Introducing Todoist and Twist for Education

A discount for students, teachers and educational professionals. Because learning is cool. 🤓=😎

Ambition & Balance
2 min readJan 2, 2018


Originally published on the official Doist blog

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

-Nelson Mandela

At Hawthorn Leadership School for Girls in Missouri, Dr. Robyn Wiens uses Todoist to spend her time wisely. Whether she’s scheduling a meeting, supporting her staff, or giving her students access to the latest technology, Dr. Wiens has to stay organized to keep her team running smoothly:

“My decision matrix is, ‘if this doesn’t get done tonight, how will it affect my team’s ability to do their jobs tomorrow?’”

In Germany, Florian Großmann and his team of university students use Twist to coordinate their work building a sustainable race car:

“We work in all different places — at home, in our team room, our workshop or on the road. We need to be able to communicate quickly, no matter who is staying where.”

Thousands of students, teachers, and educational leaders across the globe use Todoist and Twist to achieve their goals. To support them and their inspiring work, we’re extending 70% discount on Todoist and 50% discount on Twist to students, teachers, and other education professionals!

Do you need a place to organize and prioritize everything you need to get done? Apply for the Todoist for Education discount.

Are you looking for a calmer, more organized way to work with your team? Apply for the Twist for Education discount.

While you’re at it, share your story with us on Twitter @Todoist or @TwistAppTeam. We’d love to hear about how you’ve used Todoist and Twist to support your work in education.

Best of luck achieving your educational goals in 2018!

– The Doist Team

Read more about using Twist & Todoist:



Ambition & Balance

A remote company thinking about more fulfilling ways to work & live. &