Week 12 Reading

Erin Chalifoux
Temple Sociology of Education
3 min readNov 12, 2020


I really enjoyed reading the sections about each person, it was very neat to read about their lives and how they may not of come from wealthy families they were very hard working and wanted the best for their future. Its really great that these kids decided on a better future and they worked hard and did it all themselves. Reading this makes me think how many people take for granted their living situations, schooling, and opportunities they are handed. I also enjoyed the chart that was provided because it was easy to see all their information on one chart and see what their future goal careers were.

When I think of a student receiving financial aid a “specific” student doesn’t pop up to my mind because I feel like a lot of people receive it from range of people. Personally, I receive financial aid I am part of that picture, my mother is a teacher and my dad is on disability because cancer. I grew up middle class and we live comfortable but college is another story because how expensive it is. My mom would not be able to afford to send me to college on just her salary so financial aid comes in handy and helps me out and I am grateful that it exisists. I don’t think that my story relates to the peoples in the reading because I feel even if I didn’t receive financial aid my mom would make it work, but the kids in the reading don’t have that luxury and support and need it more then I do.

Before going to college I knew that it was expensive but I never knew how much they extra charge for things such as fees, meal plans, books, and pretty much anything else. Over the summer I took two summer classes and as I was paying for them I noticed that there was a fee to just pay for my classes and there was a campus fee even though all the classes were online due to COVID. I was overall very confused by those fees because they seemed crazy to me. In college I also noticed how expensive the text books are. “ Most of these increases since 1996 came from the other parts of the Cost of Attendance: living costs, transportation, books and supplies, and personal expenses.Between 50 to 80 percent of total sticker prices, and most of the change over time, occurred in those other components,” this statistic doesn’t even surprise me now since I am living it and I have to pay for my transportation to get around, the books and supplies are very pricey, the living costs and grocerys. All of these things add up over time and you realize how much money you are spending not living at home. Within the reading a question was asked ““How would college be different if you had more money?” and the person responded with “I would do worse.” I agree with that because I feel like money and paying for college is motivation to do well because you don’t want to be wasting all this money you are spending to not do well. That is motivation to do better in school, in high school I didn’t try my hardest because I wasn’t paying and now that I am I always try my best.

Something that is new to me after reading this is the three key to financial aid, my mom fills out my FASFA for me because I don’t understand it so I never noticed what goes into it and makes it up. I honestly didn’t know much about the FASFA parts but after reading this i’ve learned a lot. Another thing that I learned from this reading is where the financial aid comes from.

