Stealthy Persistence with “Directory Synchronization Accounts” Role in Entra ID

Clément Notin [Tenable]
Tenable TechBlog
Published in
8 min readJun 3, 2024


The “Directory Synchronization Accounts” Entra role is very powerful (allowing privilege escalation to the Global Administrator role) while being hidden in Azure portal and Entra admin center, in addition to being poorly documented, making it a perfect stealthy backdoor for persistence in Entra ID 🙈

This was discovered by Tenable Research while working on identity security.

“Directory Synchronization Accounts” role

Permissions inside Microsoft Entra ID (e.g. reset user password, change group membership, create applications, etc.) are granted through Entra roles. This article focuses on the Directory Synchronization Accounts role among the around 100 built-in Entra roles. This role has the ID “d29b2b05–8046–44ba-8758–1e26182fcf32”, it has the PRIVILEGED label that was recently introduced, and its description is:

This is a privileged role. Do not use. This role is automatically assigned to the Microsoft Entra Connect service, and is not intended or supported for any other use.

A privileged role that one should not use? It sounds like an invitation to me! 😉

The documentation seems to say that this special role cannot be freely assigned:

This special built-in role can’t be granted outside of the Microsoft Entra Connect wizard

This is incorrect since it can be assigned technically, even if it shouldn’t be (pull-request to fix this).

Privileged role

I confirm that the role is privileged because, of course, it contains some permissions marked as privileged, but also because it has implicit permissions in the private undocumented “Azure AD Synchronization” API (not to be confused with the public “Microsoft Entra Synchronization” API).

These permissions allow escalation up to the Global Administrator role using several methods that we will see later💥

Normal usage by Microsoft Entra Connect

The normal usage of this role is indeed to be assigned to the Entra service account used by “Entra Connect” (formerly “Azure AD Connect”), i.e. the user named “On-Premises Directory Synchronization Service Account” which has a UPN with this syntax: “SYNC_<name of the on-prem server where Entra Connect runs>_<random id>”.

Even though it is not documented (I’ve proposed a pull-request to fix this), this role is also assigned to the similar Entra service account used by “Entra Cloud Sync” (formerly “Azure AD Connect Cloud Sync”), i.e. the user also named “On-Premises Directory Synchronization Service Account” but which has a UPN with this syntax: “” instead.

This role grants to the Entra service user, the permissions it requires to perform its inter-directory provisioning duties, such as creating/updating hybrid Entra users from the on-premises AD users, updating their password in Entra when it changes in AD with Password Hash Sync enabled, etc.

Security defaults

Security defaults is a feature in Entra ID allowing to activate multiple security features at once to increase security, notably requiring Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). However, as documented by Microsoft and highlighted by Dr. Nestori Syynimaa @DrAzureAD, the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role assignees are excluded from security defaults!

Nestori also confirmed that the limitation concerns all those assigned to the role (I’ve proposed a pull-request to update the doc).

Once again, I understand the need for this since the legitimate accounts are user accounts, thus subject to MFA rules. However, this could be abused by a malicious administrator who wants to avoid MFA 😉

Hidden role

Here is the proof that this role is hidden in the Azure portal / Entra admin center. See this Entra Connect service account apparently having 1 role assigned:

But no results are shown in the “Assigned roles” menu (same in the other tabs, e.g. “Eligible assignments”) 🤔:

Actually I tested it in several of my tenants and I noticed that the role was displayed in another tenant:

I suppose that the portal is running a different version of the code, or due to a feature-flag or A/B testing, because this one uses the MS Graph API (on to list the role assignments:

Whereas the other uses a private API (on

I noticed this difference last year when I initially reported this behavior to MSRC.

And what about the “Roles and administrators” menu? We should be able to see the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” built-in role, isn’t it? Well, as you guessed, it’s hidden too 🙈 (in all my tenants: no difference here):

Note that for those that prefer it, the observations are identical in the Entra admin center.

I understand that Microsoft decided to hide it since this is a technical role that isn’t meant to be assigned by customers. A handful of other similar roles are hidden too. However, from a security perspective, I find it dangerous because organizations cannot use the Microsoft portals to see who may have this privileged role assigned illegitimately 😨! I reported this concern to MSRC (reference VULN-083495) last year, who confirmed that it was not a security issue and that they created a feature request to eventually improve the UX to help customers understand it.

This is the reason why I consider that this privileged role is a stealthy persistence method for attackers who compromised an Entra tenant.

Abuse methods

We will see how the security principals (users, but also service principals!) assigned to the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role can elevate their privileges to the Global Administrator role! 😎

Password reset

There are several articles online explaining that the Entra Connect (ex- Azure AD Connect) service account in Entra ID is allowed to reset user passwords. One example is the “Unnoticed sidekick: Getting access to cloud as an on-prem admin” article by Dr. Nestori Syynimaa where “Set-AADIntUserPassword” is used.

I suppose this is allowed by the “” Entra permission of the role, but I cannot check for sure.

There are some limitations though:

  • Only hybrid accounts (synchronized from on-premises AD) can be targeted (which was only recently fixed)
  • Only if Password-Hash Sync (PHS) is enabled, but the role allows to enable it
  • Only via the private “Azure AD Synchronization” API, that is implemented in AADInternals, whose endpoint is and it must not be confused with other similarly named APIs: the public Microsoft Entra Synchronization API, or the private Azure AD Provisioning API. So, the reset must be done using the Set-AADIntUserPassword AADInternals PowerShell cmdlet.
  • Not exploitable if the target has MFA or FIDO2 authentication enforced since the password can still be reset but authentication won’t be possible

Add credentials to privileged application / service principal

The other interesting method was described by Fabian Bader in this article: “From on-prem to Global Admin without password reset”. I recommend that you read the original article, but in a summary, the idea is to identify an application or service principal having powerful Microsoft Graph API permissions, then abuse the “” or “” Entra permissions, which the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role holds, to add credentials to it. Thus allowing to authenticate as the service principal, and abuse the appropriate method corresponding to the dangerous Graph API permission to escalate to Global Admin.

This method was also described by Dirk-jan Mollema in this article: “Azure AD privilege escalation — Taking over default application permissions as Application Admin“.

Manage role assignment

Since one cannot manage this role using Azure portal nor Entra admin center, how to list or manage its assignees? We will see how, using the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK since the Azure AD PowerShell module is now deprecated.

List role assignees

The Get-MgDirectoryRoleMember command allows to list the security principals assigned to a role. We reference the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role by its well-known ID (as seen in the beginning) instead of its name for better reliability:

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Domain.Read.All"
$dirSync = Get-MgDirectoryRole -Filter "RoleTemplateId eq 'd29b2b05-8046-44ba-8758-1e26182fcf32'"
Get-MgDirectoryRoleMember -DirectoryRoleId $dirSync.Id | Format-List *

The output is not very consistent because role assignees are “security principals” which can be either users, groups, or service principals (undocumented 😉), so different types of objects.

In this example I have specified the “Domain.Read.All” Graph API permission when connecting, because it is usually already delegated, but the least privileged permission is actually “RoleManagement.Read.Directory”.

Add role assignment

And how an attacker wishing to abuse this role for stealthy persistence would assign it? With the New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment command:

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory"
$dirSync = Get-MgDirectoryRole -Filter "RoleTemplateId eq 'd29b2b05-8046-44ba-8758-1e26182fcf32'"
$hacker = Get-MgUser -UserId
New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment -RoleDefinitionId $dirSync.Id -PrincipalId $hacker.Id -DirectoryScopeId "/"

In this example, I have specified the “RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory” Graph API permission when connecting, which is the least privileged permission.

Also, if this role has never been used in the tenant (for example if Entra Connect / Entra Cloud Sync was never configured), the role instance must be created from the role template before usage, with this command:

New-MgDirectoryRole -RoleTemplateId "d29b2b05-8046-44ba-8758-1e26182fcf32"

Remove role assignment

A malicious role assignment, or one which is a leftover from when the Entra tenant was hybrid, can be removed with the Remove-MgDirectoryRoleMemberByRef command:

$dirSync = Get-MgDirectoryRole -Filter "RoleTemplateId eq 'd29b2b05-8046-44ba-8758-1e26182fcf32'"
Remove-MgDirectoryRoleMemberByRef -DirectoryRoleId $dirSync.Id -DirectoryObjectId <object ID of the assignee to remove>


➡️ As a conclusion, my recommendation is to list and monitor the security principals assigned to the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role. Since you cannot use the Azure portal / Entra admin center to see those, you must use the Graph API (or the deprecated Azure AD PowerShell module) as described above. Thankfully, you will soon be able list all role assignees from the comfort of Tenable One or Tenable Identity Exposure.

🕵️ Any unrecognized suspicious assignee must be investigated because it may be a potential backdoor. Does it look like a legitimate Entra Connect or Entra Cloud Sync service user? Does its creation date correspond to the set up date of hybrid synchronization? Etc. Tenable Identity Exposure will soon add an Indicator of Exposure (IoE) allowing automatic identification of those suspicious “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role assignments, including more detailed recommendations.

🛡️ As a safety net, you can also follow Dr. Nestori Syynimaa’s recommendation to create a Conditional Access policy to block all users with that role, except the real legitimate synchronization user. An alternative shared by Ru Campbell and Nathan McNulty is to have a Conditional Access policy to limit this role only from known IPs (the exit IP of the on-premises Entra Connect / Cloud Sync servers).

🤞 Finally, I hope that Microsoft will soon find a solution, with a better user experience, allowing to discourage the usage of the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role, without resorting to hiding it, so customers can use the Azure portal or Entra admin center to see the role and its assignees.



Clément Notin [Tenable]
Tenable TechBlog

Security researcher, working at Tenable Research Specialized in identity security (Active Directory / Entra ID)