Show me yer hand and I shall show thee where thy fate has schemed ill for yea

Ten Hut!
Published in
1 min readAug 8, 2014

I have a confession (nope, not that kind !). I am hooked to this astrology site by Susan Miller. Its not that I believe that some planet far far away has any influence on the woman who is gonna end up on my arm tonight. But its good to know that someone has a version of my life story of the that ends up in a ‘happily forever’.

Fact is that fate is out there to to kill you, and in the end it has a success rate of 100% in that particular enterprise. But we can’t hate what must come to pass, so why not fall in love with a version of it that might. Perhaps try to live that version and who knows, it might just be the one true version.

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Ten Hut!

Leader, engineer, programmer, philosopher