How to guess the technology stack of any company

To know the technologies used by a potential partner company might be critical. I’ve tried to predict a technology stack of a selected company based just on open data available to anyone via the Linkedin.

Andrew Sheludenkov Reviews
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2020


If you go to any company LinkedIn page — it’s easy to allocate all employees of a company. Usually, profiles contain skills, especially engineers who are eager to expose their expertise in certain programming languages and frameworks.

If you filter engineers and religiously collect their skills — you will obtain a lot of information.

Please review the technology Radar of a random company I’ve selected on Linkedin and analyzed the skills of the company’s employees.

The total number of engineers is 38 people.

The most popular language in the company as you can see is Java, this skill has 22 engineers. The most popular framework is Spring — 19 engineers, and Hibernate — 11 engineers. For the infrastructure, the company most likely uses Tomcat, because 11 engineers have this skill. And MySQL is a database because 9 engineers know it.

Feel free to enjoy the interactive technology radar built based on data collected just from open profiles — Technology Stack

In we have a very similar technology stack: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Tomcat, MySQL. Here is a link to the Technology Radar of our company — Also, for the front-end, we love to use AngularJS and ReactJS. As infrastructure in most cases, we use AWS.

Our expertise in FinTech

In we work with a New York-based company — it is a digital loan marketplace for banks.

Within 3 months of cooperation, our team developed architecture, tech design, UX flow, and UI design.

It was designed to fit any screen size on different devices.

Models of cooperation

Usually, at we start with a small fixed-price project, to check if we fit the client and prove that we meet budget and deadlines.

After that in most cases we switch to the model we call dedicated team, it means that we allocate certain teams to work solely for our client full-time, this model is more convenient for startup companies, when the scope of work may change rapidly.


We are located in Ukraine in Kyiv, you know, this year it became even more clear that the distributed team may work from home with the same efficiency as the local team. We have 2 offices in Ukraine though.

