Standing up for Doist’s values

Ambition & Balance
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2017


Doist was founded by a refugee.

Years before he started creating Todoist, Amir and his family were forced to flee the war in Bosnia as refugees and start a completely new life in Denmark.

They didn’t know the language, they didn’t know the culture, and everything that they had spent their lives building was hastily left behind in a country devastated by violence that resulted in the death of over 100,000 people.

Denmark welcomed Amir’s family and gave them a chance to start over in their adopted home.

Throughout the last 10 years, Doist has been built upon a foundation of inclusion and a deeply held belief that our diversity makes us much, much stronger as a company.

Our 50 team members come from 20 different countries ranging from Jamaica to Poland, Taiwan and Australia. We’re men and women, gay and straight, religious and atheistic. This remote company we’ve built is borderless — and we believe that this way of working is the future.

That’s why we are adding our voice to the chorus of condemnation against the unconstitutional and immoral executive order enacted this past weekend by the President of the United States barring refugees, as well as visitors, from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US.

In support of those whose lives have been put in danger by this ignorant and xenophobic action — and similar actions being enacted around the world – we’ve donated $25,000 to the International Rescue Committee, an organization committed to helping people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future.

Today, and always, Doist stands for inclusivity, open-mindedness, and diversity.

To those who stand with us, thank you.



Ambition & Balance

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