Inside SimpliSafe Alarm System

Nicholas Miles
Tenable TechBlog
Published in
20 min readFeb 21, 2021

Author: Nick Miles, Co-Author: Chris Lyne

In my last blog (Inside Amazon’s Ring Alarm System), I took a deep dive into Amazon’s Ring Alarm system. In this blog, I will do the same with a popular competing product — SimpliSafe. In 2016, the infosec firm IOActive released details¹ on how the PIN code sent from the keypad to the base station can be sniffed over the air with a software-defined radio (SDR) and used by an attacker to disarm the system. SimpliSafe’s next-generation alarm system, SS3, implements proprietary encryption technology to prevent this attack. In the blog, we will take a look at the new hardware and how they’ve implemented the encryption.

Dissecting the Hardware

Base Station

Below is the base station mainboard with a PIC Microcontroller (PIC32MX170F512L¹¹), flash memory (Winbond 25q64jvsiq), and an audio Amp IC (for the siren).

SimpliSafe SS3 Base Station Circuit Board

Here is the other side of the board with the USB power connector. The red and black wires connect to a 6v rechargeable battery pack (4 AA cells) that provides backup power.

Backside of Base Station board (red and black cut wires go to battery backup pack)

Here is the cellular radio module from Telit:

Cell radio communication backup board (in case the internet goes out!)

And finally, the radio board, which contains an ESP32 that handles Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), and a general-purpose Sub 1GHz radio IC (Texas Instruments CC1121) for communicating with sensors:

Radio board on the side with RF chip for Sub 1GHz sensor comms
ESP32 for Wifi/BLE on the other side of the radio board


Both the entry and motion detectors use a low-power PIC MCU (PIC12LF1572) in tandem with a sub 1GHz transmitter-only IC (SX1243). They are powered with a 3-volt CR2032 battery cell, which makes them very inexpensive to produce. Here are photos of an entry sensor:

Entry sensor (notice reed switch at the top that is switch via a magnet)
The opposite side of the entry sensor where the CRC2032 battery goes.


The keypad is very similar in nature to the base station. It uses a PIC microcontroller and the same radio transceiver IC as the base station (CC1121). Below are internal pictures of the keypad and a labeled picture of the programming interface.

Main keypad logic board with PIC MCU and radio chip
Dome switch PCB for keypad
Programming interfaces for keypad

Sub 1GHz Radio Communications

The keypad and base station have Sub 1GHz radio transceiver chips (CC1121). The sensors have transmitter chips. The first thing I did was find a way to tap into the communication between the PIC microcontroller and CC1121 radio IC on the base station so I could monitor it with a logic analyzer. The CC1121 provides SPI (serial peripheral interface¹²) pins for control. We traced out the 4 pins (SCLK [serial clock], SO [serial out], SI [serial in], and CS [chip select]) on the CC1121 back to test points on the board we could easily solder leads to in order to hook up a logic analyzer.

RF Module connection mapping
Logic analyzer hooked up to radio board

Using a Saleae logic analyzer, I was able to decode the raw serial input and output bytes sent between the chips:

SPI Data to Sub 1Ghz Radio Chip
SPI Decoding

In order to understand what the bytes do, you have to dig into various hard-to-find datasheets. Here is the best one I found for our radio chip:¹⁷. I eventually ended up writing a decoder that processes the CSV files I can dump from the logic analyzer (

Here is an excerpt of the output:

Header for packet ID: 0
Header Byte: 0xb0
Access type: Read
Burst Access: False
Address: 0x30
Command Strobe - SRES - Reset chip
Header for packet ID: 1
Header Byte: 0xef
Access type: Read
Burst Access: True
Address: 0x2f
Extended Register
byte read (0x33[XOSC4]) - 0x41
Header for packet ID: 2
Header Byte: 0xb6
Access type: Read
Burst Access: False
Address: 0x36
Command Strobe - SIDLE - Exit RX/TX, turn off frequency synthesizer and exit eWOR mode if applicable
Header for packet ID: 3
Header Byte: 0x40
Access type: Write
Burst Access: True
Address: 0x00
Regular Register IOCFG3
byte written (0x00) - 0x02

This dump is recording the initialization of the chip after power on. You can see a reset being issued, and various configuration issues being initialized. Here is a snapshot of the registers after configuration:

Regular registers

| Address | Name | Hex Value | Decimal | Binary |
| 0x00 | IOCFG3 | 0x02 | 2 | 10 |
| 0x01 | IOCFG2 | 0x06 | 6 | 110 |
| 0x02 | IOCFG1 | 0xb0 | 176 | 10110000 |
| 0x03 | IOCFG0 | 0x40 | 64 | 1000000 |
| 0x04 | SYNC3 | 0x93 | 147 | 10010011 |
| 0x05 | SYNC2 | 0x0b | 11 | 1011 |
| 0x06 | SYNC1 | 0x51 | 81 | 1010001 |
| 0x07 | SYNC0 | 0xde | 222 | 11011110 |
| 0x08 | SYNC_CFG1 | 0x09 | 9 | 1001 |
| 0x09 | SYNC_CFG0 | 0x17 | 23 | 10111 |
| 0x0a | DEVIATION_M | 0xaa | 170 | 10101010 |
| 0x0b | MODCFG_DEV_E | 0x04 | 4 | 100 |
| 0x0c | DCFILT_CFG | 0x15 | 21 | 10101 |
| 0x0d | PREAMBLE_CFG1 | 0x18 | 24 | 11000 |
| 0x0e | PREAMBLE_CFG0 | 0x2a | 42 | 101010 |
| 0x0f | FREQ_IF_CFG | 0x3a | 58 | 111010 |
| 0x10 | IQIC | 0x00 | 0 | 0 |
| 0x11 | CHAN_BW | 0x03 | 3 | 11 |
| 0x12 | MDMCFG1 | 0x46 | 70 | 1000110 |
| 0x13 | MDMCFG0 | 0x05 | 5 | 101 |
| 0x14 | SYMBOL_RATE2 | 0x63 | 99 | 1100011 |
| 0x15 | SYMBOL_RATE1 | 0xa9 | 169 | 10101001 |
| 0x16 | SYMBOL_RATE0 | 0x2a | 42 | 101010 |
| 0x17 | AGC_REF | 0x3c | 60 | 111100 |
| 0x18 | AGC_CS_THR | 0xf8 | 248 | 11111000 |
| 0x19 | AGC_GAIN_ADJUST | 0x00 | 0 | 0 |
| 0x1a | AGC_CFG3 | 0x91 | 145 | 10010001 |
| 0x1b | AGC_CFG2 | 0x20 | 32 | 100000 |
| 0x1c | AGC_CFG1 | 0xa9 | 169 | 10101001 |
| 0x1d | AGC_CFG0 | 0xc0 | 192 | 11000000 |
| 0x1e | FIFO_CFG | 0x46 | 70 | 1000110 |
| 0x1f | DEV_ADDR | 0x00 | 0 | 0 |
| 0x20 | SETTLING_CFG | 0x0b | 11 | 1011 |
| 0x21 | FS_CFG | 0x14 | 20 | 10100 |
| 0x22 | WOR_CFG1 | 0x08 | 8 | 1000 |
| 0x23 | WOR_CFG0 | 0x21 | 33 | 100001 |
| 0x24 | WOR_EVENT0_MSB | 0x00 | 0 | 0 |
| 0x25 | WOR_EVENT0_LSB | 0x00 | 0 | 0 |
| 0x26 | PKT_CFG2 | 0x04 | 4 | 100 |
| 0x27 | PKT_CFG1 | 0x05 | 5 | 101 |
| 0x28 | PKT_CFG0 | 0x20 | 32 | 100000 |
| 0x29 | RFEND_CFG1 | 0x0f | 15 | 1111 |
| 0x2a | RFEND_CFG0 | 0x00 | 0 | 0 |
| 0x2b | PA_CFG2 | 0x34 | 52 | 110100 |
| 0x2c | PA_CFG1 | 0x56 | 86 | 1010110 |
| 0x2d | PA_CFG0 | 0x7e | 126 | 1111110 |
| 0x2e | PKT_LEN | 0xff | 255 | 11111111 |

Extended Registers

| Address | Name | Hex Value | Decimal | Binary |
| 0x00 | IF_MIX_CFG | 0x0 | 0 | 0 |
| 0x01 | FREQOFF_CFG | 0x30 | 48 | 110000 |
| 0x02 | TOC_CFG | 0x4b | 75 | 1001011 |
| 0x0a | FREQOFF1 | 0x0 | 0 | 0 |
| 0x0b | FREQOFF0 | 0xde | 222 | 11011110 |
| 0x0c | FREQ2 | 0x6c | 108 | 1101100 |
| 0x0d | FREQ1 | 0x7a | 122 | 1111010 |
| 0x0e | FREQ0 | 0xe1 | 225 | 11100001 |
| 0x91 | SERIAL_STATUS | | | |
| 0x12 | FS_DIG1 | 0x0 | 0 | 0 |
| 0x13 | FS_DIG0 | 0x5f | 95 | 1011111 |
| 0x14 | FS_CAL3 | | | |
| 0x15 | FS_CAL2 | 0x20 | 32 | 100000 |
| 0x16 | FS_CAL1 | 0x40 | 64 | 1000000 |
| 0x17 | FS_CAL0 | 0xe | 14 | 1110 |
| 0x18 | FS_CHP | 0x28 | 40 | 101000 |
| 0x19 | FS_DIVTWO | 0x3 | 3 | 11 |
| 0x1b | FS_DSM0 | 0x33 | 51 | 110011 |
| 0x1d | FS_DVC0 | 0x17 | 23 | 10111 |
| 0x1f | FS_PFD | 0x50 | 80 | 1010000 |
| 0x20 | FS_PRE | 0x6e | 110 | 1101110 |
| 0x21 | FS_REG_DIV_CML | 0x14 | 20 | 10100 |
| 0x22 | FS_SPARE | 0xac | 172 | 10101100 |
| 0x23 | FS_VCO4 | 0x11 | 17 | 10001 |
| 0x24 | FS_VCO3 | | | |
| 0x25 | FS_VCO2 | 0x48 | 72 | 1001000 |
| 0x26 | FS_VCO1 | | | |
| 0x27 | FS_VCO0 | 0xb4 | 180 | 10110100 |
| 0x28 | GBIAS6 | | | |
| 0x29 | GBIAS5 | | | |
| 0x2a | GBIAS4 | | | |
| 0x2b | GBIAS3 | | | |
| 0x2c | GBIAS2 | | | |
| 0x2d | GBIAS1 | | | |
| 0x2e | GBIAS0 | | | |
| 0x2f | IFAMP | | | |
| 0x30 | LNA | | | |
| 0x31 | RXMIX | | | |
| 0x32 | XOSC5 | 0xe | 14 | 1110 |
| 0x33 | XOSC4 | | | |
| 0x34 | XOSC3 | | | |
| 0x35 | XOSC2 | | | |
| 0x36 | XOSC1 | 0x3 | 3 | 11 |

With these configuration parameters understood, it is now possible to configure a software-defined radio like the HackRF¹³ or YARD Stick One¹⁴ to receive and decode SimpliSafe packets.

Sniffing Wireless Sensor/Keypad Traffic

Using a YARD Stick One, and rfcat¹⁵ and the parameters discovered in the steps above, a python script can be used to obtain packets:

Python rfcat code excerpt
Raspberry PI with YARD Stick One

Here are some packets captured from the keypad when the alarm was armed or disarmed.


15 01 006c2221 af1600 46f2bbb40b023de73e7b3eef d74a8f
15 01 006c2221 b21600 7ca55ebc36a28be9a18d050b b74a91
15 01 006c2221 b41600 5e013df2a7d63f29d8ee11ef 194a93
15 01 006c2221 b61600 a74a492eec6d85750d6d3c3c 6b4a94


18 01 006c2221 c41300 219b9c74a23794b31b945cc3d68e0229 3992
18 01 006c2221 c61300 14fc7247bae4cbd963347c860f8a10cb 3a96
18 01 006c2221 bc1300 80809bf26fda370f823d7208d49953eb 4493
18 01 006c2221 bf1300 f459155493141aaca2c0361f40d39eb1 4392

Entry Sensor Packets:

16 02 007289cb f9d202 6b2d82a0f26ded4a3d95ae006723 fa51
16 02 007289cb fad202 7d441c349698ab938ee973c0cd9f 098d
16 02 007289cb fed202 0994ea1ac9155f6076ff75105bb8 2b24
16 02 007289cb 06d302 65332d08bc4cc2df10a823039eef e8cf

Panic Button Press:

16 02 006cdc17 431f00 ccdbd36b5e9c9afab6f25247d7cd 0cca

Keyfob Packets:

16 02 0070f8bb 355a00 c991a297447c3b5f9896460c2a0a 378f
16 02 0070f8bb 365a00 619f3a672661563d95ecdec007a5 388f

After capturing enough packets, a pattern becomes apparent. Here is the breakdown of packet contents from my initial analysis.

Packet Example:

16 02 007289cb f9d202 6b2d82a0f26ded4a3d95ae006723 fa51Size                 : 16 (22 bytes, not including length byte)
Packet Flag / Type? : 02
Device Serial : 007289cb
Encrypted Data? : 6b2d82a0f26ded4a3d95ae006723
CheckSum : fa51

I also noticed that pressing the “Test” button on sensors caused them to send a special packet. Note that this button is used to “bind” (or “pair”) the sensor to the base station. Here are a few from the entry sensors:

16 f2 006f0538 05 fc40f8a66fd761ce2e2edf54ab0a5404 316c
16 f2 005f5dc9 05 2a0220efdd4598e89171ab4170c7bbe3 7615
16 f2 007289cb 05 e6af9ac41e4cde7407efc5a28334e04a cb76

What’s interesting is that the panic button doesn’t have a separate bind button, so it sends its bind packet in addition to its regular data packet every time it’s triggered. Since it’s only ever pressed in an emergency, there would never be a way to capture the bind packet after the initial bind without triggering the alarm, unless you trigger it and prevent the signal from reaching the base station (e.g. by using a faraday cage / bag).

16 f2 006cdc17 03 f3dff6f2bdb17c9250462a7de968fc74 f4f6

The packets are always the same each time a bind is triggered. They never change. The packets include a length field (0x16), a flag (0xf2) indicating that the packet is for binding, the serial number of the device, what looks to be a constant, some other seemingly random potentially-encrypted data, and a two-byte checksum at the end.

Without digging further into the microcontrollers themselves, it’s hard to determine much more about what’s going on. It’s obvious that the pin data for arming and disarming is obfuscated/encrypted in some way. So I decided to turn my attention towards the PICs to see if I can pull firmware.

Attacking Protected PIC MCUs

There are programming pins on the base station, keypad, and sensors for attaching a programmer. I used a PICkit 3 for attempting to extract firmware from these microcontrollers. Here is the pinout for connecting a programmer to the base station:

PIC Programmer pin mapping (base station)

PIC Programming Pins (Base Station):

Using the PICkit I tried to read the device but found that the device has code protection enabled:

Attempting to read PIC, but code protected :(

I also tried reading MCU code from the entry, keypad, and motion sensors. All were code protected.

Breaking PIC Code Protection

After doing a bit of research, there are three general approaches that may be used to unlock Microcontrollers. All three require an IC which has been decapped. Decapping is a process where the packaging covering the silicon die (either plastic, ceramic, or epoxy) is removed to expose it. There are a variety of methods to accomplish this, including laser etching and chemical etching.

I sent one of the base station MCUs to a lab, and below is an image of the decapped chip they sent back.

With the chip “functionally” decapped (meaning it still works after having the package etched away), there are various ways I’m aware of in which the copy protection can be attacked.

UV Light Exposure

The is a blog² I found that goes into detail about how some PIC devices can be unlocked by exposing the memory of the security bits to UV light which clears them. This works on a variety of PIC microcontrollers and is the method in which I believe a lab unlocked the PIC entry sensor; I’ll go into detail further down.

Micro Probing

By using a micro probe station, one can precisely position microscopic probes using a microscope. It is sometimes possible to tap certain traces to read data while it is being retrieved from memory. This is like running WireShark on an IC.

Micro Probe station in action

Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Mill

This technology uses an extremely focused gallium ion beam to either add (deposit) or remove (ablate) material from a silicon die. This can be used to edit circuits on a silicon die and is commonly used during the development/prototyping and testing/debugging of integrated circuits. FIB is used in combination with SEM (scanning electron microscopy) in order to monitor/control the milling process. The consumables and equipment rental costs for this process are fairly expensive, but with chips using smaller and smaller lithography processes, this is the only way to attack the protection on more advanced chips, such as the PIC32 used in the SimpliSafe base station.

Fabrication Labs

I found that the cheapest and easiest way to try the above-mentioned attacks on microcontrollers was by contacting various labs in that specialize in reverse engineering both PCBs and extracting code from MCUs. After contacting various labs and getting quotes, I sent ICs from entry sensors and the base station.

An attempt was made on the base station chip using FIB, but it failed. They tried a second time, said it was successful, and sent me code designed to run on the same chip, but it was obviously from another product. It appeared that my order had been mixed up with someone else’s. At this point, I gave up on the effort for the base station chip, as it was starting to get expensive.

For the alarm sensors, however, a different lab was able to extract the code of the chip for under $1k. Therefore, they used one of the methods (other than FIB due to the cost) described above to extract the code, likely UV light exposure to reset the security fuses. They even offered to sell me the technology to DIY :)

Tech Transfer Offer

I was able to reverse engineer the extracted code and determine that it contains a hard-coded AES key. In addition to this key, it was found that the binding key is hard-coded into the chip. Therefore, it stands to reason that if the base station code is ever compromised it should be possible to decrypt the binding packets and obtain the hardcoded AES keys needed to decode the communication with any SS3 device.

I implemented a decoding tool for the entry sensor I had from reverse-engineering the code. It will only work with sensors you have AES keys for. You can download the code here¹⁶. I programmed firmware with the known AES key onto a fresh SimpliSafe entry sensor and tested it out.

Entry sensor with pirate firmware :)
Packet decoder in action

As you can see, it works! The way attached devices use hardcoded keys explains some of the attacks we found using a rogue keypad. This can allow an attacker with physical access, without knowledge of the PIN, the ability to pair a rogue keypad and subsequently disarm the alarm system³ ⁴. (, With sensors that have bi-directional communication, a key exchange could take place to 100% prevent these sorts of attacks without having to rely on complicated logic on the base station to protect against it.


As mentioned previously, the SimpliSafe base station has a radio board connected to it via an FPC cable. The radio board provides Wi-Fi and BLE connectivity to the main base station board via an ESP32 SoC. A cloud connection is required for firmware updates and remote control.


With the hopes of finding some juicy code on the ESP32, a large chunk of time was spent reverse engineering the firmware format. The goal was to be able to take a flash dump from an ESP32 and then analyze it in IDA Pro. The problem was that there wasn’t any tooling available that could do exactly this. So we created our own. We’ll next talk about our RE process from a high level.

For a frame of reference, when we first dumped the flash on an ESP32, the ‘file’ utility had no idea what it was looking at.

Binwalk wasn’t much help either. It identified some Unix paths, certificates, private keys, and maybe some SHA256 constants. But, really, this wasn’t much help. We were interested in the code.

While there wasn’t any tooling available to meet our specific needs, the EspressIf ESP-IDF Programming Guide⁵ and code in the esptool repository⁶ ended up being all we needed to “roll our own.”

These resources helped us to understand the overall layout of the flash, the boot process, and how the application code is stored — as well as its structure. Basically the flash dump contains a bootloader, a partition table, and multiple partitions of varying types. A sample dump might look something like this:

ESP32 Firmware Layout

Of particular interest to us were the Factory and OTA partitions, as these are of type ‘app’ and, hence, contain application code. Multiple “application image” partitions can be present. These are created during the firmware build process, which is handled by the ESP-IDF. Prior to flashing firmware to a device, the application code is compiled into an ELF, and then subsequently converts this into another binary format using an internal ‘elf2image’ function.

python --chip esp32 elf2image --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size 4MB --elf-sha256-offset 0xb0 -o /home/osboxes/esp/hello_world/build/hello-world.bin hello-world.elf

So the question became, “how do we extract the ELF from a firmware image?”

This drove us to analyze the ‘elf2image’ function in, since we wanted to perform the reverse of that process. What we found is that specific ELF sections are selected to be included in a firmware application image, and others are left out. Only sections of type PROGBITS are included, so this excludes, for example, the symbol table (.symtab). This means the extracted ELF won’t contain any symbols, and this makes the analysis more challenging. Not to mention, the architecture is Xtensa.

Another piece of the puzzle was the ELF-section-to-app-image-segment mapping. We observed a consistent mapping in our testing (e.g. .flash.rodata maps to DROM).

ELF Section to App Image Segment Mappings

Additionally, sections are written to either RAM or flash segments depending on their address. For example, flash addresses range from 0x400D0000–0x40400000. Furthermore, flash segments might need padding due to a 64KB alignment requirement — padded with non-flash segment(s) or null bytes. There’s more to the elf2image process, but we won’t get into the nitty-gritty.

After analyzing the elf2image code, we were able to construct our own function to extract an ELF. As I said, it performs the reverse of the build process. We have to parse the partition table, identify an “app” partition, and then create an ELF file using various segments from the image. Fortunately, we were able to reuse some of the code from esptool, but we also wrote some code from scratch — parsing logic, etc. The makeelf Python module was very helpful for constructing an ELF.

Aside from being able to rip an ELF from a firmware image, our tooling can show partitions in an image, dump a specified partition to disk, and also dump NVS partition contents. If you’re interested in diving a bit deeper and examining the finer details of our process, take a look at our talk from ShmooCon 2020 — Extracting an ELF from an ESP32⁷. The source code is available at⁸.

Wifi Password stored in NVS

Unfortunately, the new tooling didn’t help us to reveal any critical vulnerabilities in the SimpliSafe, but we did find a neat bug. Our analysis revealed some undocumented BLE functionality that allowed someone to pair up to the base station and modify the Wi-Fi network configuration. Basically, an attacker could tell the SimpliSafe base station to connect to his or her own network. Take a look at our research advisory⁹ if you’re interested.

Notes On Jamming

Many of you are aware of the sensor bypass attack via jamming using a cheap wireless remote off Amazon. This was publicized by LockPickingLawyer¹⁸ on YouTube. They have improved the detection and alerting aspect somewhat, but it’s still prone to false positives / false negatives. They are severely limited by the modulation scheme they are using (FSK²⁰ vs a more robust multi-carrier modulation scheme like OFDM¹⁹ which is more resistant to interference, and jamming). They really can’t fix any of this without releasing a new hardware revision (for sensors, base station, and keypad) with better radios. Unfortunately, that will increase the cost of the system.


The SimpliSafe alarm system has very well-designed hardware, at a pretty low cost. The radio protocols are hard to attack outside of jamming. The security of the system is highly reliant on the security of PIC code protection, which is not 100% foolproof, especially for a well-funded attacker. With a bit more expensive hardware and bi-directional communication with the sensors/keypad to allow ephemeral keys to be exchanged, the system would a lot more difficult to attack, and resistant to attackers who gain access to the firmware, much like what we saw with the Ring alarm system¹⁰. Security through obscurity will never replace real system security.



