
FUCK Headline Analyzers

They’re not gods

Gustave Deresse
The Prompt Headlines
13 min readAug 9, 2022


Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash

Sweet cloacae!

Do you want the truth— need it?

Firstly, we don’t always need the truth. But in this case, let’s say there’s good reason to care. After all, you could write and publish one thousand masterpieces tomorrow— but where’s the meaning of it, when your headlines go unclicked?

The skill to craft strong headlines is meaningful as knowing your shit in the first place.

You want the truth.

Then let’s talk about why headline analyzers aren’t the ultimate tool for crafting killer headlines, what can be learned from my personal experience plus that of a couple of copywriting legends, along with my personal goals for improving my headlines moving forward.

I’ll also share with you one of my favourite books I haven’t completed yet — because I keep re-reading the first eight golden pages!

Let’s scroll — and read.

The Truth

Machines don’t understand how humans really work. Here’s a perfect example — I’m sorry if you’ve seen it before:

‘Infinite Tears + Passion’

