Temporal Partners with Rivet Utilizing IPFS APIs and Powerful Infrastructure.

RTrade Technologies, Ltd.
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2020

Temporal is pleased to announce it is partnering with Rivet to provide IPFS APIs and high-quality Web 3.0 infrastructure as its official IPFS hosting provider.

The most trusted and scalable IPFS Infrastructure and developer tools, Temporal allows users to build or plug into production-ready applications on top of IPFS quickly. With modern tools and languages such as Golang and JavaScript, Temporal offers a free starter package featuring turnkey APIs, toolkits & storage to achieve enterprise-level scale and security without the need for expensive or cumbersome infrastructure. Temporal’s platform handles all the heavy lifting to provide even basic users with powerful IPFS products like pinning services w/ 3GB free, IPFS HTTP API proxy, TemporalX enterprise IPFS nodes, folder uploads, Amazon S3 Minio gateway and much more.

Rivet — the next-generation Ethereum gateway service built on open source technology developed and maintained by the OpenRelay team — provides developers with endpoints that consistently deliver mind-bending performance and rock-solid stability never before possible on Ethereum. What’s more, thanks to the remarkable efficiency of their infrastructure, Rivet is able to offer its next-gen service at a price that meets or beats the cost of services provided by comparable current-generation services.

With Rivet, developers can make calls to the Ethereum blockchain via RPC, Websockets and GraphQL endpoints and expect the kind of performance one might expect from more mature web2 APIs, and since Rivet can scale to meet the needs of any application, developers can focus on building out new features — not endlessly optimizing queries for fear of exhausting the gateway’s capacity or hindering its responsiveness. And if that weren’t enough, Rivet takes a privacy-first approach — they gather minimal data, and never sell or share it willingly with 3rd parties. With a service like this, it’s no wonder they’ve already been adopted by some of the most trusted names in Ethereum.

Temporal believes that partnering directly with Rivet will create another great use-case for both platforms and helps the IPFS and Blockchain community grow. Rivet and Temporal continue to contribute application and infrastructure useful for the development of secure decentralized solutions for users and enterprises alike. Both companies share the same vision of a safer, faster and more open internet where users can now have complete control over their data.

Greg Lang, CXO and Co-founder of OpenRelay — creators of Rivet: “While others run around our ecosystem’s most difficult technical challenges, feeding a never-ending, costly struggle to manage the complexity of the status quo at scale, the Temporal team delivers an elegant technological solution that neatly addresses the underlying difficulty of delivering scalable IPFS services. We couldn’t be more proud to partner with such a first-rate team, and we can’t wait to see what happens when their peerless tools are in the hands of developers everywhere.”

Derrick Foote, Founder and CEO of Temporal: “Infrastructure is one of the most critical layers of not only blockchain but any new emerging tech. It’s exciting to be joining forces with another team focused on this to help drive the adoption of Web 3.0 technologies by bringing real value and scalability to the ecosystem. We look forward to working with and creating new and exciting opportunities together.”

Join Temporal’s online community on Twitter, Telegram or visit our website for more company information.

To learn more about Rivet’s latest developments, check out their website or follow them on Twitter or Medium.



RTrade Technologies, Ltd.

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