TEMCO’s Newly Redesigned Homepage!



Good day everyone!

TEMCO would like to share a great news!

Many of you probably know that our website has been updated already, but lets go through step by step how we can take advantage of the updated TEMCO homepage.

There are three major changes:

1. Login and Sign Up Service

2. Subscription Service

3. Quick buttons for TEMCO’s reddit and bitcointalk

Please refer to images below to see what has changed and let’s take a look at each item.

1. Login and Sign Up

Check out the Login button on the top right corner. If you click on Login, you can see where you can type in your email and password; however, if you can’t log in, refer to the Sign up tap right beside login! This will be quick and easy.

2. Subscription Service

We assume that this is the part where many people can be lost, so look closely (on) how (to) do this!

First, type in the email address and (then) press the subscription button.

You will see the subscription turn into ‘Success’, once you type in your email address in the box below the “Join Chatroom” button.

Then, you are all set! After this, TEMCO team will be responsible for updating email lists and sending you any updated news!

Now, you are done with subscribing (with) TEMCO! How easy was that?

3. TEMCO’s Reddit and Bitcointalk

If you click on the Reddit or the bitcointalk button, it will bring you right to the page.

Through the update, the website is more interactive.

Also, with the subscription service, you do not have to worry about missing any information or news from TEMCO.

TEMCO is striving to provide better services and contents, and you can experience this by subscribing!

Thank you!

TEMCO, Supply Chain Management Powered by Blockchain

▶ Telegram: https://t.me/temcolabs



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Blockchain-based Supply Chain Data Management and E-commerce Open Market Platform, GUHADA.