Accessing Temporal’s I2P Enterprise IPFS Infrastructure

RTrade Technologies, Ltd.
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2019

Temporal has an experimental I2P infrastructure layer allowing access to our hosted API’s and tooling via the I2P network. Currently we have three I2P services:

  • IPFS gateway
  • Temporal HTTP API

Before attempting to access these services you’ll want to make sure you have I2P installed and running. Once you’ve done that, the fastest way to start accessing these services is by manually updating your address book. We are currently publishing the .i2p address however we just recently started doing this, so it may take some time to fully propagate.

For an abbreviated version of this, that simply contains the .i2p addresses and their corresponding base64 addresses, see the gist on github

If you dont have access to github due to their recent restrictions, see the copy we have on ipfs

One thing to bear in mind, these requests to I2P sites using SSL will give you a certificate warning because the certificate being used was issued for not the .i2p domains. While you generally shouldn’t accept these, in this case there’s no way around this.

Anonymity Provided

While we won’t focus on the specifics of anonymity provided by I2P in general, we’ll talk about the configurations we’re using, and possible concerns.


The playground can be quite slow over I2P it uses a default tunnel length of 0 hops. Additionally the playground has analytics implemented via fathom, which is pretty solid at respecting privacy and uses UUIDs.

Additionally the playground makes clearnet API calls, which means that your requests will be routed through an outproxy.

Everything Else

Everything other than the playground uses tunnel lengths of 1 hop.

IPFS Gateway

The IPFS gateway resides at temporal-gateway.i2p and has the following base64 address.


In order to access the gateway easily, you should add the aforementioned base64 address to your address book under the name temporal-gateway.i2p

This does not use HTTPS.

Temporal HTTP API

Temporal’s HTTP API, the same one you’re using when making calls to resides at temporal-api.i2p and has the following base64 address


In order to access the api easily, you should add the aforementioned base64 address to your address book under the name temporal-api.i2p

This does use HTTPS


Our IPFS HTTP API, the same one you’re using when making calls to resides at temporal-api-ipfs.i2p and has the following base64 address

N8ynzpbyYadBl1zUyfYxo4s9UxmDCVOtQ-bjCY7eVIvJdbw6A5HiXt9t2H1RJNp8K-mqKydYaSds7phtfbSfxdowiVVJdQ2gPanx7Ph1KxnDpm1FwjgyfuH4dwFcioCic~Xs4iqjzXAdUixfj0mdc1CjZu-LeKHTJpch21q7vqNJKf3r4fd4dZKDlAPF9tLDCrfhIQz~2sD7USISEJ1yE5Z1w7FIldIJR3l6TAH- B3nl5kmog7bxs0AUSQFqr1d~bfWzywUs09ehlpNYCSzRhi97sh3rnME~r2WGHAaJQIjAJ8jjF1jZvtT7TW0uQi33mHWLHNmaOM1kvoxry0BMp7BX1J~ACnA84i-ev8KAhab4hQYRwquKaVfxgrTAusUuzJHV6q~-G7L0KpNoVT0iLxOY4dlZoFnkR9bDNxR~jZdRPS4hWoMMzT7WBhXjpIaXDZsu3D-Nu4Y27XgCd-SgdJ~TvExUSpGQaHuUBt7fLW43mS2g8iu3giN~4m9PMyQfBQAEAAcAAA==

In order to access the API easily, you should add the aforementioned base64 address to your address book under the name temporal-api-ipfs.i2p

This does not use HTTPS


While the playground is server over I2P, it makes API calls to Temporal’s API on the clearnet. This means that your requests will end up going through an outproxy and won’t be entirely contained within I2P. Additionally it uses fathom tracking, and loads a stripe checkout script if on the credits page. The initial connection is a little slow while the website loads.

It resides at temporal.i2p and has the following base64 address


In order to access the playground easily, you should add the aforementioned base64 address to your address book under the name temporal.i2p

This does not use HTTPS

What is Temporal ?

Temporal is an open-source API leveraging IPFS technology to provide robust functionality for distributed data storage systems that can be easily integrated into any enterprise application stacks.

Temporal’s powerful Web 3.0 infrastructure allows users to achieve enterprise-level scale and security without the need for expensive or cumbersome infrastructure.

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RTrade Technologies, Ltd.

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