.

Check out our progress so far for the year 2019 and find out the gist of what TEMCO team has done to improve.

  • Decenter X Korea University: Participation of TEMCO in “College Student Job Searching Forum”.

In the past January 15th, 2019, Decenter and Korea University hosted matching college internship program linking to Blockchain has been progressed. TEMCO’s CEO, Scott Yoon has participated in the main panel in the program to deliver valuable advice for students who are interested in working in the blockchain space.

In particular, it has been emphasized that it is important for students that “it is best to gain the ability to abandon stereotypes and adapt quickly to change”.

Coming out of this program, a student who was very interested in the blockchain space, is currently working as an intern at TEMCO. The student who is working now as an intern at TEMCO is supporting the team on planning for the development of GUHADA, TEMCO’s e-commerce open market platform and experiencing the actual work environment about the SI business development and more. As education for blockchain is becoming very popular, it was a very insightful moment for TEMCO’s CEO Scott Yoon to be invited as a main panel speaker.

Naver Blog Link (KR- Google Translation Required)

  • TEMCO, applying blockchain to expand exports in the Vietnam food market.

On February 22nd, 2019, HANMIRAE FOOD CO. LTD (Seasoned Seaweed products) and DONGUI-CHOSUKJAM (spring water) announced that they plan to make exportable seaweed and spring water with the application of TEMCO’s blockchain technology.

It was very meaningful in a way that TEMCO’s blockchain based solution was exposed to the exporting industry and the Vietnam food market, branching out from the domestic market.

Link : https://medium.com/temcolabs/temco-applying-blockchain-to-expand-exports-in-the-vietnam-food-market-22cf38e965c7

Press Release Link

  • TEMCO received a “Value Management Award”.

The Hankook Ilbo, most renowned and one of the oldest newspaper company in South Korea, selects a company every year that have successful value management, for Korea’s “Value Management Award”. Under the support of Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, Ministry of Science and Technology Information and Communication, and Department of Small and Medium Venture Enterprise, Hankook Ilbo chose TEMCO for the “Value Management Award”.

TEMCO was chosen as the top blockchain based supply chain and e-commerce platform developing company, planning to lead the revolution in the industry. TEMCO, through the specialized technical skills and business model, secured funding from Korea Investment Partners, and have made partnerships within Korea and globally.


Press Release Link

  • TEMCO, selected for government accelerated program in Singapore.

Last, but not least up until now, TEMCO partnered with Tribe Accelerator, a Singapore government-backed program that facilitate acceleration programs for startups.

The program proceeded by Tribe Accelerator included BMW Group Asia, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, HSBC, and more global companies, to connect with 10 blockchain based companies including TEMCO. TEMCO team also attended the Masterclass event on 29th of March, which was supported by the United Nations and European Union, to discuss the commercialization of the blockchain technology.


Press Release Link

This marks only the beginning as TEMCO continues with more development throughout the year, including the e-commerce platform GUHADA.

GUHADA is a blockchain based online shopping mall that allows the viewing of the purchaser and the seller’s information, including, previous transactions, transfer of ownership, and more, transparently. All the account information is safely secured through the blockchain as well. TEMCO is utilizing blockchain technology to develop GUHADA, that presents top class security and is currently under the process of developing UX/UI design. As mentioned previously, GUHADA is preceding with the best online security through blockchain, which minimizes the vulnerability to hacking.

TEMCO team is working on differentiating our GUHADA platform from the existing platforms. Through the platform, we are working toward increase the trust and reliability of the consumers.

Thank you for supporting TEMCO and stay tuned for more updates.

TEMCO: Innovative Supply Chain Data and E-Commerce Solution through Blockchain and Smart Contract Technology.

▶TEMCO Chatroom: https://t.me/temcolabs
▶TEMCO Official Website: https://temco.io



Writer for

Blockchain-based Supply Chain Data Management and E-commerce Open Market Platform, GUHADA.