Tempus @ ETHAmsterdam 🇳🇱

Josh Kelly
3 min readApr 26, 2022



After an enriching few days of community BUIDLing, the Tempus Labs team are back home from ETHAmsterdam with lifelong memories, exciting new connections, and lots of swag.

It was great partnering with ETHGlobal to help make ETHAmsterdam such a special event for everyone involved. With 165 projects submitted, a big shoutout to all the hard work put in by the speakers, judges, mentors, volunteers, and, of course, the hackers.

All good things must come to an end, but at least we’ll always have the memories. Here are some of our favourites…

Day 1 — ready to help BUIDL.
Hackers finding out more about Tempus.
No caption needed for this one.
Our co-founder Đorđe wishing everyone GM.
The final team dinner!
The banner says it all.
Our founder David enjoying the refreshments provided by Tempus.
No trip to Amsterdam is complete without a canal tour.

Miss us at ETHAmsterdam? Catch us at EthCC in Paris in July. 🇫🇷

For more updates on all things Tempus, visit the links below and follow us.

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