RTrade Technologies Partners with Dappkit Utilizing Enterprise IPFS Infrastructure & APIs

RTrade Technologies, Ltd.
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2019

RTrade Technologies Ltd. is pleased to announce it is partnering with DappKit to provide high-quality Web 3.0 infrastructure to be its official IPFS hosting provider and API platform of choice.

RTrade Technologies has strategically designed its IPFS dedicated data center to enable a creative environment where the team can be empowered to design unique in-house projects. Leveraging this, RTrade has developed a product called Temporal, an open-source API with scalable IPFS Infrastructure, allowing users to build or plug into production-ready applications on top of IPFS quickly. With modern tools and languages such as Golang and JavaScript, Temporal offers a free starter package featuring turnkey APIs, toolkits & storage to achieve enterprise-level scale and security without the need for expensive or cumbersome infrastructure. Temporal’s platform handles all the heavy lifting to provide even basic users with powerful IPFS products like pinning services w/ 3GB free, IPFS HTTP API proxy, TemporalX enterprise IPFS nodes, folder uploads, private network management and much more.

SimpleAsWater is an umbrella of Apps, Infrastructure & Tools focussed on making learning, building & scaling on Web 3.0 easier. Dappkit is a project under SimpleAsWater, aiming to make Dapp development mainstream.

Dappkit is a collection of open-source tools and scalable decentralized infrastructure which helps developers to build & scale Decentralized applications(dapps) easily. In short, it’s Firebase for Web 3.0.

Dappkit takes existing projects and tools that you love to use and puts them together, to make it easier for you to build, test, deploy, and monitor dapps.

Dappkit provides an authentication module, plug-n-play scalable decentralized storage powered by Temporal, decentralized Naming System, Hosting, and integrated online & offline testing tools all under one hood.

Dappkit is launching the Beta Program from December 2019 for 100 interested developers. You can request access for Beta Program here.

RTrade believes that partnering directly with Dappkit will create another great use-case for both platforms and help the IPFS community grow. Dappkit and RTrade continue to contribute application and infrastructure useful for the development of secure decentralized solutions for users and enterprises alike. Both companies share the same vision of a safer, faster and more open internet where users can now have complete control over their data.

Vaibhav Saini from Dappkit: “To build a platform where developers can focus on building dapps and not on messing with complex infrastructure setup, Dappkit needs a service that provides a reliant, resilient and scalable decentralized backend. Temporal has proved itself as a suitable service for our use-case. We look forward to working together to make Dapp development mainstream.”

Derrick Foote from RTrade: “It’s amazing to see a platform like Dappkit bringing together so many great tools for developers to build and scale decentralized applications all in one place. This will greatly help drive the adoption of Web 3.0 technologies and attract more builders looking to create their next dApp. We look forward to working with and creating new and exciting opportunities together.”

Join Temporal’s online community on Twitter, Telegram or visit our website for more company information.

To learn more about DappKit’s latest developments, visit their community Discord channel or Twitter. If you want to add your project to the dappkit platform, let us know here.



RTrade Technologies, Ltd.

We are a team of blockchain Technology Specialists. Helping to build a decentralized world.