Top 5 Tips and Tricks on how to learn French

Patricia MARCOS
TEMPO Money Transfer
4 min readJul 25, 2017

The French language is considered one of the most romantic and beautiful languages in the world. However, it is also said to be one of the most difficult languages to learn especially for those whose mother tongue did not come from an ancient Latin language.

The good news is that the TEMPO Money Transfer team is here to share the Top 5 tips and tricks for you to learn French easily. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or an advanced learner, these tips and tricks will come in handy when you are trying to learn French. There are about 220 million French speakers out there with whom you can communicate in French. What are you waiting for? On y va ! C’est parti !

  1. Join a French class

Joining a traditional French class is one of the most popular methods of studying French. The advantage of joining a class is that the learning program is structured in a way for you to learn the basics first, then the pronunciations, moving to the grammatical rules and vocabulary. You will also be grouped according to your level and taught by a professional.

Some of the most popular French schools are Alliance Française and Berlitz, which have branches all over the world. Some of the schools in Paris are Campus Langues, ILF, Cours de Civilisation Française de la Sorbonne and the list goes on.

2. Immerse yourself with French speakers

No one knows the language better than the locals themselves. You must insist on speaking in French with them even if they speak English with you. Do not be afraid to commit errors. The locals are always happy to teach and correct French learners. Additionally, it is through committing errors that you learn and correct your mistakes ;)

The best way to immerse yourself with French speakers is by travelling to Francophone countries such as France, Belgium, Luxembourg or Monaco. You may also attend language exchange events on where you get to meet with other French learners and French natives. The objective of the exchange is to learn from one another. You will teach and share others about the language that you know, e.g. English and they will do the same for you.

3. Change the language settings of your phone, laptop and accounts to French.

This is a fun technique: Change the user language of your phone, laptop, Facebook, twitter, email, TEMPO online account and just about everything you visit online to French. Try it and this will familiarize you with very useful terms from the internet, to messaging, to configuring your phones settings and the like.

Let’s check your French vocabulary. Can you say “Download, inbox, outbox, logout, sign up, log in, send money, upload, new tab” in French? By encountering these terms and new ones everyday, you will be automatically picking up new vocabulary without you even noticing it or making an effort ;)

4. Listen to French, read in French, and watch French television

Another fun way of learning French is exposing yourself to French media with music, films and literature. Not only will you discover the beauty of French culture but you will also learn new vocabulary, expressions and improve on your listening comprehension.

For French music, look for the top 50 French songs playlist on Spotify. For movies and tv shows, simply explore the French selections on Netflix. You may even change the language of your favorite English tv shows and movies to French. For books, you may start with easy children’s stories and move your way up to the original version of the bestseller, “The Little Prince” in French.

5. Learn at least 1 French expression per day

The last tip/trick is to learn 1 French expression per day and use it. Research shows that you only 1,000 words to be conversational in French. Do this consistently everyday and you’ll learn 30 expressions per month and 365 expressions per year ;) You will improve on your vocabulary in no time! 1 expression at a time!

Parlons français maintenant ! This article was brought to you by the TEMPO Money Transfer team. If you need any help with your French or sending money from France/Europe to the rest of the world or exchange currency, just message us on livechat via



Patricia MARCOS
TEMPO Money Transfer

Digital Marketing Manager at TEMPO Money Transfer from the beautiful 7,107 islands of the Philippines ❤