Introducing Templeton World

Templeton World
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2020

Templeton World takes on big questions from the meaning of life to what makes philanthropy work well.

Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF) aims to provide scientific breakthroughs and practical tools relating to the search for meaning, purpose, and truth. We use interdisciplinary science to probe the deepest questions of “what it means to be human” and translate these findings into innovations that can be used by people around the world.

An expanding body of scientific literature increasingly confirms that humanity’s success rests upon an amazing array of cognitive and affective capacities. Some of these faculties we share with close evolutionary ancestors, and some of these we might engineer in machine systems. But no creature is quite like the human in its unique combination of skills. An understanding of both the vast potential and the important limitations of human nature is at the very center of our work.

In pursuit of scientific breakthroughs — in fields ranging from neuroscience to research into big data and AI — TWCF funds scientists and researchers around the world. Beyond its grant making, TWCF also aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of philanthropy.

All of our activities are guided by a set of core values:

  • Seek a Global Perspective: We constantly seek out voices and ideas from across the world. Geographic and cultural diversity is a strength.
  • Make Spiritual Progress Possible: We celebrate the spiritual dimension of life in which truth, meaning, and purpose are central to human progress.
  • Promote Breakthrough Discovery: We support scientific advances that redefine the frontier of human knowledge.
  • Think Like a Startup: We cultivate bold and ambitious thinking with a minimum of bureaucracy. We encourage taking risks for greater rewards.
  • Embrace Differences: We value open-minded collaboration and a radical embrace of others who think differently.
  • Create Positive Impact for People: We strive to help individuals live better, more purposeful lives with practical tools and relevant information.

TWCF aims to foster a spirit of discovery, innovation and collaborative communication across academia, business, media and government. This blog, Templeton World, will be a home for perspectives from CEO Andrew Serazin on philanthropy, management and innovation and insights from our program officers and grantees into the future, technology and scientific breakthroughs. We value the input of our readers and urge you to reach out to



Templeton World

Official account of the Templeton World Charity Foundation