Using Automation Testing to Enhance Efficiency and Quality — Creating a Data as a Service (DaaS) Platform (Part 4)

Yufeng Chen
Published in
8 min readJul 25, 2023
software automation test can enhance the efficiency and quality
Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

Automation Testing is the process of using specialized software tools and scripts to automate the execution of test cases in software testing. It involves writing test scripts that can be executed repeatedly without human intervention.

Purpose of Automation Testing

The purpose of automation testing is to increase the efficiency, coverage, and accuracy of testing efforts while reducing the overall testing cycle time.

Faster Test Execution: Automated tests can be executed much faster compared to manual testing. This enables the testing team to run a large number of test cases in a shorter amount of time, which is especially beneficial for projects with tight deadlines.

Improved Test Coverage: Automation Testing allows testers to create and execute a comprehensive set of test cases, including repetitive and time-consuming scenarios that may not be feasible to execute manually. This helps in achieving better test coverage.

Reusability of Test Scripts: Automation scripts can be reused across different versions of the application and even in other projects, saving time and effort in test script development.

Consistent Test Execution: Automated tests ensure consistent execution of test cases every time they are run, reducing human errors and eliminating variations that may occur in manual testing.

Regression Testing: Automation Testing is particularly valuable for regression testing. As software evolves, new features and bug fixes may introduce unintended issues. Automated regression tests quickly validate that existing functionality remains unaffected by changes.

Early Detection of Defects: By integrating automated tests into the Continuous Integration (CI) process, defects can be identified and fixed early in the development cycle, leading to higher software quality.

Cost-Effective: Although the initial investment in automation testing might be significant, in the long run, it can significantly reduce the overall testing costs by saving manual effort and time.

Criteria for Selecting Test Cases for Automation

Not all test cases are suitable for automation. The selection of test cases for automation should be based on certain criteria to ensure that automation efforts are focused on the most impactful areas. Some common criteria include:

Repetitive and Stable Test Cases: Test cases that need to be executed repeatedly, such as in regression testing, are ideal candidates for automation. Stable test cases that are less likely to change frequently are more suitable for automation.

High-Risk and Critical Functionality: Test cases that cover critical and high-risk functionalities of the application should be automated to ensure thorough and consistent testing.

Data-Driven Test Cases: Test cases that involve multiple sets of test data and scenarios are well-suited for automation, as automated tests can easily handle variations in data.

Time-Consuming Test Cases: Test cases that are time-consuming when executed manually can be automated to save testing time and effort.

Scenarios with Multiple Configurations: If the application needs to be tested across various configurations (e.g., browsers, devices, operating systems), automation can efficiently handle these variations.

Frequent Regression Testing: Test cases that need to be run frequently to verify that new changes do not impact existing functionality should be automated to speed up the regression testing process.

Performance and Load Testing: Performance and load testing scenarios that require simulating a large number of virtual users or executing repeated load tests can be automated for consistency and accuracy.

Test Cases Covering Core Functionality: Test cases that validate the core functionality of the application and form the foundation of the test suite are good candidates for automation.

Integration and API Testing: Automated testing can be very effective for testing APIs and integrations between different components of the application.

Parallel Execution: Test cases that can be executed in parallel to save time and expedite the testing process are suitable for automation.

Pre-requisites for test automation

Before starting test automation, certain pre-requisites need to be in place to ensure a successful and efficient automation process. Here are the key pre-requisites for test automation:

Clear Test Objectives: Define the objectives of test automation clearly. Understand what you aim to achieve through automation, whether it’s improving regression testing, load testing, or achieving better test coverage.

Manual Test Cases: Have a set of well-defined and stable manual test cases. Automation is based on these manual test cases, so they need to be reliable and thoroughly tested.

Automation Tool Selection: Choose the right automation tool that aligns with your project’s requirements, technology stack, and team expertise. Popular tools like Selenium (open source), Appium (open source), and Micro Focus UFT (commercial), or others can be considered based on the application type and testing needs.

Test Environment Setup: Set up the required test environments, such as development, testing or pre-production, to run automation tests. Ensure that the test environment closely resembles the production environment.

Automation Team and Skills: Assemble a skilled automation testing team with a good understanding of the application and automation tools. Training or upskilling team members may be necessary for specific tools.

Version Control System: Implement a version control system (e.g., Git) to manage test scripts and test data. It ensures proper versioning, collaboration, and rollback capabilities.

Test Data Management: Establish a strategy for managing test data. Test data should be consistent, reusable, and easily accessible to automation scripts.

Test Automation Framework: Develop or select a suitable test automation framework that promotes scalability, maintainability, and reusability of test scripts. A well-designed framework improves automation efficiency.

Continuous Integration (CI) Setup: Integrate test automation with a CI system like Jenkins, Bamboo, or GitLab CI to automate test execution on code commits and manage test reports.

Test Reporting and Analysis: Plan for proper reporting mechanisms to analyze test results. Integration with tools like Allure, ExtentReports, or custom reporting solutions can provide meaningful insights.

Test Script Maintenance Plan: Create a plan to keep automation scripts updated with application changes. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure scripts remain accurate and effective.

Security and Access Controls: Set up appropriate security measures and access controls for test data and automation infrastructure to prevent unauthorized access.

Communication and Collaboration: Establish effective communication channels between development, testing, and other stakeholders. Collaborate closely to address issues and implement improvements.

Test Automation Strategy and Roadmap: Develop a comprehensive test automation strategy and roadmap to outline the scope, timeline, and goals of automation efforts.

Data-Driven Testing

Data-Driven Testing is one of the best practices for automation testing.

Data-driven testing is a testing technique in which test cases are designed to run with multiple sets of test data, enabling the execution of the same test logic with different input values. It helps achieve better test coverage and reduces the number of test scripts required.

Here are the main benefits of Data-Driven Testing:

  • Improved Test Coverage: Data-driven testing allows testing multiple scenarios, increasing the breadth of test coverage.
  • Scalability: It simplifies test maintenance, as changes to test data can be made without modifying the test scripts.
  • Reusability: The same test script can be reused with different data sets, reducing duplication of test cases.
  • Faster Feedback: Running multiple tests with different data sets provides quicker feedback on various application scenarios.

Overcoming Common Challenges in Automation Testing

Test Data Management

  • Challenge: Obtaining and managing test data can be challenging, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex data dependencies.
  • Strategy: Implement a robust test data management strategy. Use techniques like data-driven testing, test data generators, and data masking to ensure the availability of the right test data at the right time.

Test Script Maintenance

  • Challenge: As the application evolves, test scripts may become outdated and require constant updates, leading to increased maintenance efforts.
  • Strategy: Build a flexible and maintainable test automation framework. Use design patterns and modularity to isolate changes in the application from impacting the entire test suite. Regularly review and refactor test scripts to keep them up-to-date.

Dynamic User Interface

  • Challenge: Test automation tools may face difficulties in dealing with dynamic and frequently changing user interfaces.
  • Strategy: Use unique identifiers and stable locators for UI elements. Implement synchronization mechanisms to wait for elements to appear or load before performing actions. Leverage dynamic XPath or CSS selectors to handle UI changes gracefully.

Test Environment Setup

  • Challenge: Setting up and configuring test environments that closely resemble the production environment can be time-consuming and error-prone.
  • Strategy: Use infrastructure-as-code (IaC) and configuration management tools to automate the provisioning and setup of test environments. Containers and virtual machines can help replicate the production environment more effectively.

Non-Functional Testing

  • Challenge: Automating non-functional testing aspects like performance, security, and usability testing can be complex and require specialized tools and expertise.
  • Strategy: Invest in appropriate tools for non-functional testing, like JMeter for performance testing or OWASP ZAP for security testing. Collaborate with performance or security testing specialists to create effective test scripts.

Test Execution Speed

  • Challenge: As the test suite grows, the overall test execution time may increase, impacting feedback cycles and continuous integration processes.
  • Strategy: Implement parallel test execution to distribute test cases across multiple machines and reduce execution time. Use cloud-based testing services for on-demand scalability during peak testing periods.

Test Reporting and Analysis

  • Challenge: Analyzing test results and generating meaningful reports may be time-consuming and complex, especially when dealing with large test datasets.
  • Strategy: Use automation-friendly reporting tools or custom reporting frameworks. Focus on presenting concise and actionable information to aid decision-making.

Collaboration and Communication

  • Challenge: Effective collaboration between testers, developers, and other stakeholders is vital for automation success but can be hindered by communication gaps.
  • Strategy: Foster open communication channels and regular meetings to discuss automation progress, challenges, and successes. Involve stakeholders early in the automation process to align expectations.

Skill Gap and Training

  • Challenge: Building and maintaining automation expertise within the testing team can be challenging, particularly with new tools and technologies.
  • Strategy: Invest in training and upskilling team members in automation tools, frameworks, and best practices. Encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration within the team.

Key Takeaways

  1. Strategic Approach: Approach automation testing strategically with clear objectives and criteria for selecting test cases.
  2. Test Data Management: Implement effective test data management practices to ensure the availability of relevant and reliable test data.
  3. Maintainable Framework: Build a scalable and maintainable automation framework to facilitate test script maintenance and future enhancements.
  4. Continuous Integration: Integrate automation testing with continuous integration processes for faster feedback and efficient development cycles.
  5. Test Collaboration: Promote collaboration and communication between stakeholders to ensure a unified testing effort.
  6. Non-Functional Testing: Embrace non-functional testing in your automation strategy to validate performance, security, and usability aspects.
  7. Flexibility and Adaptability: Be prepared to adapt and update automation scripts as the application evolves.
  8. Automation ROI: Measure the return on investment (ROI) of automation testing in terms of time saved, improved quality, and increased test coverage.
  9. Continuous Improvement: Continuously review and enhance your automation testing practices to optimize efficiency and effectiveness.
  10. Balanced Approach: Use a balanced combination of automated and manual testing for comprehensive testing coverage.



Yufeng Chen

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