Temporal.cloud Walk-Through

RTrade Technologies, Ltd.
Published in
9 min readJul 10, 2019

IPFS at the click of a button with the best free usage tier of any IPFS service: Free 3GB/Monthly, 5 Free IPNS record creation a month, 100 Free pubSub messages a month and 5 Free IPFS keys.

No bandwidth limits, No data transfer charges, No API call charges for calls that do not affect state, No regional price difference, Open-source, Cheapest and most powerful IPFS pinning service on the market, Pay Per Storage/GB System, Crypto and traditional methods accepted.

This Tutorial will feature all of Temporals great interface features: Registration, Uploads & Downloads, Lens IPFS Search Engine, Private Networks,Key Management, IPNS Publishing, Pinning + PubSub Messaging.

  1. How can my IPFS speeds be affected? IPFS can be slow, what isn’t slow is our infrastructure. The primary internet up-link is a fiber optic connection with 1gbps bandwidth, and a secondary internet up-link using traditional DSL which can be used. Any interactions with the IPFS network at large that requires going outside of our system (ie, pinning content to our nodes from a non RTrade controlled node, we have 0 control over speeds)
  2. What make Temporal a safer and better option compared to our competitors? We offer the most comprehensive feature set compared to every other product. IPNS, IPFS (pinning, file uploads, pubsub, etc..), and even private IPFS networks. Our infrastructure is extremely redundant, with multiple network pathways, multiple storage nodes and hardware based RAID6. To top it off, our primary service point runs out of our very own IPFS dedicated data center. Unless you decide to run our open-source code-base in your own infrastructure, you won’t have to deal with any node maintenance or upkeep tasks.

Temporal Registration

To access the IPFS via Temporal, you’ll first need to create a free account. The registration can be completed in two easy steps:

1. Go to https://temporal.cloud/register

2. On the navigation menu, click on “Register” tab and insert a user name and an existing email address. Choose a strong password, preferably one with upper and lowercase letters, as well as numbers. All fields are case-sensitive.

Once the registration is complete, you can log in to your account by navigating to the “Login” tab at the top right of the menu and enjoy all the benefits of the distributed web. Email activation instructions will be sent to the email you used when signing up.

Uploads & Downloads

The Temporal platform provides an easy-to-use interface that interacts with our API, and allows users to seamlessly upload, download, and access files from the distributed web.

How to upload a file to IPFS

  1. Go to https://temporal.cloud/uploads.

2. Find the “Upload & Download” tab from the “IPFS Services” drop-down on the navigation menu.

3. You’ll land on the “Upload Files” tab by default. Select the file(s) you wish to upload from your device.

4. Select the number of months to pin the file(s) automatically on the IPFS. For more information, see pinning section.

5. Optional indexing of file(s) can be enabled to make it easily discovered by anyone through our Lens search engine, by searching for the files based off automatically generated meta-data.

How to download a file from IPFS

1. Go to https://temporal.cloud/uploads.

2. Select the “Upload & Download” tab from the “IPFS Services” drop-down on the navigation menu.

3. Navigate to “Download Files.” Here you’ll see all the files you have uploaded to the IPFS. Note that uploads and downloads can be accessed via multiple devices — you can use one device to upload a file and another device to download it.

4. Click on “Download” to download the chosen file directly from us. Additionally you can select either “IPFS Gateway” or “RTrade Gateway” to allow sharing of your files with other users through one of the aforementioned gateways. Clicking these buttons will copy the URL to your clipboard.

Download IPFS Hash

If you have the Hash of a file located on the IPFS, you can download it directly without having to search for it.

1. Navigate to “Download IPFS Hash” from the “Upload & Download” tab and insert the hash.

2. Enter a name and extension for the content you are downloading to be saved as.

My Favorites

You can favourite a file you’ve found through the Lens search engine which automatically adds it to the “My Favourites” section to allow for easy discovery.

Detailed Information

This tab will present you with a description of the details of your uploads including file format, size, number of months pinned, etc.

Lens IPFS Search Engine

In Temporal, Lens is the search engine of the IPFS. You can use it to find various files uploaded both by yourself and others. The types include images, videos and a number of document formats.

How to Use Lens to Search for Files

1. Go to https://temporal.cloud/lens.

2. Type in the keywords for content you want to search for. These keywords are automatically generated by Lens when indexing content.

3. Once found, you can either view the file via “IPFS Gateway” or “RTrade™ Gateway”, or download it directly to your device.

How to Test Lens

1. Go to https://temporal.cloud/uploads.

2. Upload a file. Select the number of months you wish to pin it for and enable indexing.

3. Once uploaded, allow the system one to two minutes to index it and go to https://temporal.cloud/lens.

4. Use the search field to find the file you uploaded by typing in a keyword or the name of the file. In this case, “mini”, “van”, “minivan”, “van image” will all work.

Private Networks

Private networks allow users to create IPFS nodes that are isolated from the rest of the IPFS network. Any data uploaded to your private network will not be viewable, or discoverable across the public IPFS network. Each user can create up to 8 private networks per account

1. Go to https://temporal.cloud/private.

2. Click on “+Create”. Give your network a name (one word, no spaces) and a short description.

Manage Networks

This tab shows all your private networks and allows you to make various changes, for instance add/remove users and Bootstrap peers or change the description of the network.

Key Management

The “Key Management” tab allows you to generate, retrieve and manage all your public keys. A key is used to both protect and make your files easier to find on the IPFS network via IPNS publishing (see IPNS publishing for details).

How to Create an IPFS Key

1. Go to https://temporal.cloud/key.

2. Enter the key name. This should be something you’ll easily tie with the IPNS file that you’re planning to assign the key to in the future.

3. Choose the key type. RSA keys are the most popular, while ED25519 keys are lesser used, but are faster to generate.

4. Choose the key size. The key size only applies to RSA keys, as ED25519 keys default to the max size of 256 bytes. The larger your key size, the longer it takes to generate

Retrieve Keys

This tab will show you the list of all your available keys, along with information about their size and type.

IPNS Publishing

IPNS (InterPlanetary Name System) is a global name-space addressed by using public key hashes, allowing users to create an immutable link to changing content. This is very useful for dealing with dynamic content stored on IPFS.

How to Publish an IPNS Name on the Public Network

1. Go to https://temporal.cloud/ipns

2. Enter the hash of content on IPFS which you want to be referenced by this IPNS record. This hash can be any hash that is on the IPFS network, whether or not you’ve uploaded it through Temporal

3. Enter the “Lifetime” and “TTL” values. Lifetime indicates the maximum time a specific record will be valid for. TTL indicates the minimum time a specific record will be valid for. If you’re unsure, it’s recommended to choose the same values for both.

4. Choose a public key you have created from the dropdown list. The hash of this key will be the name of the IPNS record. Check out “Key Management” for more information.

5. Choose whether or not to resolve the hash before publishing. In the vast majority of cases, you should leave resolve at the default value of “true

View Records

This tab will show all the previous IPNS records that you have made along with the names, lifetime and TTL values used for each file on the IPFS.

Pinning + Pubsub


Whenever you upload a file to IPFS through Temporal, it is held within local storage of our nodes for the specified number of months. In the future we will offer the ability to extend the lifetime of a pin. Pinning is done recursively

How to Pin an object with Temporal on the IPFS

  1. Go to https://temporal.cloud/pinning

2. Select “Pinning + Pubsub” from the “IPFS Services” tab.

3. Enter the IPFS object hash and the number of months to pin the content.

To acquire the IPFS object hash that you have uploaded previously, navigate to “Upload and Download” section of the “IPFS Services” tab. Go to downloads from the menu that appears, choose the file and click on hash to save it to clipboard.

Navigate back to “Pinning + Pubsub”, paste the hash into the “IPFS Hash” tab and select the number of months.

PubSub Messaging

PubSub (publish-subscribe) is a messaging pattern where the publisher can send a message to a specific topic. Any nodes listening to this topic, will receive the message

How to Publish a PubSub Message

1. Go to https://temporal.cloud/pinning and navigate to the “PubSub Messaging” tab.

2. Enter your message and the name of the topic.


The objects section can allow you to acquire detailed information (block size, link size, number of links, cumulative size, and data-size) of any object on the IPFS network.

Thank for stopping by !

We hope this has helped you get a better understanding of all the great features Temporals interface has to offer ! If you have any questions of comments please feel free to join our dedicated 24/7 support channel on telegram or follow us on twitter.

Don’t forget to check out our amazing API documentation and our latest release Temporal-JS SDK (Full Public IPFS+IPNS Usage). Deploy, manage and do more with you Dapps then ever before.



RTrade Technologies, Ltd.

We are a team of blockchain Technology Specialists. Helping to build a decentralized world.