Erin Chalifoux
Temple Sociology of Education
2 min readNov 20, 2020


Working in college is hard because you have to be able to manage your time with work and school. School takes up a lot of time between classes, homework, studying, and exams. Within the reading it says that sometimes work reduced students energy towards school work, and I understand that because you want to have money while at school but in order to do that you need to work and then take time away from school. In the reading a lot of the examples of the students working during college is so they can afford college so they can work their way up and get out of what job they are doing, thats really stressful. While in college its hard to have all of these social life, money, time, and good grades, while staying sane. College is a hard time because you are on your own so you need to figure out how to manage yourself and your time. School can get very overwhelming because you just want to do well and get good grades but there are many other things that factor into your time. As a college student I don’t have a regular job, sometimes I will go home to work at a pizza shop when I have the time, I couldn't imagine working on the regular at college because every week is different with different loads of school work. Working during college does appear to affect the educational experience of college because if you work too much you lose time doing school work, it all depends on balance and if people can manage to balance school and work all year they are very talented!

Sometimes students families cannot help them pay for college but financial aid thinks that all families can help out. In the reading there are some examples and one that stuck out to me was how Ians mom lost her job and Ian had to help out with her while he was in college. He was helping her with her bills while he was in school. That must of been hard on him because while also paying for college. He seems like a great person because he understood that he needed to help out his mom and said how his mom helped him out when he was younger so he’s paying it back. These students seem to understand that times are hard and while their parents may not be able to help all the time they understand and then try to help out their parents. For me I am lucky because my parents are helping me pay for college now and then I will have to pay back my student loans, I am very lucky I don’t have to worry about paying for college right now but I will later.

