Enterprise IPFS & Technologies Defining the Next Generation of the Web

RTrade Technologies, Ltd.
Published in
4 min readAug 8, 2019

In part one of our IPFS education series, we discussed some of the major issues with the client-server relationship and flawed web protocols like HTTP. In part two, we will show how the next generation of web technologies might be closer to mass adoption than you might think.

The paradigm shifts that define the internet are swift and often revolutionary. As web-based technologies begin to implement the next wave of decentralized blockchain-based solutions, the internet is likely to go through another massive transformation as innovative coders and developers transform the problems today into the resilient systems of tomorrow.

Along with leading developers in the open-source community, RTrade is helping to define the next generation of the web through its open-source platforms like Temporal that enable increased functionality and utility for cutting-edge technologies like IPFS. Along with RTrade, companies like Brave have integrated IPFS into their own products in order to enhance the user experience of Brave Browser. The company offers an extension within the Brave Browser that enables web based IPFS services, providing exposure to a whole new user base.

Companies like RTrade, Brave, and many others are beginning to implement blockchain-based solutions that are just scratching the surface of the potential of the next generation of the web. As innovative coders and developers continue to unveil new solutions, the benefits could save businesses and users unprecedented amounts of time and money. As we discussed in part one, antiquated protocols and systems have resulted in massive financial and environmental losses. However, there is hope as technologies like IPFS continue to push the limits of what is possible when the design of the internet is completely reshaped.

IPFS: Enabling a New Era

Outdated data structures have proven to be inefficient with the potential to cause significant losses to both companies and users. Technologies like IPFS are cutting into these inefficiencies through innovative new methods of storing and sharing data using distributed data structures. IPFS incorporates a data structure with unique attributes that enable functionalities like distributed websites without an origin server, websites that run on client-side browsers, and websites that do not talk to any server.

“IPFS is a distributed file system that seeks to connect all computing devices with the same system of files. In some ways, this is similar to the original aims of the Web, but IPFS is actually more similar to a single bittorrent swarm exchanging git objects. IPFS could become a new major subsystem of the internet. If built right, it could complement or replace HTTP.” — ConsenSys, ‘An Introduction to IPFS’

IPFS accomplishes this by taking a new approach to file distribution, splitting the process of locating and retrieving a file into two separate steps. First, IPFS uses content addressing to identify a file within a hash. Once you have found the hash, the second step is to ask the network to identify the nodes that have the corresponding hash and download it. This avoids complications with offline servers and helps to minimize the use of network resources. IPFS also incorporates features like configurable deduplication that has the potential to reduce data storage costs for large sets of similar data type, especially versioned data sets like those found on GitHub.

The shift towards decentralized and efficient data structures will require the creation of the necessary infrastructure for web 3.0 applications to be seamlessly developed and adopted by the most innovative businesses and users in the space. Technology companies like RTrade are helping to enable IPFS adoption by providing the infrastructure necessary for the rapid deployment of IPFS nodes. Through our Temporal platform, IPFS users are provided additional functionality including publishing, search, key management, uploads, and a pinning service.

Why RTrade?

RTrade is actively developing the next generation of the decentralized web, combining digital infrastructure with technologies like IPFS and Temporal to create new possibilities and enable further adoption.

Visit Temporal for the latest company news and updates.

Read Part 1 of our IPFS series “Modern Tech Problems and Web 3.0 Solutions” here.



RTrade Technologies, Ltd.

We are a team of blockchain Technology Specialists. Helping to build a decentralized world.